Illicit Drugs Sample Clauses

Illicit Drugs. The Licensee will not permit the display, sale or advocacy of items or paraphernalia that may be seen to promote or sell in any way the use of illegal drugs.
Illicit Drugs. 1. The Parties shall endeavour to ensure a comprehensive, balanced, integrated and evidence- based approach towards preventing and addressing the illicit trade in drugs and new psychoactive substances, as well as promoting drug demand reduction. To that end, they shall address risk factors affecting individuals, communities and society, which may include a lack of services, infrastructure needs, drug-related violence, exclusion, marginalisation and social disintegration, in order to contribute to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies. 2. The Parties agree that drug policies and actions, including through the involvement of civil society, the scientific community and academia, shall be aimed at reinforcing structures for preventing and effectively addressing illicit drugs, reducing measurably the supply of, trafficking in, and demand for illicit drugs. 3. The Parties shall aim to reduce the adverse consequences of drug use for individuals and society as a whole, as well as to effectively reduce the diversion of and illicit trafficking in scheduled and non-scheduled precursors, including designer precursors. 4. The Parties shall cooperate closely with each other and with relevant international organisations with a view to maintaining coordinated efforts and actions against the illicit drug trade.
Illicit Drugs. 1. Within their respective powers and competencies, the Parties shall cooperate to ensure a balanced and integrated approach towards drug issues. Drug policies and actions shall be aimed at reinforcing structures for preventing and combating illicit drugs, reducing the supply of, trafficking in and the demand for illicit drugs, addressing the health and social consequences of drug abuse with a view to reducing harm as well as at a more effective prevention of diversion of chemical precursors used for the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. 2. The Parties shall agree on the necessary methods of cooperation to attain these objectives. Actions shall be based on commonly agreed principles along the lines of the relevant international conventions, and the EU Drug Strategy (2013- 20), the Political Declaration on the guiding principles of drug demand reduction, approved by the Twentieth United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs in June 1998.
Illicit Drugs. The Parties shall cooperate on a balanced and integrated approach to drug issues, notably on issues of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors. Drug policies and actions shall be aimed at reinforcing structures for tackling the supply of, and the demand for, illicit drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, through the enhancement of the coordination and strengthened cooperation between the competent authorities aiming at reducing trafficking in, the supply of, and the demand for illicit drugs, enhancing preventive measures, treatment and rehabilitation, and with due regard to human rights. Cooperation shall also aim to reduce drug-related harm, to address the production and use of synthetic drugs and to achieve effective prevention of the diversion of drug precursors used for the illicit manufacture of drugs and psychotropic substances. The Parties shall agree on the means of cooperation to attain those objectives. Actions shall be based on commonly agreed principles along the lines of the relevant international conventions and instruments and of the European UnionCentral Asia Action Plan on Drugs. The Parties shall cooperate with the aim of preventing and fighting against all forms of organised, economic, financial and transnational criminal activities, including smuggling and trafficking in human beings, drug trafficking, firearms trafficking, embezzlement, fraud, counterfeiting, forging of documents, and public and private corruption, through full compliance with their existing international obligations in this field. The Parties shall promote the enhancement of bilateral, regional and international cooperation among law enforcement bodies, including the exchange of best practices and possible cooperation with agencies of the European Union. The Parties are committed to effectively implementing the relevant international standards, in particular those enshrined in the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime (UNTOC) of 2000 and its three Protocols, and the UN Convention against Corruption of 2003. Cooperation may include, where appropriate and subject to applicable procedures, accession to, and implementation of, Council of Europe relevant instruments on preventing and combating corruption by the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Illicit Drugs. 1. The Parties shall cooperate in ensuring a comprehensive, integrated and balanced approach to preventing and addressing the global drug problem through effective action and coordination between the competent authorities, in particular in the areas of health, education, law enforcement, customs, social affairs, justice and home affairs, with the aim of eliminating or minimising production and reducing supply, trafficking, demand and possession in conformity with internal legislation on illicit drugs and with due regard to human rights. Such cooperation shall also aim to mitigate the effects of illicit drugs, to assist victims through the provision of non-discriminatory and inclusive treatment, to address the production and use of new psychoactive substances and to more effectively prevent the diversion of drug precursors used for the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. 2. The Parties shall agree on means of cooperation to attain the said objectives. Actions shall be based on commonly agreed principles in accordance with the relevant international conventions, particularly the three main UN drug control conventions of 1961, 1971 and 1988, the Political Declaration and the Declaration on the guiding principles of drug demand reduction approved by the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs in June 1998, the Political Declaration and Plan of Action adopted at the High-Level Segment of the 52nd session of the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs in March 2009 and the outcome document adopted at the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the world drug problem in April 2016. 3. Without prejudice to other cooperation mechanisms, the Parties agree that, at the inter-regional level, the Coordination and Cooperation Mechanism on Drugs between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean shall be used for this purpose, and agree to cooperate with a view to strengthening its effectiveness. 4. The Parties also agree to cooperate against crime-related drug trafficking, through increased coordination with relevant international bodies and instances, including, in the field of police and judicial cooperation. 5. The Parties will exchange experiences in areas such as policy, legislative and institutional development, training of personnel, drug-related research, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and social reintegration of drug users, with the aim of minimising the adverse public health and ...
