Commuter Policy Sample Clauses
Commuter Policy. The company shall continue to maintain the current commuter policy dated 9/1/19. The Company may require appropriate documentation from a Flight Attendant to establish compliance with the policy.
Commuter Policy. The Company shall continue to maintain the current commuter policy (i.e. the 08/10/10 Compass Commuter Policy).
Commuter Policy. .1 A Pilot is responsible for reporting to his assignment in a timely manner. The following provisions are not intended to relieve a Pilot of that responsibility, but to provide guidelines for a commuting Pilot.
.2 A commuting Pilot must identify himself as a commuter and designate a city as his normal origination airport on a form to be provided by the Company.
Commuter Policy. 1. General
Commuter Policy. IFCs are responsible for arriving at their Base/Co-Base on time and with adequate rest prior to beginning any scheduled Duty Period. It is understood that on occasions, IFCs may encounter commuting challenges. The purpose of the Commuter Policy is to maintain the integrity of JetBlue’s scheduled operations while supporting IFCs. The Commuter Policy applies to all IFCs who commute to work – whether by air, rail, motor vehicle, bicycle, etc. It allows IFCs who experience commuting challenges to call out Unavailable for Assignment (UNA) for a single Pairing or Assignment and have it recoded to an Out of Position (OOP) occurrence, which will not count against their dependability in accordance with this Article.
Commuter Policy. 1. Flight Attendants may utilize the Commuter Policy due to travel disruption beyond the Flight Attendant’s control (e.g., denied boarding, cancellation, or delay causing missed connection, diversions) from any airport of the Flight Attendant’s choosing within 2,800 NM Straight Line Distance from the Flight Attendant’s Base, that would allow the Flight Attendant to arrive at her Duty Assignment at or before her Report Time. It is intended that after the missed flight, the Flight Attendant shall make every effort to commute to base each day on any subsequent flight that would allow for a resumption of flying upon her arrival to her Duty Assignment.
a. In order to participate in the Commuter Policy, Flight Attendants shall list, and have access to, at least two flights which would position the Flight Attendant in time for her Assignment. If the Flight Attendant, due to no fault of her own, is unable to arrive in time for the Assignment and notifies the Company (Crew Scheduling) as soon as practicable, the Company will take no disciplinary action against said Flight Attendant. This includes periods where an enroute delay prevents the Flight Attendant from arriving to her Assignment on time. Each and every Flight Attendant may use this exemption four times in any rolling 12-month period.
b. A Flight Attendant who is using ground transportation and due to no fault of her own, at the determination of the Company, is unable to arrive to an Assignment on time, shall be covered under Article 29.I.1.
Commuter Policy. 1. A pilot must list on at least two (2) flights with available seats, no more than forty-eight (48) hours in advance, on line, on code sharing partners, or off line with acceptable documentation, all of which would position the pilot in time for his assignment.
2. If a pilot has performed paragraph R.1. above and through no fault of the pilot, does not arrive in time for his trip pairing and notifies the Company as soon as practicable, then the Company will take no disciplinary action against the pilot, subject to paragraph R.5 below.
3. The pilot shall report in his domicile as soon as possible and shall be subject to reassignment or reserve duty for the remainder of the trip pairing for that day. The Company will attempt to place the pilot back on his original trip as soon as practicable as long as the trip has not been awarded to a pilot on his day off. If assigned to another trip, such trip must be scheduled for completion no more than two (2) hours later than the original trip hour period, unless the pilot agrees to a later schedule completion.
4. The pilot’s guarantee will be reduced by the amount of flight time of the missed trips. From the point that the pilot was able to fly the trip pairing, the pilot shall be paid the greater of actual flight time or his scheduled flight time.
5. A pilot may use the commuter policy protection no more than two (2) times in any six (6) month period.
Commuter Policy. A Commuter is defined as a student who lives at their permanent residence. Commuters may include full-time undergraduate students who are living with a parent or legal guardian within forty (40) miles of the College, OR who are married and living with a spouse, OR who are residing with their own children as a primary caregiver, OR who are at least twenty-three (23) years of age by the start of the Fall semester. Children, spouses, and parents are not permitted to reside in College housing. We encourage students to discuss this option with their families as soon as possible. There may be implications to your financial aid package by changing your housing status from residential to commuter. Students wishing to change their status from Resident to Commuter must contact Residence Life to verify their eligibility and confirm their release from the Residency Agreement. Residents may apply to be released from the Residency Agreement to commute from their permanent residence at any time, including mid-year (between fall and spring semesters). Students who choose to commute from home mid-semester are still responsible for housing costs for that semester.
Commuter Policy. A. The Commuter Policy is intended to limit non probationary registered Flight Attendant Commuters (“FACs”) from attendance occurrences per the attendance policy when unable to report, or report ontime, for assignments in base. A Flight Attendant may utilize the Commuter Policy protection whencommuting via air and while traveling to work in domicile a maximum of two (2) times in a rolling twelve (12) month period. Additional occurrences may be considered on a case-by-case basis by theCompany.
Commuter Policy. A Commuter is defined as a student who lives at their permanent residence with family members. Commuters may include full-time undergraduate students who are living with a parent or legal guardian within forty (40) miles of the College, OR who are married and living with a spouse, OR who are residing with their own children as a primary caregiver, OR who are at least twenty-five (25) years of age. Children, spouses, and parents are not permitted to reside in College housing. We encourage students to discuss this option with their families as soon as possible. There may be implications to your financial aid package by changing your housing status from residential to commuter. Students wishing to change their status from Resident to Commuter must contact Residence Life to verify their eligibility and confirm their release from the Housing Agreement.