Academic. For academic use, you must be a student, faculty or staff of an educational institution at the time of purchase.
Academic. Students participating in any school-related sport, activity, club or organization will be required to meet the following standards for academic eligibility:
1. A student must maintain a minimum of a 1.6 grade point average for each quarter marking period.
2. Students who receive one (1) failing grade for a quarter or semester marking period will be ineligible for at least five (5) days, missing at least one (1) competition. Extracurricular advisors and coaches will be responsible for checking eligibility lists for their students and notifying the student. For fall sports see addendum published by WIAA on page 39. Any student who chooses to attend summer school to change a failing grade to a passing grade will reinstate eligibility when that grade change is made. This is only applicable if the student is eligible for summer school and a class is offered for the program/content area the student needs.
3. Students who receive two (2) or more failing grades for a quarter or semester will be ineligible for 15 days. The student involved in more than one activity misses all the activities in the 15-day period. The ineligibility period will start when the report card is printed. After the initial 15-day period, a student’s academic record will be reviewed after 15 school days. If student is still ineligible, he/she will have another 15-day period. If the student does not qualify for eligibility, the student remains ineligible until the next grading quarter. Fall sports will use the grades from the fourth quarter of the previous year for determining eligibility. To become eligible after a period of ineligibility, the student must show acceptable passing work in the first 15 school day period of the first quarter of the year. Ineligible fall athletes see Table on page 38. Ineligible non-athletes will miss the activities occurring in the first 15 days of the school year. If no activities occur in that period of time, then they will miss the first occurring activity. Students receiving an F in a college, technical school or other type of course: the suspension period will coincide with when the high school grades post for purposes of ineligibility.
4. The academically ineligible participant must practice and attend event(s) with the team, but will not participate in the event.
5. Students enrolled in the special education program can maintain eligibility if there is a consensus from the IEP Team that the student is meeting the goals outlined in his/her Individual Edu...
Academic. The Board and the Association agree that academic freedom is essential to the fulfillment of the purposes of the Xxxxxxx Township School District, and they acknowledge the fundamental need to protect teachers from any censorship or restraint which might interfere with their obligation to pursue truth in the performance of their functions. Accordingly, they agree as follows:
Academic. Unit at any time may withdraw a student whose progress, work, or conduct does not meet Academic-‐Unit standards.
Academic. The Board and the Council agree that academic freedom for faculty is essential to the fulfillment of the purposes of the Phoenix-Talent School District, and they acknowledge the fundamental need to protect faculty from any restraint that might interfere with their obligation to pursue legally prescribed courses of study. Accordingly, they agree as follows:
Academic. It is recognized that the role of the teacher is primary to the success and achievement of students. To that extent, the Board shall respect the professional competencies of Klamath County School District staff members. If any questions or concerns arise, both the members and administrators concerned shall work to reach an agreement according to the following process:
Academic. The Board and the Association subscribe to all federal and state law governing academic freedom and will take all steps necessary to support the law.
Academic. The Pre-Teacher Education Admission Agreement (PTEAA) student who successfully completes a transfer degree, the stipulated PTEC courses at a Virginia community college and all specified requirements below is guaranteed admission to VCU and by meeting all of the requirements for full admission to the teacher education program at VCU, may apply for admission to teacher education. He/she may expect the following:
A. that all of the PTEC courses and credits successfully completed at the community college, and meeting the grade requirement of 2.0 will apply toward general education courses that satisfy requirements in the liberal studies in the Early/Elementary (NK-6) program or elective credit for the extended five-year teacher preparation programs in Early/Elementary Education (NK-6). To qualify for admission to the teacher preparation programs, students must have a 2.8 cumulative grade point average. The program culminates in the awarding of both the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies with a Liberal Studies for Elementary Education major and the Master of Teaching degrees upon completion of the extended five-year teacher preparation program. This program leads to licensure in the Commonwealth of Virginia in Early/Elementary Education (NK-6).
B. that VCU awards equivalency credits for College Level Examination Placement, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate exams upon receipt of appropriate documentation (see the VCU Bulletin for details: xxxx://
C. That VCU will accept all the credits earned with a "C" or better from the associate degree program from a Virginia community col1ege and, therefore, can accept the student as a junior at VCU. However, the student may still have to take additional lower-level major and teacher education courses not available at the community college and thus may not be able to complete all requirements for the baccalaureate degree with the same number of successfully completed hours and courses as a native student.
D. That acceptance to a teacher education program at VCU is dependent upon available seats. Students participating in the PTEAA should follow all special college and/or departmental application procedures and deadlines, as well as meet the 2.8 cumulative grade point average requirement listed in the VCU Bulletin for native students for admission to the teacher preparation p011ion of the LSEE major. Transfer students and native VCU students will be treated identically with regard to admissi...
Academic. Skills Centre Instructor shall be defined as an individual who is employed through the Academic Skills Centre to perform duties such as individual academic assistance to students, skills workshop teaching, the administration and marking of student diagnostic Workshop Skills Tests, the development and writing of Centre literature and material, and attendance at Centre-related classes and lectures. The allocation of Centre-contact hours and contact-related hours among the various duties shall be as assigned by the Director of the Academic Skills Centre, or Manager of Student Affairs Oshawa in consultation with the Academic Skills Centre Instructors, and shall be in general accordance with previous practice.
Academic. A certified employee may be granted temporary leave not to exceed two (2) days to take academic examinations for or to receive an academic degree. In the event more than two (2) days are required and are approved, the cost of substitutes shall be deducted from the certified employee's daily rate of pay for each day of leave in excess of two (2) days.