Basic Understanding. Under the Cooperative’s Restructuring Settlement Agreement approved by the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (“NHPUC”) by Order No. 23,013 (Sept. 8, 1998) in Docket No. DR 98-097 and by Order No. 23,713 (May. 31, 2001) in Docket No. DR 01-038 approving Default Service Filing the Interim Procedures Establishing Registration Requirements for Governing Retail access (“Interim Procedures”) as approved; and applicable regulations of the NHPUC, the Cooperative has the authority and obligation to perform certain services for Competitive Energy Suppliers of electricity. In order to delineate their respective rights and obligations, the Cooperative and the Supplier enter into this Agreement regarding the provision of such services, and the Cooperative agrees to provide services to the Supplier in accordance with the terms hereunder. This form of Agreement has been developed for use between the Cooperative and Competitive Energy Suppliers, and may not be waived, altered, amended, or modified, except as provided herein. Appendices A and B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, include additional terms which are a part of this Agreement.
Basic Understanding. The agreement with the University of California, Berkeley stipulates exemption from tuition fees for applicants from Santander Group university members. All other expenses will be underwritten by the students, including registration/health insurance fee, visa documentation preparation fee and visiting student researcher fee. The fee waiver only applies for auditing courses, not for concurrent enrollment which signifies that the students will follow non-degree studies, i.e., students under the agreement will not receive a degree from the University of California, Berkeley and will not be registered as full-time students at the University of California, Berkeley.
Basic Understanding. An Administrator contemplating a grievance will individually, orally and informally confer with his/her immediate superior in an attempt to resolve the difficulty relating to this Agreement prior to entering Step 1 of the grievance procedure.
Basic Understanding. This billing agreement is a supplement to the COMPETITIVE ENERGY SUPPLIER SERVICE AGREEMENT signed by these same parties. This Agreement is to provide additional terms and conditions as understood between the parties such that the Cooperative will provide the service of consolidated billing for the Supplier.
Basic Understanding. CGS will provide employees who can meet or exceed a minimum customer satisfaction level (see detail below) for all sites where it provides services to IBM. CGS will track these levels and replace any employees not meeting the minimum customer satisfaction level within two weeks. If a CGS employee leaves or is dismissed, CGS will be fully responsible for all regular hourly reimbursement (equivalent hours at IBM site, not to be greater than 90 days) associated with training a replacement.
Basic Understanding. The agreement with the University of California, Xxxxxxxx stipulates exemption from tuition fees for applicants from SGroup university members. All other expenses will be underwritten by the students, including registration/health insurance fee, visa documentation preparation fee and visiting student researcher fee. Only audit courses are subject to fee waivers, however, the candidates can also apply for a paid version of a Concurrent Enrollment and paid a require fee. The fee waiver only applies for auditing courses, not for concurrent enrolment which signifies that the students will follow non-degree studies, i.e., students under the agreement will not receive a degree from the University of California, Berkeley and will not be registered as full-time students at the University of California, Berkeley.
Basic Understanding. The use of all Digital Technologies and the computer network provided by Iramoo Primary School is seen as a privilege and not a right. • Access is provided to promote educational excellence through facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication. • Responsible and acceptable use is the underlying principle. Students are expected to be polite, use appropriate language and respect the privacy and access rights of others at all times. • They are to exhibit the same high standards of behaviour when using the school network, resources and the internet as expected at all other times and in all other places. • Information about Digital Technologies will be sent out to all parents/guardians annually and include a copy of the DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES ACCEPTABLE USE AGREEMENT. • Each student will be issued with an Iramoo Computer Network Account which will have the following facilities: - Personal login. - Access to school based programs, Apps and resources. - A space to save and store documents, pictures, movies and audio files. - Limited access to teacher specified online resources such as Reading Eggs and Matific. • Each student will be issued with a ‘Google Workspace for Education’ account which will provide additional access to online resources such as: - Online storage - Document editors - Collaborative workspaces • Students in Years 4 to 6 are more active and independent users of Digital Technologies and will have additional access to tracked and filtered internet resources. • In addition, students in Years 4 to 6 will be involved in our school’s 1:1 iPad Program where each student is: - Issued with a school owned iPad for which they are solely responsible. - Provided with the opportunity for 24/7 access to their device. - Expected to abide by the principles of safe and responsible use outlined in this child’s device is being used. • Students must keep passwords confidential and change their password or notify the system administrator if they believe their password is known to others. • Respect the privacy of all users when using the Digital Technologies provided by the school, including the Internet and must not attempt to access other users’ accounts. · Respect the privacy of all users when using digital photography. • Never disclose personal information on the internet. • Students must only download or store files for educational purposes. • Students must only use the Iramoo Network and its resources such as the internet in line with the school val...
Basic Understanding. CGS will provide employees who can meet or exceed a minimum customer satisfaction level for all sites where it provides servIces to IBM. CGS will track these levels and replace any employees not meeting the minimum customer satisfaction level.
Basic Understanding. 1 ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS.......................................................... 2
Basic Understanding. The Donee is the son of the Donor and the Donor bears natural love and affection for the Donee. The Donor has expressed his desire of gifting the Subject Property in favour of the Donee and the Donee has agreed to accept such gift.