Conceptual Plan Sample Clauses

Conceptual Plan. Owner and City shall mutually agree upon a conceptual land use plan that is in accordance with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. It is Owner’s intent to develop and request zoning for the Property in accordance with the conceptual land use plan as shown in Exhibit B. The conceptual plan consists of (add description).
Conceptual Plan. As of the Closing Date, the Concept Plan shall have been completed and approved by City.
Conceptual Plan. As consideration for the City’s obligations under this Agreement and in consideration for the issuance of the PID Bonds, the Developer agrees that the development and use of the Property including, without limitation, the construction, installation, maintenance, repair and replacement of all buildings and all other improvements and facilities of any kind whatsoever on and within the Property, shall be in compliance with the Development Standards and in general conformance with the Conceptual Plan as determined by the City. Any amendment to the Conceptual Plan or Development Standards attached hereto that is approved by the City pursuant to the City’s platting or zoning processes shall be considered an amendment to this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the City Manager may administratively approve minor amendments to the Conceptual Plan limited solely to: (a) adjustments to the street network and layout, including the addition or removal of a roadway as supported by a traffic impact analysis; (b) changes as a result of a finding or determination by a governmental authority; and (c) adjustments to the boundaries and area of any undeveloped areas on the Conceptual Plan by up to a cumulative amount of twenty-five percent (25%) for each land use area. If the City Manager deems an amendment not to be minor in nature in his reasonable discretion, the proposed amendments to the Conceptual Plan shall be processed in accordance with the City Code and/or City Regulations.
Conceptual Plan. Owner and City shall mutually agree upon a conceptual land use plan that is in accordance with the City’s Comprehensive Plan. It is Owner’s intent to develop and request zoning for the Property in accordance with the conceptual land use plan as shown in Exhibit B. Owner acknowledges property cannot be used until a site plan or special use permit has been approved. Property shall be kept free of nuisance conditions inclusive of the derelict fence and inoperable vehicles parked on the west side of the fence. The improvements associated with the property located at 4333 may be located in the setback area. Future land use applications shall address the need for variances to allow the structure to remain.
Conceptual Plan. The CONSULTANT will develop a conceptual plan for the Sixth Street Promenade Corridor to include corridor goals recommended by the Study Advisory Team (SAT) and the public, corridor recommendations to include concepts introduced in the Downtown Master Plan and Sixth Street Promenade Conceptual Plan, corridor connections building upon the recommendations from the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, and a conceptual design highlighting proposed streetscape and landscape improvements to integrate a multimodal Sixth Street concept into the active transportation network. Graphics and visualizations in cross-sectional and three-dimensional formats will be created to inform the SAT, stakeholders, and the public as to the overall concept for three Sixth Street Promenade Corridor.
Conceptual Plan. The Port Authority has approved the Lessee’s plan for the redevelopment of the Premises (the “Conceptual Plan”), including the conceptual design of the open space and including, without limitation, renderings and layouts of the Building, estimated commencement and completion dates and preliminary information relating to scheduling requirements during construction, estimated times and manner of delivery of equipment and materials, and preliminary functional plans showing the proposed location of on-site utility systems and all connections to utility supply lines at the perimeter of the Premises, all necessary roadways, ramps, pedestrian circulation and parking areas, appropriate landscaping (including the landscaping of open space) and fences. Conceptual drawings of the Project are attached as Exhibit F.
Conceptual Plan. Consultant shall use assembled data, comments from PMT, Stakeholder Interviews, Annotated Map, and frameworks developed in tasks 3.1 through 3.5 to generate one Conceptual Plan. The Conceptual Plan is intended to show ideas for development of the Project Area based on the requirements and desires of participants in Stakeholder Meetings and City. The Plan must illustrate an alternative development scenario that could presently be achievable under the existing Comprehensive Plan designations and development standards. The Conceptual Plan must include area plan showing proposed zoning; openspace areas; street circulation and design; pedestrian and bike facilities; housing density; building massing, photos of existing examples to demonstrate the general character and scale of proposed structures; and other graphic materials necessary to show the overall design of the Conceptual Plan. The Conceptual Plan does not require a high level of architectural design detail, but must be suitable to the local context (i.e. the “small-town character” of Ashland). Conceptual Plan must include development types identified in Housing and Land Use Framework identify best locations for concentrations of housing, and any proposed neighborhood serving mixed-use commercial components. show any designated greenways or public open space. identify locations for consolidated storm water management water retention facilities if proposed. each include adequate methods of accommodating pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle traffic through Project Area. show any connections to existing or planned transportation facilities within, or neighboring, the Project Area. Consultant shall coordinate with PMT to ensure the Concept Plan is adequate to meet City and ODOT requirements for issues such as access management and local street standards The Conceptual Plan must include: o Plan views showing zoning and lot layouts in consideration of natural features and transportation network; o Vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle circulation plans, including their connections to the City transportation system; o A short narrative with the highlights including a summary of: ▪ Housing and Land Use Framework ▪ Greenway and Openspace Framework; ▪ Mobility Framework ▪ Infrastructure Framework and ▪ Sustainability Framework 3.1 Summary of Buildable Lands Inventory and City Housing Needs Analysis 3.1 Housing and Land Use Framework 3.2 Greenway and Openspace Framework 3.3 Mobility Framework 3.4 Infrastructure Fram...
Conceptual Plan. It is required that, prior to the filing of an application for the approval of a preliminary plat, the subdivider submit six copies of a conceptual plan of the proposed land division prepared in accordance with this Ordinance for review and comment by the staff, Village Plan Commission, Village Board, Village Engineer, Village Attorney and where the location is within the Sanitary District jurisdiction to the District’s engineer. The conceptual plan is intended to provide an early opportunity to review policy issues relating to the development and its possible adverse effects on the adjacent neighborhood and community.
Conceptual Plan. Utilizing the opportunities and constraints map and other data sources, Equinox will work to develop a refined concept for the space. The concepts will include elements identified during the scoping call held on 07/28/2022. The conceptual plan will show amenities roughly at scale and illustrate connections to and between them. The plan will be shared with the client, whereupon pros and cons of the concepts will be discussed. A further refined concept will emerge from conversations with the client, or the concept plan will progress to finalization. The intent is for the splash pad to accommodate 25-30 users at one time. Meeting #1: Concept review client meeting, in-person. Once the final concept is decided, Xxxxxxx will develop a final site plan in CAD. This site plan will become the foundation for the detailed drawings and specifications. Deliverable: One 11 X 17-inch PDF of the Final Site Plan for the Splashpad & Playground.
Conceptual Plan. The Conceptual Plan for the Project, as attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C, is for illustrative purpose only; provided, however, the Property Owner expressly acknowledges that the general layout of the streets, individual Lots, and open space within the Project will substantially conform to those shown on the Conceptual Plan once final engineering documents for individual Phases of the Project are submitted for approval (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned, or delayed). The Property Owner shall prepare a detailed development plan for individual Phases in accordance with the requirements of the Land Development Ordinance, which must be approved by the Planning Commission as a part of the concept plat approval process in accordance with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance.