Controversial Issues Sample Clauses

Controversial Issues. Any discussion of controversial issues or public importance shall be reasonably balanced with the presentation of contrasting viewpoints in the course of overall programming; no attacks on the honesty, integrity, or like personal qualities of any person or group of persons shall be made during the discussion of controversial issues of public importance; and during the course of political campaigns, programs are not to be used as a forum for editorializing about individual candidates. If such events occur, Licensee may require that responsive programming be aired.
Controversial Issues. The parties agree that the Board of Directors, under Washington State Law, has final authority and responsibility in connection with the development and adoption of courses of study and lists of instructional materials. The parties adhere to the principle of the teacher's freedom to think and express ideas and concepts on issues, including controversial issues, when such are germane to the District's instructional program and when related to subject matter in a given grade level. Such freedom shall only be restricted to the extent that it impinges on or conflicts with the basic responsibility of the teacher to follow and utilize the district-approved course of study. Teachers will use professional judgment in determining the appropriateness of the issues presented, taking into consideration the maturity level of students and with full cognizance that the District's schools are not the appropriate forum for personal causes or points of view held by an employee. The parties further agree that matters pertaining to controversial issues shall not be subject to the grievance procedure hereinafter provided.
Controversial Issues. 13-1 Teaching of Controversial Issues The teaching of controversial issues requires the recognition of responsibilities: by the teacher to his/her students, by the appropriate supervisor to his/her school, and by the school to the community. 13-1 2 The certified employee should adhere to the following guidelines: 13-1-2-1 The issue should be within the program of the subject area. 13-1 2-2 The issue should be within the level of the students’ maturity. 13-1 2-3 The discussion should contribute significantly to developing the skills of critical thinking and problem solving. 13-1 2-4 The presentation should be impartial and objective. 13-1 2-5 Suitable materials including facts and concepts of all aspects of the issue should be available. 13-2 Processing of Controversial Issues at Building Level 13-2-1 The identification of controversial issues will be done in the following manner.
Controversial Issues. Any broadcast over the Stations concerning controversial issues of public importance shall comply with the then current FCC rules and policies.
Controversial Issues. Paragraph 1: If education is to remain a viable force, controversial issues cannot be ignored. Good teaching techniques provide, however, that adequate preparation on the part of student and teacher takes place before controversial issues are explored.
Controversial Issues. 6.17.1 A controversial issue is any topic on which significant differences of opinion exist within the community. 6.17.2 Classroom study of controversial issues relevant to curricular objectives and appropriate to student maturity levels is to be encouraged. 6.17.3 The presentation and discussion of controversial issues should be on an informative basis and the students should have the opportunity to find, collect and assemble materials on the subject; to interpret the data without prejudice; to reconsider assumptions and to reach their own conclusions. Within the framework of the curriculum matter under study, the Employee may express their personal opinion on controversial issues, provided that they clearly indicate that it is their personal opinion. The development of a student’s ability to meet issues without prejudice and to withhold judgments while facts are being collected, assembled, weighed and relationships seen before drawing inferences or conclusions is one of the most valuable outcomes of a free educational system. 6.17.4 The right to teach controversial issues carries with it the responsibility to explore the various sides and aspects of an issue utilizing suitable materials that are available. 6.17.5 In exploring controversial issues, the Employee has the right and the responsibility to teach pupils to be willing to take a stand on questions which citizens must decide, yet maintain an attitude of open mindedness toward new facts which may lead to new conclusions, guide the students toward their development into responsible and participating members of our American democratic society, and to decide whether or not a controversial issue which has arisen spontaneously shall become a matter of further discussion.
Controversial Issues. The presentation and discussion of controversial issues in the classroom shall be on an informative basis and shall endeavor to develop in students a willingness to examine all sides of an issue before drawing inferences or conclusions. Employees shall ensure that presentations and discussions are done in such a manner that gives due respect to one another's rights and opinions. Students will be encouraged to reach their own conclusions regarding controversial issues.
Controversial Issues. An employee who is involved in the process of instruction of students shall give due respect to the rights and opinions of the students. Employees, when following the direction of the Supervisor in accordance with the District Instructional Materials Policy shall not be disciplined. Questionable matters concerning the appropriateness of the issue and the maturity of the students shall be referred to the Supervisor for consideration and action.
Controversial Issues. The right of people to study and discuss issues freely is basic to the perpetuation of the American form of democracy. It is important to have a citizenry which exercises its rights, keeps well informed, searches actively for divergent points of view, evaluates courses of action in light of available evidence and basic democratic values, and then acts responsibly on the basis of decisions made. In Hoquiam we believe that such behaviors are developed providing experiences for students which fall within the scope of social problems, many of which are controversial in nature. We further believe that the teaching of controversial issues must be evaluated on the basis of the moral and political standards of the community. These standards shall be evaluated on the basis of what has been indicated as being acceptable by citizens of the Hoquiam School District through the School Board but shall not deny the minority the right to present their views in a logical and ethical manner. The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for the establishment of procedures to be used upon the challenge of instructional materials by any citizen, group of citizens, personnel or group of personnel of the Hoquiam School District. No books shall be removed from the school or library because of complaints unless approved by the Board. All certificated personnel who have properly followed the procedures outlined in this Instructional Materials Selection Policy in the evaluation, selection and use of instructional materials shall have the protection of acting within adopted School Board policy against claims, lawsuits or judgments occasioned by the selection or use of these instructional materials. Any requests from organizations which provide instructional materials and/or aids must be examined to insure that such materials meet the criteria above. The principal shall review for accuracy and educational value to the total school program all materials or activities proposed by outside sources for student or staff use. The responsibility for preparing all student reading lists and for examining, evaluation and selecting all supplementary materials is delegated to the professional staff of the district. Textbooks shall be adopted by the board prior to their use in schools except for trial-use texts of a pilot nature, which may be authorized by the superintendent for use for a period of no more than one school year prior to board adoption. Materials approved for trial use shall be restri...
Controversial Issues. Several sides of controversial issues which are normally a part of the curriculum content of an approved course shall be allowed provided the teacher shall follow the Superintendent’s Administrative Team and Board policies and stays within the Articles of this Agreement.