Department Head A. Within ten (10) business days from his/her receipt of the decision resulting from the previous level, the employee may appeal to the Department Head using the original copy of the grievance.
Department Heads A. Department Heads shall not be required to act as the school disciplinarians.
Department Chairpersons 17.1 In each elementary, middle and senior high school, the need for department chairpersons/team leaders shall be determined by the principal. Each such department chairperson/team leader shall be appointed for one
Department Chairs The release time required to perform the administrative functions of the Department Chair positions shall be deducted from the total workload of the Department Chair with no less than fifty percent (50%) of this release taken from direct instructional duties.
Comptroller General Examination of Record The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of this paragraph (d) if this contract was awarded using other than sealed bid, is in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold, as defined in FAR 2.101, on the date of award of this contract, and does not contain the clause at 52.215-2, Audit and Records-Negotiation.