Performances Sample Clauses
Performances. All services provided by the Vendor pursuant to this Agreement shall be performed to the satisfaction of VDSS and the local department of social services, and in accordance with the applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Vendor shall not receive payment for work found by VDSS and/or the local department of social services to be unsatisfactory, or performed in violation of federal, state or local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations.
Performances. All services provided by the Local Lead Agency pursuant to this contract shall be performed in accordance with the terms of the contract and with all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. The Local Lead Agency shall not receive payment for work found by the DMHMRSAS to be in violation the terms of this contract or, of Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules or regulations. Furthermore, the Local Lead Agency shall, through contract management, hold local public and private agencies to which Part C funds are provided accountable and withhold payment for services found to be in violation of the contract with that provider. Should any disagreements arise under any portion of this contract, both parties agree to attempt to resolve them through open discussion prior to issuing any notice of cancellation.
Performances. The schedule as set by the festival is non-negotiable, and your company is required to abide by said schedule. While other performers and crew may choose to be involved in more than one production, they will be responsible for ensuring that no scheduling conflicts prevent or interfere with any of your performances. Plan to commit to the full run of the Fringe from July 21-31, 2021. You will have a 3-hour tech rehearsal scheduled sometime between July 17-21, 2021. All companies will have a variety of performance times between 4:30pm and 11pm weekdays and between 12 noon and 12 midnight on weekends. Our opening night event (Xxxxxxxx Fringe Festival Kick Off) will be held July 20, 2022. The Kick Off is your chance to promote your production with a live 90- second pitch. We encourage all companies to participate. You will receive more details at a later date. Each of our venues is unique in staging and seating capacity, with a guaranteed minimum capacity of 50 seats. Participants are encouraged not to budget for more than this capacity in determining their production expenses. If public health regulations in place at the time of the festival dictate that we reduce audience capacity in our indoor venues, your participation fee will be refunded on a pro-rata basis for each seat fewer than 50. You will be provided with site specifications and other details of your venue at a later date. The festival reserves the right to move performing companies into a different venue without prior notice if deemed necessary. Each venue will have basic lighting and sound. There will be an experienced technician for each venue and you will have a 3-hour technical rehearsal time. Depending on the venue, your Stage Manager may be required to operate sound cues. Companies must provide all crew necessary to load in and load out their production.
Performances. What is a University event? A University event is an event that is organised and authorised by the University. University events include concerts, recitals, alumni events, gallery exhibitions, O-Week celebrations, movie nights and other similar events. Events can be on or off campus to qualify and they can be open to the public. Events that are held by third-parties such as concert promoters are not considered to be University events even if they are held on campus for University students. What is the difference between a University activity and a University event? A University event is an event or occurrence that you promote – to the University or wider community – such as a concert, recital, play, open day/week, NAIDOC week celebration, food truck night, movie night, alumni evening, patrons’ dinner. A University activity is solely or jointly facilitated with students and their research collaborators, for the purpose of teaching, learning, research, extracurricular activities, community engagement and other activities required by the University to provide services to its staff, students and members of the University community. These include things like gallery showings, installations, museum walk- throughs, Vivid light shows. University events and activities do cross over from time to time and the difference between them can be vague. The only reason they are to be treated differently under this agreement is that there is a ticket price threshold for University events (excluding graduations for which there is no threshold) and there is no threshold for University activities. Both can be held on or off the University campus and still have coverage under this agreement. What about online classes or events over Zoom or Teams? The agreement covers music to be used in a course of instruction (with limitations as detailed above) whether that instruction is given in person or online. If the instruction is given online it is best practice that the class is password protected to ensure that only staff and students may access the lesson. If the University is running an event online it must manage the synchronisation and stream in line with the rules detailed above. What do we do if we want to use music in a dramatic context? If you want to use music in conjunction with a presentation live on stage that has a storyline and one or more narrators or characters then you need to approach APRA directly for licensing. Make sure you give yourself a lot of lead time to get ...
Performances. 5.2.1 Opera and Opera in Concert performances incur overtime after 3 hours, from the scheduled start of the call. Overtime will be calculated after three hours in quarter hourly units at time and a half.
5.2.2 The designated end of a performance is when the house lights are illuminated.
Performances. 6.2.1 Opera Performance calls (including Concert Performances of Main-scale opera) are a minimum of 3 hours. Longer performance calls can be called at 3.5 hours and 4 hours.
6.2.2 Opera performances over 4 hours will be scheduled at 6 hours and two calls.
6.2.3 On the day of an opera or concert performance of over 4 hours duration, there shall be no other call except for a rehearsal/balance as defined in clause 6.1.4.
6.2.4 An opera performance shall be deemed to have finished at the end of the stage calls until which time players shall remain in the pit.
Performances. The Chorus Singer shall be paid not less than one-quarter (1/4) of the weekly minimum fee for a Performer per performance for the run of the production, or one
(1) week at the Performer fee as per Clause 13:09(A), whichever is greater. For Artists engaged pursuant to Article 45:00 (Chorus), this Clause shall supersede the provisions of Clause 13:03(A).
Performances. I will be on time for all performance calls.
Performances. (1) There shall be no more than eight performances in any week without additional compensation. Notice of the regular performance schedule and any additional performances known by the Theatre shall be posted at the Theatre’s announced auditions. A rider describing the regular performance schedule and known additional performances shall be attached to the Actor’s contract at the time of contract signing.
(a) The Actor shall be notified of any change of the performance schedule at least two weeks in advance, except in an emergency when a shorter notice period agreed to by a majority of the cast shall be permitted.
(b) When a Theatre’s performance schedule is fewer than eight performances per week, the Actor must receive no less than one week’s notice of the addition of performances up to the permitted eight. The Theatre shall give notice at the time of scheduling such additional performance(s) but in no event less than one week’s notice, except in an emergency when a shorter notice period agreed to by a majority of the cast shall be permitted.
(3) There shall be no more than two performances in any day nor more than five performances in any three-day period. The total number of hours worked on a two- performance day, including half-hour, shall not exceed nine.
(4) Notwithstanding the above, if the Actor is performing solely in local tours in any week, 10 performances may be given. Each such performance must be limited to a maximum of 1½ hours.
(5) A ninth performance shall be paid for at the rate of 3/16ths of weekly contractual salary. A tenth performance shall be paid for at the rate of 2/8ths of weekly contractual salary. Rule 51. REHEARSAL, PERFORMANCE, WORK RULES A Theatre scheduling more than eight performances per week shall notify the Actor of such performances in a rider prior to the execution of the Actor’s contract. If prior notice is not given, additional performances shall not be scheduled in more than two consecutive weeks without the prior approval of Equity.
(6) Any performance which begins prior to 12:00 noon (except to pre-school or student audiences) or which continues beyond 1:00 AM shall be paid for at the rate of an additional 2/8ths of weekly contractual salary. If there are to be any performances prior to 12:00 noon, the Actor shall be so advised at the time of audition or interview. In the event the Actor is engaged without audition or interview, the Actor shall be so advised at the time of contract signing. In either event, a rider ...
Performances. The Stage Manager is responsible for running and controlling the performance including the making of “calls”. The Stage Manager is in charge of calling the lighting cues the movements of scenic elements, technical elements performers and musicians. The Stage Manager is in sole charge of the backstage areas.