CONTRACT RELEASE. 8.8.1 The Resident can request release from the contract, which is subject to the approval of the Associate Director of Housing Services or a designee. All requests to terminate the contract must be submitted in writing by completing a “Request for Release from On-Campus Housing” and submitted up to 10 business days after the housing cancellation application was submitted or no later than 10 business days after the last scheduled day of finals for the given semester. Requests will automatically be denied if they are not submitted in line with these expectations. A release will be granted only when it has been determined that circumstances are substantially different from the time the contract went into effect. Such releases will be considered for the following reasons:
8.8.2 Supporting documentation must be submitted with the “Request for Release from On-Campus Housing” form. A release will only be granted if it is determined that the situation cannot be relieved by relocating the student to other on-campus housing.
8.8.3 Reducing course load from full-time to part-time does not automatically constitute grounds for release from this contract.
8.8.4 Residents who retain enrollment, yet move out of an on-campus housing assignment without approval from Residential Life are liable for all room and dining fees remaining on the student fee bill.
CONTRACT RELEASE. A. Upon agreeing to the terms of the Housing Contract, students are obligated to the full financial value of the contract term.
B. Students may submit a request for release from their Housing Contract following the published Housing Contract Release policy and form. Students approved for Housing Contract release will result in a published Contract Release Fee in addition to any applicable charges, including but not limited to prorated room use, meal plan use, and/or room damage. Contract Release requests submitted during the final four weeks of each semester will not be granted.
CONTRACT RELEASE. Refunds will be based upon the University’s refund schedule. Returning keys to University staff does not constitute the approval of a release from the contract.
CONTRACT RELEASE. A Student may request to be released from this Contract prior to the end of the Contract term for any one of the following reasons: Marriage as evidenced by a marriage certificate (marriage must have occurred during the Contract term) Graduation from the University Assignment to a University-sponsored internship program, research project, co-op program, Student teaching, military service, or other program that requires living a significant distance from Evansville or the Vanderburgh County area A significant, unavoidable, and unanticipated change in circumstances beyond the Student’s control, which occurs after the signing of the Contract. Finding less expensive housing off-campus, failing to get desired room assignment or roommates, being removed from Housing through the conduct process, and/or failing to receive financial aid because of ineligibility will not be considered valid reasons for release from this Contract without the application of Cancellation Fees in accordance with the terms of this Contract. In order to provide information to state and University auditors’ offices, Students are required to provide documentation that verifies their request for Contract Release. Verification must be in the form of financial records, medical releases, unemployment notifications, etc. Personal letters from parents or Students with no additional forms of documentation will not be considered sufficient verification. The University review of a request for Contract Release will consider the Student’s initial claims of hardship. Additional claims after review by the University will not be considered.
CONTRACT RELEASE a. Resident can request release from the Contract beginning the first day resident checks in for the semester. Such releases are subject to the approval of the Director of Housing & Residence Life or his/her designee. Such releases will be considered for the following reasons:
1) Non-admission, withdrawal, dismissal or graduation from the University.
2) Marriage during the Contract term.
3) Birth of child during the Contract term.
4) Affiliation with University of Minnesota Duluth programs that are away from the campus, such as internships, co-op, or study abroad.
5) Called to active military service.
b. Written documentation for all of these releases is required by the Director of Housing & Residence Life or his/her designee. The Director may request that documentation be reviewed by others as part of the contract release request process.
c. Release for the above reasons will include the following costs:
1) A prorated daily charge for the period of time that a room was assigned and available to Resident.
2) A charge for food service assigned and available to Resident.
3) A $50 administrative charge.
CONTRACT RELEASE. The resident can request release from the contract, which is subject to the approval of the Director of Residential Life or a designee. All requests to terminate the contract must be submitted in writing to A release will be granted only when it has been determined that the resident’s circumstances are substantially different from the time the contract went into effect. Such releases will be considered for the following reasons:
CONTRACT RELEASE. A Principal released from his/her contract during the school year shall pay to the school district, at its option, up to an amount equal to ten (l0) days pay as a condition of the contract release.
CONTRACT RELEASE. 8.7.1 The Resident can request release from the contract, which is subject to the approval of the Interim Co-Executive Director of Residential Life-Director of Housing Services or a designee. All requests to terminate the contract must be submitted in writing by completing a “Request for Release from On-Campus Housing” and submitted up to 10 business days after the housingcancellation application was submitted or no later than 10 business days after the last scheduled day of finals for the given semester. Requests will
8.7.2 Supporting documentation must be submitted with the “Request for Release from On-Campus Housing” form. A release will only be granted if it is determined that the situation cannot be relieved by relocating the student to other on-campus housing.
8.7.3 Reducing course load from full-time to part-time does not automatically constitute grounds for release from this contract.
8.7.4 Residents who retain enrollment yet move out of an on-campus housing assignment without approval from Residential Life are liable for all room and dining fees remaining on the student fee bill.
CONTRACT RELEASE. 8.7.1 The Resident can request release from the contract, which is subject to the approval of the Interim Co-Executive Director of Residential Life-Director of Housing Services or a designee. All requests to terminate the contract must be submitted in writing by completing a “Request for Release from On-Campus Housing” and submitted up to 10 business days after the housing cancellation
8.7.2 Supporting documentation must be submitted with the “Request for Release from On-Campus Housing” form. A release will only be granted if it is determined that the situation cannot be relieved by relocating the student to other on-campus housing.
8.7.3 Reducing course load from full-time to part-time does not automatically constitute grounds for release from this contract.
8.7.4 Residents who retain enrollment yet move out of an on-campus housing assignment without approval from Residential Life are liable for all room and dining fees remaining on the student fee bill.
CONTRACT RELEASE. 8.8.1 The Resident can request release from the contract, which is subject to the approval of the Associate Director of Housing Services or a designee. All requests to terminate the contract must be submitted in writing by completing a “Request for Release from On-Campus
8.8.2 Supporting documentation must be submitted with the “Request for Release from On-Campus Housing” form. A release will only be granted if it is determined that the situation cannot be relieved by relocating the student to other on-campus housing.
8.8.3 Reducing course load from full-time to part-time does not automatically constitute grounds for release from this contract.
8.8.4 Residents who retain enrollment, yet move out of an on-campus housing assignment without approval from Residential Life are liable for all room and dining fees remaining on the student fee bill.