Dissemination and exploitation of results. Beneficiaries of grants under the Erasmus+ programme have the duty to ensure that the work undertaken within the framework of this Agreement and the results accruing from it receive substantial visibility. The co-ordinator must pay specific attention to the importance of dissemination, exploitation of results of the action and to their visibility at a transnational level. In this respect, the coordinator must: create and maintain (at least during the project lifetime) a website for the action. The website must be kept up-to-date with at least: a description of the project, the contact details of the co- ordinator, the list of beneficiaries, mention of the European Union's financial support with the relevant logo (see Article I.10.9 below) and access to all results, as and when they become available. provide during the project lifetime the Agency and/or the Commission with the information requested in order to promote the Erasmus+ Programme and disseminate the results. This may include answering questionnaires and entering data into databases. update the project summary in accordance with the instructions provided in Annex V2. use the Erasmus+ Dissemination Platform, on the website xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/ to disseminate and exploit project results and deliverables in accordance with the instructions provided therein. The approval of the final report will be subject to the upload of the project results/deliverables by the time of its submission.
Dissemination and exploitation of results. Beneficiaries of grants under the Erasmus+ Programme have duty to ensure that the work undertaken within the framework of this Grant agreement and the results accruing from it receive substantial visibility. The co-ordinator must pay specific attention to the importance of dissemination, exploitation of results of the action and to their visibility at a transnational level. In this respect, the co-ordinator shall: • Create and maintain (at least during the project lifetime) a website for the action. The website must be kept up-to-date with at least: a description of the project, the contact details of the co-ordinator, the list of beneficiaries, mention of the European Union's financial support with the relevant logo (see Article I.10.4), and access to all results, as and when they become available. • Update the project summary in accordance with the instructions provided in Annex V • provide during the project lifetime the Agency and/or the Commission with the information requested in order to promote the Erasmus+ Programme and disseminate the results. This may include answering questionnaires and entering data into databases. • Use VALOR, the Erasmus+ Projects Result Platform, on the website xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/ to disseminate project results and deliverables in accordance with the instructions provided therein. The approval of the final report will be subject to the upload of the project results/deliverables in on the aforementioned platform by the time of its submission. In addition, the co-ordinator shall provide the Agency and/or the Commission with information requested in order to promote the Erasmus+ Programme and disseminate the results. This may include answering questionnaires and entering data into databases.
Dissemination and exploitation of results. The dissemination and exploitation activities will be integrated with the activities carried out by the participants as EEN – SME2EU partners. Each partner will also use the a regular flow of information, to (initially) inform the SMEs of the three Italian regions Tuscany, Marche and Umbria about the availability of the new services. After that communication they will also aim to publicise the obtained results and to give visibility to success stories. The objective is to spread the knowledge that the growth of the innovation management capacity is an enabling factor to success to the largest number of SMEs. The potential dissemination target is the whole set of SMEs located in the three regions, with innovative product/service/process, with potential for internationalisation. The main dissemination will use SME2EU and host-organisations media and instruments: web- site, newsletter, e-mailing, workshop, meetings, brochures …
Dissemination and exploitation of results. 12
4.1 Scientific publications 12 4.1 Scientific publications 12 4.2 Dissemination and communication activities 12
4.2 Dissemination and communication activities 12 Summary for Publication Work performed from M1 (1 June 2021) to M12 (31 May 2022) and main results achieved Note: this text is intended for the general audience [text]
1. Explanation of the work carried during the period Executive summary Summary of the work carried out per WP with emphasis on the progress towards deliverables and milestones during Y1 (M1 to M12). Note: this text should be more technical than the publishable summary and should refer to the milestones and deliverables achieved in the reporting period (to be cited in brackets). [text] Objectives List the specific objectives for the WP in the reporting period as described in Annex 1 and explain the work carried out during the reporting period towards the achievements of each listed objectives. Provide clear and measurable details.
Dissemination and exploitation of results. Beneficiaries of grants under the EU Aid Volunteers initiative have the duty to ensure that the work undertaken within the framework of this grant agreement and the results accruing from it receive substantial visibility. In this respect, the co-ordinator must: pay specific attention to the importance of dissemination, exploitation of results of the action and to their visibility at a transnational level. provide during the project lifetime the Agency and/or the Commission with the information requested in order to promote the EU Aid Volunteers initiative and disseminate the results. This may include answering questionnaires and entering data into databases.
