Grievance and Arbitration Provisions Sample Clauses
Grievance and Arbitration Provisions. Where a disagreement exists between the Employer and the UA or Local 130 regarding intent, meaning, application or compliance with the terms of this Schedule A, it shall be resolved in accordance with the grievance procedure, as outlined below: Such disagreement shall be submitted, in writing, for resolution within ten (10) days from the date of the occurrence or from the date it reasonably could have been discovered by the parties. When a disagreement arises, the resolution and/or settlement shall proceed as follows :
a. On a local basis between the Local Union assigned jurisdiction and the Employer. If not settled within five (5) working days, then
b. On a local basis between the Local Union assigned jurisdiction and the Contractors Associations (PCA Midwest, Kankakee & Iroquois Counties Plumbing & Piping Contractors Association, and the West Suburban Association). If not settled within fifteen (15) days, then
c. The grievance shall be settled between the United Association and the Contractors Associations (PCA Midwest, Kankakee & Iroquois Counties Plumbing & Piping Contractors Association and the West Suburban Association). If not settled within thirty (30) days, then
d. The dispute shall be reduced to writing in terms of the issue(s) to be arbitrated and shall be filed unilaterally or jointly with the JAB. If the JAB fails to reach an agreement within thirty (30) days, then proceed to
e. The dispute shall be submitted to the American Arbitration Association (AAA) for a determination. The parties agree to be bound by the rules, regulations and procedures of the JAB and AAA for resolving any disagreements referred to it under this Schedule A. It is further understood and agreed that each side shall bear its own costs of submitting such dispute to AAA, except that any filing fee shall be shared equally. AAA shall only have jurisdiction and authority to interpret, apply or determine compliance with the provisions of this Schedule A and shall not have jurisdiction to modify or change the Schedule A in any way. The parties further agree that the decision of AAA shall be final and binding on all parties. If there has been a violation of this Schedule A, AAA is authorized to devise an appropriate remedy including, but not limited to, payment of all wages and fringe benefits due and owning on behalf of an Employee who has been adversely affected by a violation of this Agreement. There shall be no abandonment of work over any matter submitted for grievance resol...
Grievance and Arbitration Provisions. An employee who is a Union Xxxxxxx, the Chief Union Xxxxxxx, a member of the Union Grievance Committee or who is asserting a grievance, shall be entitled to time off with pay and without loss of benefits or seniority when acting in those capacities in the grievance and arbitration procedures up to but not including arbitration set out in this Agreement. The Employer is not required to pay for more than two (2) employees on any given day under the provision of this Article. If more than two (2) employees are absent under the provisions of this Article, the Employer shall pay the two (2) employees with the most seniority.
Grievance and Arbitration Provisions. The parties agree that the President of Local 79 and the Director of Employee and Labour Relations shall meet during the term of this Collective Agreement for the purpose of reviewing the grievance and arbitration provisions as set out in the Collective Agreement. This review will include but will not be limited to the adequacy of the time limits as set out therein and any other matters of mutual concern that may arise within the context of the grievance and arbitration process. Meetings will be held on a quarterly basis or at such other times as may be requested by either party.
Grievance and Arbitration Provisions. Representatives of the Union shall not suffer any loss of pay or benefits for time involved in processing a grievance up to and including the arbitration hearing(s).
Grievance and Arbitration Provisions. The parties agree that the President of Local 79 and the Director of Employee and Labour Relations shall meet during the term of this Collective Agreement for the purpose of reviewing the grievance and arbitration provisions as set out in the Collective Agreement. This review will include but will not be limited to the adequacy of the time limits as set out therein and any other matters of mutual concern that may arise within the context of the grievance and arbitration process. Meetings will be held on a quarterly basis or at such other times as may be requested by at the request of either party. Letter of Intent – Investigation Protocol Amend existing Letter of Intent as follows: LETTER OF INTENT INVESTIGATION PROTOCOL The parties agree to implement the following Protocol within thirty (30) days of ratification of the Collective Agreement; The parties further agree to meet to develop and implement a joint training program for up to twenty (20) Local 79 members as determined by Local 79, and management personnel. The Protocol will continue for one (1) calendar year from the date of implementation. At the end of the one (1) year the parties agree to meet and discuss the continuation or the termination of the Protocol. Should there be agreement amongst the parties to continue to utilize the protocol, the parties agree to meet to develop and implement a joint training program. Any disputes arising out of the Protocol will be referred to the President of Local 79 and the Director of Employee and Labour Relations who will discuss and attempt to resolve the issues. Should the parties be unable to find resolution the Protocol may be terminated by mutual agreement. Where the City conducts an investigation which may result in the discipline of a Local 79 employee(s), the employee(s) who is the subject of the investigation will be informed of the nature of the meeting and their right to Local 79 representation. The City shall inform the Chief Xxxxxxx or designate of Local 79 about the pending investigation meeting and the nature of the meeting. Where practical, the employee will receive twenty-four (24) hours notice of the investigation meeting. At the meeting, the City will disclose the nature of the investigation including the nature of any complaints received. At the meeting, the employee and the Local 79 xxxxxxx or representative will be informed if the City has contacted or intends to contact the police, children’s aid societies or a professional regulatory bo...
Grievance and Arbitration Provisions. The parties agree that the President of Local 79 and the Director of Employee and Labour Relations shall meet during the term of this Collective Agreement for the purpose of reviewing the grievance and arbitration provisions as set out in the Collective Agreement. This review will include but will not be limited to the adequacy of the time limits as set out therein and any other matters of mutual concern that may arise within the context of the grievance and arbitration process. Meetings will be held on a quarterly basis or at such other times as may be requested by either party. LETTER OF INTENT DISPUTE RESOLUTION TRAINING The parties agree to meet during the term of the Collective Agreement for the purpose of jointly designing and implementing a training program which shall focus on dispute resolution techniques that may be applied in various circumstances, including but not limited to grievance management and Collective Agreement administration.
Grievance and Arbitration Provisions. An employee who is a Union Xxxxxxx, the Chief Union Xxxxxxx, a member of the Union Grievance Committee or who is asserting a grievance, shall be entitled to time off with pay and without loss of benefits or seniority when acting in those capacities in the grievance and arbitration procedures up to but not including arbitration set out in this Agreement. The Employer is not required to pay for more than two
Grievance and Arbitration Provisions. The and Grievance Committee of the Union shall not suffer any loss of pay or benefits for the total time involved in attendance at grievance and arbitration meetings. Leave of Absence for Union work or Convention
Grievance and Arbitration Provisions. Union Stewards shall not suffer any loss of pay or benefits for time involved in grievance and arbitration procedures.
Grievance and Arbitration Provisions. Changes in the Grievance Procedure have been made in order to expedite the process of dispute resolution.