Choice of Fund. If an officer chooses an alternative fund under the choice of fund superannuation funds legislation, CSIRO will make employer contributions to that fund provided that the fund accepts payment by fortnightly electronic funds transfer (EFT) using a file generated by CSIRO’s payroll system. Note: Clause 66 covers superannuation during periods of Maternity and Parental leave.
Choice of Fund. Nine percent (9%) of an employee’s rate of pay will be paid into a complying fund of the employee’s choice. Changes to superannuation contributions percentage are regulated by the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration)
Choice of Fund. If an eligible team member wishes to direct the Company to make the Superannuation contributions required under sub clause 5.7.1(a) to another Superannuation fund rather than REST the eligible team member must request from the Company and complete a Choice of Fund form specified under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992. The eligible team member must return the completed Choice of Fund Form, together with the information required with the form to the Company.
Choice of Fund. An employee may elect to have contributions made to a complying fund of their own choice. Where the employee fails to make the required election, in writing, within 28 days of commencement of employment, contributions will be made to the Transport Workers Union Superannuation Fund.
Choice of Fund. The Company will pay the superannuation contributions referred to in this clause into the Employee’s fund of choice, which is agreed to by the Company, provided that contributions to that fund will satisfy the Company’s obligations under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (SGA Act).
Choice of Fund. The Employer will make superannuation contributions of 9% of the Employee’s salary, during the term of the Agreement, inclusive of payments made in accordance with the Superannuation Guarantee Administration Act 1992 and the Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992.
8.1.1 Payments made by the Employer in excess of the amount prescribed in Superannuation Guarantee Administration Act 1992 and the Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992 (as varied from time to time) will be in accordance with Clause 8.2 of this agreement.
8.1.2 Employees shall have freedom of choice over the complying fund that their superannuation contributions are paid to, providing this choice is not changed more regularly than annually.
8.1.3 The default fund shall be the WA Local Government Superannuation Plan.
Choice of Fund. (a) In accordance with Government legislation, employees are eligible to choose the Fund to Which Nestlé will make superannuation contributions on their behalf. There are two options:
(i) Join the nominated Employer Fund – Nestlé Australia Group Superannuation Fund (NAGSF); or
(ii) Choose an alternative fund. Nestlé will make contributions to this Fund in accordance with superannuation legislation. You should note that until such time as your Choice form is processed, Nestlé will be required to make contributions on your behalf to the Employer Fund named above.
(b) The choice of fund may be exercised upon engagement and as at 1 January each year. The cost of any change will be the responsibility of the employee. Contributions will be calculated and made on the basis of the Award definition for Occupational Superannuation contributions and the trust deed of NAGSF for the balance of contributions.
Choice of Fund. Choice of Fund legislation enables most employees to choose the fund into which their future superannuation contributions are paid. Unless you nominate an alternative fund (by completing the Superannuation Choice of Fund form), your contributions will be paid to the Company appointed Superannuation Fund.
Choice of Fund. Employer superannuation contributions will be made into a complying accumulation type superannuation fund of each employee’s choice in accordance with its obligations under the Superannuation Guarantee Act (Commonwealth). Where an employee does not nominate a complying superannuation fund, employer superannuation contributions in respect of that employee will be made to the accumulation division of Equipsuper.
Choice of Fund. 20.2.1 On commencement of employment and at any time throughout employment, an Employee can nominate, in writing, a complying superannuation fund of their choice into which the Employer will make superannuation contributions.
20.2.2 If a new Employee does not choose a superannuation fund, the Employer must ask the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) whether the employee is an existing member of a stapled superannuation fund and, if stapled fund details are provided by the ATO, the Employer will make the contributions to the stable fund.
20.2.3 In the event a new Employee fails to nominate a superannuation fund, and does not have a stapled fund, then contributions will be made to the Employer’s default fund, AustralianSuper.