CLOSED CAMPUS. To preserve the academic environment and school security, archdiocesan and parish schools are designated as “closed campuses.” No person may enter the campus unless authorized by the school administration. Visitors must present themselves at the school office if they are seeking information or have business to conduct with the school, and must wear a Visitor’s Pass while on campus. Parents have the primary responsibility for the education of their children. The school supports, enhances, and complements this role. Keeping this in mind, parents are encouraged to take an active role volunteering on campus. Opportunities for involvement include yard duty, assisting in the library, computer lab, or classroom, working with special projects or programs, and working with the hot lunch program. All parents who volunteer for these duties must be Xxxxxx trained and fingerprinted. A parent who does not have legal custody of his/her child, but has visitation rights may visit on campus, subject to the above guidelines and the visitation guidelines, unless the school has received a legal order prohibiting such a visit. All parents visiting or volunteering on campus must sign in at the front office and wear a visitor’s badge while on campus.
CLOSED CAMPUS. All schools in the Washington Elementary School District are considered to be closed campuses. Students may not leave the school grounds during school hours, including lunchtime. The principal or designee must approve exceptions.
CLOSED CAMPUS. The Employer shall provide public information concerning campuses that are closed in emergency situations. When conditions warrant, administrative personnel shall notify all affected Faculty members by telephone.
CLOSED CAMPUS. The Onsted School District has a policy that requires the Middle School to have what is known as a “closed campus”. It is the student’s responsibility to come on the school grounds as soon as he/she arrives in the morning and remain there all day unless he/she obtained permission from school personnel and guardian.
CLOSED CAMPUS. The Corning School District operates under a Closed Campus policy. This policy affects both the students of the school and visitors on the campus upon their arrival at school. Students are required to stay on campus from their arrival until dismissal at the end of the regular school day unless given permission to leave the campus by a school official. Students must sign out in the office upon their departure. Students leaving campus for any reason without being approved by the principal or designee will be subject to disciplinary action. Any person not currently enrolled in the Corning School District nor employed by the district must obtain permission from the principal/designee's office before visiting any student or teacher on the campus during school hours. Students who live close enough to walk home for lunch or whose parents pick them up for lunch may do so, however, he/she must check out in the office before leaving. Permission forms for walking home daily for lunch are available in the respective principal’s office and must be approved in advance. Students may only leave during lunch when a parent comes to the office and personally signs them out. Telephone calls and notes are not acceptable. In no instance will a student be allowed to leave in their personal vehicle or with other students or their parents. Parents wishing to speak to their children during the school day shall register first with the office.
CLOSED CAMPUS. All Aberdeen schools have a “closed campus”. Students are expected to remain on campus during the school day. During lunch, students are able to go outside, but stay on site and in a supervised area. Students are only allowed to leave campus with parent/guardian permission. All district policies and procedures in regards to HIB apply even in a distance learning model. Please be respectful to all staff and students while on line. Please report any incidents of HIB to a teacher or administrator at AHS. S chool Nurse The nurse’s office is located in the main office hallway. The nurse is only here one day a week. You will need to sign in on the laptop provided in the Main Office. If you need to go home sick, please come to the office to call a parent or guardian. If you are going home sick with a COVID symptom, you will be sent to a different place called “the health room” to wait. See the office for necessary forms, they must be filled out prior to your prescription being b xxxxxx to school. No Over-the-Counter drugs are allowed on school grounds, school
CLOSED CAMPUS. Pike Central Middle School is committed to a closed campus, which simply means that upon the arrival of a student on campus each morning; the student shall not leave the building complex without clearance from the office. Students will be granted permission to leave the school building only under the following conditions:
CLOSED CAMPUS. This Elementary School maintains a closed campus. Students will not leave the campus after they arrive in the morning until they leave to go home, either walking or by bus. Supervision of students is not available after the last bus in the afternoon. Therefore, all students not riding the bus must leave the school campus immediately at the end of the day. ● Parents pick up the child for a medical appointment or other commitment and return him/her at a prearranged time. ● Students will not be released to anyone other than those listed in Infinite Campus or with written parent permission. All visitors will be asked to provide identification to pick up a child. ● Parents/Guardians can go on a field trip with prior arrangements with the teacher, however, non-school aged children are not allowed to ride the bus. Parents/guardians may drive to the field trip and (with prior arrangements) take their child home after the event, but can’t transport other students. ● Students are required to ride the bus to events.
CLOSED CAMPUS. Calvary Christian Academy is a closed campus during school hours. Students may not leave the campus for any reason without specific written permission that include an authorized parent signature or an authorized parent walking into the school office to formally sign-out their student. Faculty and staff members may take students off campus with parental permission. Parents must come to the school office and sign their child out. We are a closed campus from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm.
CLOSED CAMPUS. Student supervision begins 20 minutes prior to first period. KMS is a closed campus for all students in grades 6-8. Students may not leave campus without permission once they arrive in the morning. Movement of students during required school hours is confined to school property except when specifically excused. Disciplinary procedures will go into effect upon an infraction of the closed campus policy. Students have the right to be excused from campus with parent and/or administrative permission on file in the school office. Students have the responsibility to remain on campus at all times unless explicitly excused.