Criteria for Appointment Sample Clauses
Criteria for Appointment. III.5.5.1 The principal criterion for appointment shall be academic and professional excellence as generally understood in university practice. The credentials of applicants shall be judged primarily in relation to the qualifications identified in the advertisement for the position. Among candidates who are judged substantially equal in qualification for appointment, Canadian citizens and permanent residents shall be given preference.
III.5.5.2 The Xxxx shall ensure, through the Chair of each department/program, that all Personnel Committees have a copy of the University's Employment Equity policy. The University Librarian shall ensure through the Chair of the Library Personnel Committee that the Committee has a copy of the policy. In addition, steps will be taken to ensure that each Personnel Committee has available to it the prevailing policy statements and guidelines available from the Ontario Human Rights Commission to assist in ensuring compliance with relevant provisions of the Ontario Human Rights Code. The Chair of any Personnel Committee will be expected to review these materials with other Committee members before a short-list of candidates is determined.
Criteria for Appointment. 14.7.1 In assessing candidates, consideration shall be given to the specific nature of the duties to be performed as advertised, to the character and quality of the degrees held, and to the record of professional and other relevant experience. The assessment shall be made on professional and academic grounds.
14.7.2 When a position becomes available for which a Librarian Member with seniority is qualified under the criteria of 14.7.1, the Member shall be offered the position. A Member shall have seniority when they have accumulated 2392 hours of service in the University Library.
14.7.3 If two or more Members with equal seniority are applicants for a position, the Part-time Appointment Committee shall forward the applications of these Members with equal seniority to the University Librarian, with a recommendation for the appointment, and the University Librarian shall offer the appointment to one of those applicants.
14.7.4 If the duties and responsibilities of a Member with seniority are reassigned to a new full-time position, and if he/she applies, the Member shall be placed on the short-list, and interviewed for the appointment.
14.7.5 Seniority shall be deemed to have been lost if a Librarian Member has a break of service with the University of more than twenty-four (24) months.
14.7.6 Seniority hours shall be computed from September 1, 1996.
Criteria for Appointment. 13.5.1 Subject to, the Part-time Appointment Committee and the Xxxx shall assess candidates in accordance with Appendix H of this Agreement.
13.5.2 PTAC shall review applications for available appointments under the terms of 13.5.
1. The PTAC shall make its recommendations to the Xxxx no later than July 1 for fall term appointments, no later than November 1 for winter term appointments, and no later than March 1 for spring, intersession and summer term appointments.
13.5.3 In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding appended to this Agreement, when, as part of their academic program, a W LU doctoral student is expected to teach, the PTAC responsible for making the recommendation on the appointment may consider the appointment of the student to teach a suitable course. Subject to 13.5.5, PTAC may recommend the student’s appointment as a Member of the Bargaining Unit, without posting the position under the provisions of 13.3. Under this clause, a W LU doctoral student is eligible for two (2) such appointments during their period of eligibility. Doctoral students may apply for other positions as CAS Members under 13.4.
13.5.4 In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding appended to this Agreement, and subject to 13.5.5, upon the recommendation of the Part-time Appointment Committee of the Department or equivalent, the University may appoint a post-doctoral fellow, whose research is funded by the University or by an external grant administered by the University, to teach a course, up to two (2) times, as a Member of the Bargaining Unit without posting the position under 13.3.
13.5.5 In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding appended to this Agreement, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows will not accrue seniority points for appointments made through the posting exemption, as per 13.5.3 and 13.5.4.
13.5.6 In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding appended to this Agreement, within the academic year, the University shall not make appointments under 13.5.3 and 13.5.4 for the teaching of more than forty-four (44) one-term or equivalent courses. The Xxxx shall advise the Association and the Faculty of Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies, copied to Faculty Relations, within five (5) days of the appointment.
13.5.7 In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding appended to this Agreement, in addition to the quota provided under 13.5.6, and to accommodate requests of students to join the studio of Members in the Faculty o...
Criteria for Appointment. The factors to be considered in assessing applicants for Part-time positions at Acadia University shall be as follows, in ranked order:
(a) number of times the applicant has taught the advertised course if the applicant is a Full-time Employee or a Part-time Employee on the Precedence List;
(b) verifiable academic qualifications in the advertised discipline, i.e. earned degrees, diplomas, and the like, or an acceptable combination of education and experience, as in Article 12.00;
(c) performance and potential as a teacher and lecturer. Both qualitative and quantitative aspects shall be considered. These shall include such factors as teaching experience, evaluation of past teaching performance, and ability or potential to fulfill the requirements for the advertised position. For online courses, experience in developing or delivering online courses shall be considered.
Criteria for Appointment. In reviewing applications, the Part-time Appointment Committee shall assess the candidates in accordance with the criteria listed below in order of priority:
Criteria for Appointment. In reviewing applications, the Hiring and Selection Committee shall assess the candidates in accordance with the criteria listed below in order of priority:
Criteria for Appointment. 13.5.1 Subject to, the Part-time Appointment Committee and the Xxxx shall assess candidates in accordance with Appendix H of this Agreement.
13.5.2 PTAC shall review applications for available appointments under the terms of 13.5.
1. The PTAC shall make its recommendations to the Xxxx no later than July 1 for fall term appointments, no later than November 1 for winter term appointments, and no later than March 1 for spring, intersession and summer term appointments.
13.5.3 When, as part of their academic program, a WLU doctoral student is expected to teach a course, the PTAC responsible for making the recommendation on the appointment may consider the appointment of the student to teach a suitable course. Subject to 13.5.5, PTAC may recommend the student’s appointment as a Member of the Bargaining Unit, without posting the position under the provisions of 13.3. Under this clause, a WLU doctoral student is eligible for one such appointment. Doctoral students may apply for other positions as CAS Members under 13.4.
13.5.4 Subject to 13.5.5, upon the recommendation of the Part-time Appointment Committee of the Department or equivalent, the University may appoint a post-doctoral fellow, whose research is funded by the University or by an external grant administered by the University, to teach a course as a Member of the Bargaining Unit without posting the position under 13.3.
13.5.5 Within the academic year, the University shall not make appointments under 13.5.3 and 13.5.4 for the teaching of more than fourteen (14) one-term or equivalent courses. The University shall advise the Association within five (5) days of the appointment.
13.5.6 In addition to the quota provided under 13.5.5, and to accommodate requests of students to join the studio of Members in the Faculty of Music, provisions for the appointment of such Members are set out in 13.9.5.
Criteria for Appointment. (a) A person cannot be appointed as a Board Member if the person is disqualified from being a Board Member under the Distribution and Retail Restructuring Act.
(b) In considering whether to appoint a person as a member of a Board, regard must be had to the person’s previous experience and ability to:
(i) contribute to the carrying out of the Board’s role under clause 9.1;
(ii) contribute to the strategic oversight of QUU’s functions; and
(iii) bring an independent judgment to bear on the Board’s decision-making.
(c) Subsection 9.4 does not limit the matters that may be considered.
Criteria for Appointment. I. Must be unemployed and between the ages 18-24;
Criteria for Appointment. A candidate for University Professor will be a scholar of any rank whose scholarly achievements are clearly superior relative to others of that rank and who will xxxxxx the growth of her/his discipline at Xxxxx Xxxxxx University and increase its profile within the broader academic community.