Rest Time. A rest period of ten minutes shall be allowed to all employees in the first half of each day or shift at a time fixed by the employer. The time of taking the rest period may vary, at the option of the employer, between employees. Employees shall not leave the department or section in which they are employed without the consent of the employer.
Rest Time. Rest Time shall be defined as a span of time in which no ARTIST'S activity such as class, warm-up, photo calls, costume fittings without compensation or travelmay be scheduled. Rest Time is understood to mean: Off-span (12 or 13 hours), 4th consecutive work hour, break period after travel, time between matinee and evening performances, Free Day, half-hour call prior to performance and the time between the end of rehearsal and beginning of performance and a fifteen
Rest Time. Employees who are required to work overtime within the ten (10) hour period immediately preceding their scheduled starting time on a regular work day, shall be entitled to time off with straight time pay equal to time worked during this time frame. This is not applicable to a call out or scheduled overtime of three (3) hours or less immediately preceding the employee's normal starting time.
Rest Time. An employee is eligible for rest time when working in the eight (8) hour period immediately preceding the beginning of their regular shift on a workday. Rest time can be utilized for employees who work emergency hours and are viewed as, or view themselves as, too fatigued to work their regularly scheduled work shift.
(a) Rest time can be employee or management initiated.
(b) Rest time is only utilized as time without pay outside of the employee’s regularly scheduled work shift.
(c) Rest time can be utilized as unpaid leave or the employee’s vacation time or compensatory time during a regularly scheduled shift.
(d) Rest time is earned at the rate of one (1) hour for every hour worked in the eight (8) hour period immediately preceding the beginning of the employee’s regularly scheduled shift.
(e) Employees who request rest time shall communicate and obtain approval from their immediate supervisor of their intent to use rest time hours, prior to the use of rest time. Rest time shall be used during the next regularly scheduled shift.
(f) If the employee elects to take rest time at the beginning of the shift, the rest time hours will start at the beginning of the shift and run consecutively until exhausted.
(g) If the employee elects to take rest time at the end of the shift, their work shift will start at the regular time and the employee will work at their regular hourly rate until rest time is due.
(h) Except in emergency situations, no employee shall work more than sixteen (16) consecutive work hours without rest time.
(i) Employees shall not “bank” or save rest time.
Rest Time. If an employee is required to work outside of his/her normal work day for more than two (2) hours during the eight (8) hour period immediately preceding the starting time of his/her next normal work day schedule, he/she will, whenever possible, be allowed rest time during that normal work day without loss of normal wages. The rest time shall be equivalent to the sum of the time worked and any time allowed off for meals during the above eight (8) hour period. When service requirements will not permit allowing all of the earned rest time off during the normal work days, that part worked will, except for holidays, be paid for at one and one half (1½) times straight time rates.
Rest Time. An Employee coming back in for a Call Back or Call In (and is scheduled to work his regular shift the following day) that commences after will be allowed to have rest time equal to the time worked during the call and will be compensated for those rest hours at straight time. The rest time will be time worked plus hour of traveling time (minimum of hours).
Rest Time. An Employee working overtime for more than one and one-half hours after working ordinary hours shall, before starting such overtime, be allowed a rest break of twenty minutes which shall be paid for at ordinary rates. An Employee working overtime shall be allowed a rest break of twenty minutes without deduction of pay after each four hours of overtime worked, provided the Employee continues work after such a rest break. Provided that where a day worker is required to work overtime on a Saturday, the first prescribed rest break shall, if occurring between 10.00am and 1.00pm, be paid for at ordinary rates. The Employer and Employee may agree to any variation of this clause to meet the circumstances of the work in hand, provided that the Employer shall not be required to make any payment in respect of any time allowed in excess of twenty minutes. This clause shall not apply to an Employee working overtime on a Sunday or public holiday referred to in clause 6.6.2 of this Agreement unless the Employee is rostered to work any of their ordinary hours on that day.
Rest Time. 19.1 A rest period of ten minutes will be allowed to all employees in the first half of each day, at a time fixed by the Company; provided that the time of taking the rest period may vary at the option of the Company as agreed with the affected employees; and provided further that employees will not leave the department or section in which they are working at the time without the consent of the Company.
19.2 The Company will provide reasonable facilities to enable employees to make a cup of tea or coffee to be taken on the job. There will be no entitlement for an employee to cease work for a tea break or rest period during the second half of the day or shift and the taking of a cup of tea or coffee on the job will only be permissible where this does not interrupt work in progress.
Rest Time. Employees that work more than 3 continuous hours of call-back time shall have eight (8) hours of rest time before reporting back to work (subject to the exception discussed below). If the minimum rest time will result in the employee not being able to report to work at their normal start time in the next work period, the employee and supervisor shall mutually coordinate a reasonable return to work time. In that event, the employee will receive pay at the regular rate of pay for the required rest period to the extent it overlaps with the start of the employee’s regular scheduled work shift. An employee may request additional rest time, beyond the minimum required, subject to supervisor approval and may choose to either take unpaid time, use vacation, or take compensatory time. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if at the District’s discretion, an employee is needed to work their regular shift because of lack of skilled personnel prior to them having eight (8) hours of rest time, the employee will be paid at one and one-half (1-1/2) times his/her regular rate for hours worked in his/her regular shift on that day.
Rest Time. For all day workers excluding warehouse employees a rest period of ten minutes paid time shall be allowed to all employees in the first half of each day or shift. Breaks are to be taken by agreement on the understanding that production must be maintained and that breaks are staggered to ensure all machinery is operational for the full shift employees shall not leave the department or section in which they are employed without the consent of the employer. For warehouse employees a paid rest pause of the same duration shall be allowed each morning and afternoon. With the exception of warehouse employees unless the period of overtime is less than one and a half hours an employee before starting overtime after working ordinary hours shall be allowed a meal break of 20 minutes which shall be paid at ordinary rates. For warehouse employees unless the period of overtime is less than one hour an employee before starting overtime after working ordinary hours shall be allowed a meal break of 20 minutes which shall be paid at ordinary rates. Any variation of this provision is to meet the circumstances of the work in hand provided that the employer shall not be required to make any payment in respect of any time allowed in excess of 20 minutes.