Dirty Work Allowance. Employees engaged on extra dirty work (for example work inside boilers, smoke channels, furnaces, columns and towers which have been opened up as a result of a whole or partial shutdown of a plant or unit), will receive a special disability allowance to compensate them for that work, to be paid at a flat rate per hour worked in accordance with the table below: $1.39 $1.40 $1.45 $1.49 $1.53
Dirty Work Allowance. An employee engaged on unusually dirty work must be paid an amount of $8.73 per hour or the site allowance, whichever is the greater.
Dirty Work Allowance. When an employee is required to come in physical contact with the pollutant while engaged in the cleaning up of oil spills in excess of two hundred (200) litres which resulted from an accident or disaster, mechanical failure, bunkering or fuel transfer operations, the employee shall receive, in addition to the appropriate rate of pay, an additional one-half (1/2) his straight-time rate for every fifteen (15) minute period, or part thereof, worked. All of the foregoing duties must have the prior approval of the Agency before work is commenced. **
Dirty Work Allowance. (1) The staff member shall be entitled to a monthly dirty work allowance (12 times a year) in the amount of 1.25% of the gross monthly salary of job group IIIb / regular level 1 as defined in Article 54 to the extent that and for as long as during his/her total working time s/he mainly has to work where s/he is bound to get him/herself and his/her clothes extremely dirty.
(2) The allowance shall be paid together with the monthly salary. In the case of part-time employment the allowance shall be prorated.
Dirty Work Allowance. 5.5.1 The following provisions shall apply to therapists only.
5.5.2 Where a therapist is required to clean up a student soiled with vomit, excreta, urine or blood (other than blood associated with minor cuts and abrasions and minor nose bleeds) in the course of her/his duties, s/he shall be paid an allowance of $3.85 per day or part thereof.
5.5.3 Where a therapist is required to clean up a student soiled with other forms of body fluids, the allowance shall be payable at the employer’s discretion.
5.5.4 This allowance shall be payable for no more than one attendance to such duties per day.
Dirty Work Allowance. 5.4.1 Where an employee is required to clean up a student soiled with vomit, excreta, urine or blood (other than blood associated with minor cuts and abrasions and minor nose bleeds) in the course of her/his duties, she/he shall be paid an allowance of $3.85 per day or part thereof.
5.4.2 Where an employee is required to clean up a student soiled with other forms of body fluids, the allowance shall be payable at the employer’s discretion.
5.4.3 This allowance shall be payable for no more than one attendance to such duties per day.
Dirty Work Allowance. When an employee, who has been directed by the Employer to perform clean-up duties and is required to come into physical contact with a pollutant while engaged in the cleaning up of fuel or oil spills in excess of two hundred (200) litres which resulted from mechanical failure, bunkering or fuel transfer operations, the employee shall receive, in addition to the appropriate rate of pay, an additional one-half ) straight-time rate of pay for every fifteen (15) minute period, or part thereof, worked.
Dirty Work Allowance. 34.7.1 This Clause 34.7 does not apply to Academic Staff Members or to Professional and General Staff Members who are entitled to allowances in accordance with the following clauses:
a) Clause 34.4, Allowances – Industry Trade Qualified Staff Members;
b) Clause 34.5, Allowances – Industry Assistants;
c) Clause 34.6, Allowances – Non-Trades Qualified Leading Hands.
Dirty Work Allowance. An employee is entitled to a dirty work allowance in accordance with Appendix 1 when he or she is required to clean or in his or her work to handle to an unusual extent vomit, faeces or other similar secretions, or blood. In such situations, the employee’s supervisors shall be contacted to determine whether the situation constitutes the aforementioned work that is subject to separate compensation.
Dirty Work Allowance. 1. An employee is entitled to a dirty work allowance in accordance with Ap- pendix 1 when he or she is required to clean or in his or her work handle to an unusual extent vomit, faeces or other similar secretions, or blood. Work carried out in order to clean, open and repair waste water tanks and chutes and piping and which entails handling the aforementioned secretions or blood shall be remunerated in accordance with Appendix 1 so that the allowance is paid for each hour which is commenced.
2. In such situations, the employee’s supervisors shall be contacted to deter- mine whether the situation constitutes the aforementioned work that is subject to separate compensation.