COMPENSATION ANALYSIS. After the expiration of the second (2nd) Renewal Term of this Agreement, if any, a Compensation Analysis may be performed. At such time, based on the reported Total Gross Revenue, performance of the Concession, and/or Department’s existing rates for similarly- performing operations, Department may choose to increase the Concession Payment for the following Renewal Term(s), if any.
COMPENSATION ANALYSIS. After expiration of the first (1st) Renewal Term of this Agreement, if any, a Compensation Analysis may be performed by Department. At such time, based on the reported Total Gross Revenue, performance of the License Operation, and/or Department’s existing rates for similarly-performing operations, Department may choose to increase the License Payment for the following Renewal Term(s), if any.
COMPENSATION ANALYSIS. After the expiration of the fourth (4th) Renewal Term of this Agreement, if any, a Compensation Analysis may be performed. At such time, based on the reported Total Gross Revenue, performance of the Concession, and/or Department’s existing rates for similarly- performing operations, Department may choose to increase the Term Fee and/or Variable Fees for the following Renewal Term(s), if any.
COMPENSATION ANALYSIS. After expiration of the Initial Term of this Agreement, a Compensation Analysis may be performed. At such time, based on the reported Total Gross Revenue, performance of the Vessel Operation, and/or Department’s existing rates for similarly-performing operations, Department may choose to increase the Annual Fee for the following years of the Renewal Term, if any.
COMPENSATION ANALYSIS. Upon 30 days notice from the Association to the City, beginning no earlier than 120 days prior to the expiration of this Agreement, the parties will meet and consult in order to attempt to reach agreement about the position of Police Captain and Police Lieutenant compensation within the labor market and within the organization for purposes of discussion during labor negotiations only in regards to a successor agreement and not for a change in compensation during the course of this agreement. This shall include examining: Compaction Data: Internal compensation relationships between the City’s management and non-management classifications. Labor Market Data: The relative position of City of Santa Barbara’s police management compensation within the applicable public sector labor market, and The compensation differentials between comparable management and non-management classifications within the same labor market.
COMPENSATION ANALYSIS. A Compensation analysis determines the organization’s relative position in the comparable labor market. This analysis allows City leaders to understand the organization’s compensation as a whole and by position, allowing them to make sound compensation decisions. Compensation Analysis will consist of the following: ❖ The City and consulting team will identify Comparable Organizations as the labor market. The goal is to establish a comprehensive list of public/private organizations that are similar in scope and/or in job responsibilities with whom the organization is competing to attract and retain employees. The City will have input into the list and must approve the list of comparable areas prior to starting the external market survey. ❖ XxXxxxx consultants will prepare and conduct a tailored compensation and special pay survey specific to the City’s positions to collect external market data. The following is a sample section of a market survey that has been modified in format to fit the proposal. Job Title Dept. Description # of Emp. in Job Title Minimum Salary Midpoint Salary Max. Salary Avg Salary of Incumbe nts Your position title if different Questions or to leave a Comment Assistant City Manager Administration Second in com City Manager Administration Chief Adminis City Secretary/City Clerk Administration Maintains off Assistant City Secretary/Assistant City Clerk Administration Assists the Ci Receptionist Administration Entry level cu Executive Assistant to the City Manager Administration Confidential S City Attorney Administration Servces as Cit XXX/Communications Specialist Administration Chief commun ❖ The consultants will analyze salary data. The market survey collects minimum, midpoint, maximum, and incumbent salary information for each benchmark position; and other data points as needed. A statistical analysis is conducted on each dataset to ensure consistent and objective analysis. The outcome is then calculated into a ratio between the market and the City to measure the City’s alignment against the market. The following shows a slightly modified data format to fit the proposal. ❖ The consultants will examine the status of your current compensation systems including structural analysis, special pay analysis, compression analysis, and incumbent pay analysis to give guidance to the consultants for compensation and implementation recommendations and will also provide information to the City regarding overtime, promotional and retention opport...