Dissemination and exploitation of results. In the context of Horizon 2020, dissemination refers to the public disclosure of results by any appropriate means, except those resulting from protecting or exploiting results. Scientific publications, providing general information on web sites, participation in conferences or trade fairs are some examples of dissemination activities. According to the general model grant agreement, dissemination activities have to be undertaken starting from the beginning of the project. Under the leadership of RINA-C and the supervision of the Coordinator, all partners have to proactively contribute to disseminate activities. To this end, roles and responsibilities of each partner will be clearly agreed upon at the beginning of the project through a dissemination plan and coordinated actions. Prior to any dissemination activity, other partners must/have to be consulted in order for them to exercise their right to object in the case where such dissemination could cause significant harm to their background or results. In particular, at least 45 days prior notice of any dissemination activity shall be given to the other beneficiaries concerned that within 30 days may object about the dissemination activity. A novelty of Horizon 2020 is the requirement for participants to ensure open access to project results that is free of charge for any user, to all peer-reviewed scientific publications relating to its Horizon 2020 project’s results. This does not mean that participants have the obligation to publish their results, nor does this affect their plans for exploitation. In fact, firstly participants must decide on the protection of their results and, once the decision is taken, and they have to consider if and when dissemination should be done through scientific publication. Participants receiving European Union funding must use their best efforts to take measures aiming at ensuring the exploitation of their results up to four years after the project. This means that participants must take steps to make sure the results they owned are used: • in further research activities other than those covered by the project concerned • in developing, creating, and marketing a products or processes • in creating and providing a service • in standardisation activities. The exploitation does not need necessarily to be done directly by the participants. Indirect exploitation can be performed by licensing the results or assigning them to third parties, in accordance with the requirements establ...
Dissemination and exploitation of results. Beneficiaries of grants under the Creative Europe Culture Sub-programme have the duty to ensure that the work undertaken within the framework of this Grant Agreement and the results accruing from it receive substantial visibility. They must pay specific attention to the importance of a strong strategy for communication and dissemination of their activities and results, exploitation of results of the action and to their visibility at a transnational level.
Dissemination and exploitation of results. Beneficiaries of grants under the Erasmus+ Programme have duty to ensure that the work undertaken within the framework of this Grant agreement and the results accruing from it receive substantial visibility. The co-ordinator must pay specific attention to the importance of dissemination, exploitation of results of the action and to their visibility at a transnational level. In this respect, the co-ordinator shall: Input/ upload the results of the project in the programme Dissemination Platform on the website xxxx://xx.xxxxxx.xx/programmes/erasmus-plus/projects/ in accordance with the instructions provided in the notification of access to the Platform; Update the project summary in accordance with the instructions provided in Annex V (reporting templates)
Dissemination and exploitation of results. In order to disseminate project outcomes and reach a wide impact, a dissemination plan is developed for the activities under WP1, WP2 and WP3 and detailed in the description of Task 4.1; 4.2; 4.3; 4.4 and 4.5. The plan will be devised in M03 by SIE with contributions from LEGA and feedback from all partners, and will be up-dated regularly at each consortium meeting. The strategy will be agreed upon by partners and each one will undertake dissemination activities agreed upon, reaching a diverse and wide number of stakeholders (see table 2.1) in their respective areas of expertise. The dissemination will be tailored to the main target end-users/practitioners and key players: farmers and land managers in the selected countries (with special emphasis in the countries where the level of organisation is low) and decision-makers, but will not be limited to this particular group. They will also be devised for other
Dissemination and exploitation of results. Any communication or publication related to the WINTOUR project, made by the beneficiaries jointly or individually, including at conferences, seminars or in any information or promotional materials (such as brochures, leaflets, posters, presentations, etc.), must indicate the name of the Master (International Master on Wine Tourism Innovation – WINTOUR) and that the project has received European Union funding and must display the European Union emblem (EU flag), as well as the logo of the WINTOUR Master.