Superannuation contributions Sample Clauses

Superannuation contributions. (a) The Employer will pay weekly superannuation contributions for Employees on a monthly basis, (no later than the 14th day of the following month) into a complying Superannuation Fund nominated by the Employee in accordance with the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth). Where an Employee does not nominate a Fund, contributions will be paid into C+BUS industry Superannuation Fund. (b) The Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (SGAA) and the Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992 (SGCA) determines the payment. The contribution rate is currently 10% of Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE), provided the minimum weekly payment (for other than apprentices) shall be $165.00 for Grades 1 to 4 (pro-rata for part-time Employees) and $200.00 for Grade 5 onwards (pro- rata for part-time Employees). (c) No Employee shall be disadvantaged by the application of this Clause. (d) It is agreed that Ordinary Time Earnings includes: (i) The full wage specified in this Agreement (pre - salary sacrifice arrangements).
Superannuation contributions. Except as provided in clause 12.5, the School must make superannuation contributions in respect of each Teacher of such amount as required to ensure that the School does not incur any superannuation guarantee charge ('SGC') under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) ('SGAA') and the Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992 (Cth).
Superannuation contributions. The Employer will make superannuation contributions on behalf of an Employee to any of the following superannuation funds nominated by an Employee: (a) HESTA (Health Employees Superannuation Trust of Australia) or successor; (b) Aware Super (Aware Super Pty Ltd), or successor; (c) the Employee’s preferred superannuation fund where it is an Industry Superannuation Fund; or (d) where relevant superannuation legislation requires choice of superannuation fund in an enterprise agreement, any other Preferred Superannuation Fund nominated by the Employee.
Superannuation contributions. 10.5.1 Employees may nominate a compliant fund of their choice, including Maritime Super Division of Hostplus or (successor fund). If a fund is not chosen by the Employee, then one may be allocated via the Australian Tax office (ATO) stapled superannuation fund identification process. Where an employee has no fund, superannuation will be transmitted to the Maritime Super Division of Hostplus (or successor fund). 10.5.2 The Company agrees to pay contributions in accordance with the Hostplus (Maritime Super Division) Trust Deed for those Employees who are members of the Maritime Super Division of Hostplus (or successor fund), 10.5.3 The Company will continue to contribute 12% per annum plus any other contributions required under Hostplus (Maritime Super Division) the Trust Deed as identified in clause 10.5.2. Any legislated increase to the Superannuation Guarantee will be absorbed by the additional contribution already being made by the Company. Should the Superannuation Guarantee surpass 12% during the life of the Agreement, the Company will be bound by the Superannuation Guarantee legislation. 10.5.4 For Employees who continue to be members of the “Defined Benefit” section of Maritime Super Division of Hostplus, the Company agrees to contribute the additional 3% as defined in “the Accumulation Plus Trust Deed of Hostplus (Maritime Super Division)” to an accumulation account of the member of Maritime Super Division of Hostplus. Any legislated increase to the Superannuation Guarantee will be absorbed by the additional contribution made by the Company. 10.5.5 All Company and Employee superannuation contributions will be remitted to the fund of choice at least monthly, or an alternative frequency as otherwise agreed but no less frequently than the legislated minimum frequency.
Superannuation contributions. The Company agrees to make Company contributions to a maximum of 13.5 % of the Employee’s graded salary.
Superannuation contributions. (a) The Employer will pay weekly superannuation contributions for employees on a monthly basis, (no later than the 14th day of the following month) into C+BUS industry superannuation fund for employees who are engaged under the Agreement. (b) The Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (SGAA) and the Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992 (SGCA) determines the payment. The contribution rate is currently 9.5% of Ordinary Time Earnings (OTE) provided the minimum weekly payment (for other than apprentices) shall be $165.00 (pro- rata for part-time employees). (c) No employee shall be disadvantaged by the application of this Clause. (d) It is agreed that Ordinary Time Earnings includes: (i) The full wage specified in this Agreement (pre - salary sacrifice arrangements).
Superannuation contributions. 10.1 Members employed prior to 10 August 1999 must maintain their superannuation contributions to the Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme or NTGPASS. 10.2 Members employed after 10 August 1999 must elect which Superannuation Fund they wish to join. 10.3 All superannuation enquires should be directed to the Personnel Section.
Superannuation contributions. (a) Except as provided in clause 11.5, the College must make superannuation contributions in respect of each employee of such amount as required to ensure that the College does not incur any superannuation guarantee charge (“SGC”) under the Superannuation Guarantee Administration Xxx 0000 (Cth) (“SGAA”) and the Superannuation Guarantee Charge Act 1992 (Cth). (b) Despite clause 11.5 (a)(ii), in the case of a Casual employee the College will make contributions as provided in clause 11.2 where the employee earns in excess of $2,090.00 during his/her employment with the College in the course of any year running from 1 July to the following 30 June. Once a Casual employee has qualified to receive contributions in a given year, as above, the College shall make contributions as provided in clause 11.2 in respect of that employee in each ensuing year of employment with the College. (c) In the case of employees over 70 years of age for whom the College is not required to contribute the charge percentage, the College will contribute three per cent of the employee’s notional earnings base as defined in clause 11.2.
Superannuation contributions. The Company may pay superannuation contributions for each Director to the extent necessary for the avoidance or minimisation of any penalty, charge, tax, or other impost on the Company under any applicable legislation which imposes a penalty, charge, tax or other impost on employers if a minimum level of superannuation contributions are not paid for an employee (within the meaning of the legislation).
Superannuation contributions. The Employer currently makes, and will continue to make, an Employer superannuation contribution, of ordinary time earnings, in accordance with the Superannuation Guarantee legislation, to a complying superannuation fund nominated by the Employee, excluding a fund where the Employer is required to become a participating Employer. Should the Employee not nominate a complying superannuation fund for this purpose, the contribution will be made into: (i) the Employee's stapled fund; or (ii) if the Australian Taxation Office does not identify a stapled fund for the Employee, to the Employer's default fund provided that the Employer's default fund must offer a MySuper product as defined in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth).