Detectives Sample Clauses
A. Any detective assigned undercover to a narcotics investigation unit and any detective assigned undercover to an Organized Crime (OC) intelligence unit will not be approved for uniformed, off-duty employment.
B. A detective assigned other than to an undercover narcotics investigation unit or undercover to an OC intelligence unit who applies for uniformed, off-duty work will be approved/disapproved on a case-by-case basis.
C. If a detective who is not approved for uniformed off-duty work disagrees with the decision, he/she will be allowed to appeal the decision to the Assistant Chief in charge of the Investigative Services Bureau for a review of the record.
Detectives. The Police Department agrees to provide each year, two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) for each six (6) month period up to a total of five hundred dollars ($500.00) per year to detectives permitted regularly to wear civilian clothing to work including the dry cleaning of said clothing pursuant to the Department’s reimbursement policy. A year is defined as beginning with the date of assignment to the Detective Division. Employees are required to give to the Chief of Police, within sixty (60) days of the granting of the allowance, clothing receipts to support the expenditure of funds. It is expected that this civilian clothes allowance will suffice for the period of assignment as a detective. During the period of assignment as a detective the Department will continue to maintain one (1) complete duty uniform.
Detectives. 10 or 5-8 plan for all detectives with the approval of the Bureau Commander.
Detectives. Those employees assigned to detective shall receive a five percent (5%) premium pay while serving in that capacity.
Detectives. The work cycle for Detectives shall consist of a 40-hour workweek comprised of four (4) consecutive 10-hour days worked followed by three (3) consecutive days off. This shall be commonly referred to as the 28-day cycle. There will be two detective schedules: one shift working Monday through Thursday and a second shift working Tuesday through Friday. When more than one Detective shift is vacant, Detectives will select their shift based on seniority. Detective schedules can be modified by the Employer when the Detective is performing an alternative assignment, provided that the Detective premium will continue during the modified assignment. Detectives receive holidays as provided in Article VIII. Detective assignments are at the discretion of the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police may remove a police officer from a detective assignment with cause, or to meet operational needs. The police chief’s re-assignment of a police officer from detective to meet operational needs is an exercise of management rights pursuant to Article XVI. Detective assignments will typically be for three (3) years, with one-year extensions if approved by the Chief.
Detectives. Detective schedule shall consist of a 7 day workweek, consisting of 4 consecutive days of work and 3 consecutive days off. The shift will be 10 hours in duration.
Detectives. Two or more employees may be assigned to the position of detective; provided, that the Director of Public Safety or his/her designee shall have sole discretion in the assignment to or removal from such position and the exercise of such discretion shall not be subject to the grievance and arbitration provisions contained in Article 28. Effective July 1, 2019 an employee assigned to this position shall receive an annual stipend of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500).
Detectives. The salaries paid to Detectives shall be based on their continuous service in that classification and shall be as follows: (Step 1) Start (Step 2) 1Year (Step 3) 2 Years $47,064.00 $48,476.00 $49,930.00 $51,178.00 $52,458.00 $48,092.00 $49,534.00 $51,021.00 $52,296.00 $53,603.00 $50,241.00 $51,748.00 $53,301.00 $54,634.00 $55,999.00 class=Section7>
Detectives. Any member of the Police Department with at least two (2) years’ experience full-time (or part time adjusted in accordance with Article 21, Section B of this Agreement) with the Police Department is eligible for appointment to detective. Once appointed, the individual serving as detective shall receive a salary equal to the salary received as a patrolman with advances in rate as if the detective had remained a patrolman.
Detectives. State Narcotics Task Force (TRINET)