COSTUME FITTINGS. Sideline musicians fitted at a place designated by the Producer shall be given a fitting allowance as follows: (1) If on a day prior to the work call, payment for two (2) hours of time; additional time shall be paid for at the hourly rate in units of thirty (30) minutes. (2) If the fitting call is on the same day as the work call, straight time computed in units of thirty (30) minutes; provided, however, if on the same day, four (4) hours or more intervene between the work call and the fitting, payment shall be made as though the fitting occurred on a day prior. If less than four (4) hours intervene from the termination of the fitting to time of work call, all intervening time is work time. A sideline musician who has been fitted shall be paid not less than a full day of agreed wages if not given employment in the production for which he/she was fitted. The rate of fittings shall be based on the classification in which the sideline musician is employed on his/her first day of employment on which he/she is required to wear the costume for which he/she is so fitted.
COSTUME FITTINGS. (a) Costume fittings may be counted in fifteen (15) minute increments. Fittings may only occur during work span or during rest time from 11:45 a.m. to 12:00 noon provided ARTIST is not scheduled for a 12:00 noon required service. Should there be any infringement on the 4th, or more consecutive hour, the ARTIST shall be compensated at the prevailing rate. [See Paragraph 25 (b)]. (b) The EMPLOYER agrees that any hours or fraction thereof spent by the ARTIST for costume fittings above those provided for in the preceding subparagraph shall be considered rehearsal time and compensated as provided in Paragraph 30 (b) or Paragraph 30 (f) of the Agreement. Costume fittings may be called, counted and compensated for in fifteen (15) minute increments. (c) If the ARTIST is called for costume fittings on the ARTIST’S free day, such call will be for not less than three (3) hours for which the ARTIST shall be compensated at the hourly rate of ARTIST’s actual weekly compensation divided by thirty, times two payable in one-half (1/2) hour increments. (d) No costume fitting shall be permitted on a two (2) performance day, unless the ARTIST is compensated at the penalty rate with a one (1) hour minimum call guaranteed. (e) In the event an ARTIST is unable to attend his/her costume fitting due to his/her negligence, EMPLOYER may reschedule such costume fitting during the ARTIST’S rest time.
COSTUME FITTINGS. The Engager is hereby granted a total number of free hours for costume fittings which cannot exceed the equivalent of two (2) hours for each production per season per Artist. The Engager shall not require the Artist to perform this duty on the Artist's Free Day or during meal breaks. Travel to and from costume fittings must not infringe on the Artist's Free Day, Meal Breaks or Overnight Rest Periods. The Artist must consider a costume fitting as an official call and must present said Artist’s self as required unless said fitting invades the Artist’s Meal Break or Overnight Rest Period. Any additional hours or fractions thereof for costume fittings in excess of those provided for in the preceding paragraph shall be considered rehearsal time. Should the Artist exceed the maximum hours of rehearsal as otherwise provided by this Agreement, the Artist shall invoice the Engager for such additional services at Rate 1 of Clause 13:09(D). 18:00 PERFORMANCES ‌ 18:01 Performances‌
COSTUME FITTINGS. Further to Article 17:00, costume fittings for the Chorus shall be scheduled at the mutual convenience of the Artist. The Engager shall provide the Chorus with available costume fitting times, and the individual Artists shall select time accordingly. Should none of the available fitting times be convenient to the Artist, the Engager shall make best efforts to make alternative arrangements with the Artist at another mutually convenient time. Once the Artist has confirmed a costume fitting time, it may only be cancelled with a minimum of twelve (12) hours notice to the Engager prior to the call time. Otherwise, the fitting appointment shall be considered and respected as an official call time (See Clauses 5:04 and 10:02) 46:00 DANCERS ‌ 46:01 Equity Membership‌
COSTUME FITTINGS i. A CHORISTER or a CORPS DANCER shall be paid the minimum of two
COSTUME FITTINGS. The minimum call for a costume fitting shall be 1 hour. The Company may reschedule the length of a costume fitting (changing the scheduled amount of time allotted for the fitting) up to 24 hours prior to the scheduled fitting, without penalty. Each Chorister shall be compensated for the actual time spent at the fitting, the scheduled time allotted for the fitting, or the minimum call, whichever is greatest.
COSTUME FITTINGS. ‌ Dancers called for costume fittings not adjacent to a rehearsal shall be called for not less than two (2) hours and shall be entitled to payment for the full number of hours (or fractional hours in one quarter increments) stated in the call. Dancers called for costume fittings adjacent to schedule rehearsals shall be paid at the regular rehearsal rate unless the costume fittings result in an overtime payment as provided for above.
COSTUME FITTINGS a. Costume fittings shall be considered and compensated as rehearsal time for all purposes. The Employer agrees that costume fittings will be scheduled during scheduled rehearsal hours. b. Each Artist shall have at least one (1) fitting per season for each costume the Artist will be required to wear in the season. c. If the Artist is called for costume fittings on the Artist’s Free Day, such call will be for not less than two (2) hours for which the Artist shall be compensated not less than the hourly penalty rate for each hour or fraction thereof.
COSTUME FITTINGS. 1. 1. Employer is hereby granted uncompensated time for costume fittings as 2 hours of costume fittings for a Dancer new to a role and/or dance piece 30 minutes for any other role or dance piece per Artist which may be counted in fifteen (15) minute increments. Fittings may only occur during work span. Should there be any infringement on the 4th or more consecutive hour, the Artist shall be compensated at the applicable rate.