DISTRICT RIGHTS AND POWERS. ‌ 3.1. It is understood and agreed that the District retains all of its powers and authority to direct, manage, and control its operations to the full extent of the law. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the District; the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof; and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV‌
DISTRICT RIGHTS AND POWERS. A. It is understood and agreed that the District retains all of its powers and authority to direct, manage, and control to the full extent of the law including, but not limited to, the exclusive right to: 1. determine its organization; 2. direct the work of its employees; 3. determine the times and hours of operation; 4. determine the kinds of levels of services to be provided and the methods and means of providing them; 5. establish the educational policies, goals, and objectives; 6. determine staffing patterns; 7. determine the number and kinds of personnel required; 8. maintain the efficiency of District operations; 9. determine the curriculum; build, move or modify facilities; 10. establish budget procedures and determine budgetary allocations; 11. determine the methods of raising revenue; 12. contract out work; and 13. determine work location B. In addition, the Board retains the right to hire, classify, assign, evaluate, promote, terminate, and discipline unit members consistent with the requirements of state and federal law. C. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties and responsibilities by the District, the adoption or rescission of policies, rules, regulations and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith, shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of this agreement, and then only to the extent such specific and express terms are in conformance with the law.
DISTRICT RIGHTS AND POWERS. 3.1 It is understood and agreed that the District retains all of its powers and authority to direct, manage, and control its operations to the full extent of the law. Included in, but not limited to, those duties and powers, are the exclusive right to: determine its organization; direct the work of its employees; determine the hours of operation; determine the kinds and levels of services to be provided, and the methods and means of providing them; establish its educational policies, goals and objectives; determine staffing patterns; determine the number and kinds of personnel required; maintain the efficiency of District operations; determine the curriculum; build, move or modify facilities; establish budget procedures and determine budgetary allocations; determine the methods of raising revenue. 3.2 The District shall not contract out work except as permitted by law. 3.3 The District may use volunteer, non-paid workers, students enrolled in a work-study program or persons whose salaries are paid with funds made available through public employment programs so long as such use does not displace the work of regular bargaining unit positions. 3.4 The parties recognize the desire by individuals, student groups and/or community groups to offer their donation of work in an effort to improve the appearance of school facilities. The District may participate in public service programs sponsored by local, state and federal agencies, including programs charged with performing incidental or cosmetic type work in an effort to improve the appearance of school facilities. Donated work of individuals, student groups, community groups and public service programs shall not result in layoff or reduction of unit members or positions. Donated work will not be used to supplant regular work normally or customarily performed by unit members. All donated work shall require formal district review and approval, including any required plans, permits, inspections and supervision. The District shall notify CSEA in writing of all such agreements a minimum of ten (10) working days prior to the implementation of the work. CSEA shall have the right to meet with the District to examine concerns CSEA may have regarding the donation of work. At the end of each quarter (three months) the CSEA President shall receive a report of the volunteer work which has been performed in the District. 3.5 In addition, the Board retains the right to hire, classify, assign, evaluate, promote, terminate and d...
DISTRICT RIGHTS AND POWERS. A. It is understood and agreed that the District retains all of its powers and authority to direct, manage, and control to the full extent of the law. B. The exercise of the foregoing powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the District, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith, shall be limited only to the specific and express terms of this Agreement, and then only to the extent such specific and express terms are in conformance with the laws of the State of California.
DISTRICT RIGHTS AND POWERS. The District retains all its powers and authority to direct, manage and control its operation to the full extent of the law, except as modified in this Agreement.
DISTRICT RIGHTS AND POWERS. A. It is understood and agreed that the District retains all of its powers and authority to direct, manage, and control its operations to the full extent of the law, except as specified in this Agreement. 1. The District retains the rights to hire, classify, assign, evaluate, promote, terminate, and discipline employees. 2. The District retains the right to take action on any emergency matter. B. The exercise of the powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities by the District, the adoption of policies, rules, regulations, and practices in furtherance thereof, and the use of judgment and discretion in connection therewith, shall be limited only by the specific and express terms of this Agreement, and then only to the extent such specific and express terms are in conformance with law.