Illicit Drugs i. Except as described in paragraph D.1. above, on her/his first such occasion, a Flight Attendant who has a verified confirmed positive drug test, shall be given the following options: 1. Voluntary resignation without eligibility for rehire. 2. Termination for cause.
Illicit Drugs. 1. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure a balanced, evidence-based and integrated approach towards illicit drugs as well as new psychoactive substances. 2. Drug-related policies and actions shall be aimed at reinforcing structures to prevent and address illicit drugs, reduce the supply of, trafficking in, and demand for illicit drugs, and cope with the health and social consequences of the use of illicit drugs with a view to reducing harm. The Parties shall cooperate to prevent the diversion of chemical precursors used for the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic and new psychoactive substances. 3. The Parties shall agree on the necessary methods of cooperation to attain the objectives referred to in paragraph 1. Actions shall be based on commonly agreed principles set out in the relevant UN drug control conventions, and on the recommendations set out in the outcome document entitled "Our joint commitment to effectively addressing and countering the world drug problem" adopted by the UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/S-30/1 on 19 April 2016, as the most recent international consensus on the international drug policy, in order to take stock of the implementation of the commitments made to jointly address and counter the world drug problem.
Illicit Drugs. 1. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure a balanced approach through effective coordination between the competent authorities including, as appropriate, from the health, justice, interior and customs sectors, with the aim of reducing the supply, trafficking and demand of illicit drugs as well as reducing the adverse consequences of drug abuse for individuals and society as a whole, and to achieve a more effective prevention of diversion of drug precursors. 2. The Parties shall agree on means of cooperation to attain those objectives. Actions shall be based on commonly agreed principles of the Parties taking into consideration the applicable international conventions, the Political Declaration and the Declaration on the Guiding Principles of Drug Demand Reduction, adopted by the UN General Assembly twentieth special session on drugs on 10 June 1998 and the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation Towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem adopted at the 52nd session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs in March 2009. 3. The Parties will exchange expertise in areas such as the drafting of legislation and policies on the establishment of domestic institutions and information centres, training of personnel, drug related research, and the prevention of diversion of precursors used for the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.
Illicit Drugs. The Parties shall cooperate on a balanced and integrated approach to drug issues, notably on issues of illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors. Drug policies and actions shall be aimed at reinforcing structures for tackling the supply of, and the demand for, illicit drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, through the enhancement of the coordination and strengthened cooperation between the competent authorities aiming at reducing trafficking in, the supply of, and the demand for illicit drugs, enhancing preventive measures, treatment and rehabilitation, and with due regard to human rights. Cooperation shall also aim to reduce drug-related harm, to address the production and use of synthetic drugs and to achieve effective prevention of the diversion of drug precursors used for the illicit manufacture of drugs and psychotropic substances. The Parties shall agree on the means of cooperation to attain those objectives. Actions shall be based on commonly agreed principles along the lines of the relevant international conventions and instruments and of the European UnionCentral Asia Action Plan on Drugs.
Illicit Drugs. 1. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure a comprehensive, integrated, and balanced approach through effective action and coordination between the competent authorities, including from the health, education, law enforcement, custom services, social, justice and interior sectors with the aim of reducing, to the greatest extent possible, the supply and demand of illicit drugs as well as their impact on drug users and society at large, and in order to achieve control and a more effective prevention of diversion towards chemical precursors used for the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, including the diversion towards illegal purposes of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for medical and scientific use. 2. Cooperation shall be based on the principle of shared responsibility, relevant international conventions as well as the Political Declaration, the Special Declaration on the Guiding Principles of Drug Demand Reduction and the other main documents adopted by the Twentieth United Nations General Assembly Special Session on Drugs in June 1998. 3. Cooperation shall aim to coordinate and increase joint efforts to address the problem of illicit drugs. Without prejudice to other cooperation mechanisms, the Parties agree that, at the inter-regional level, the Coordination and Cooperation Mechanism on Drugs between the European Union and Latin America and the Caribbean shall be used for this purpose, and agree to cooperate in view of strengthening its efficiency. 4. The Parties also agree to cooperate against crime related drug trafficking, through increased coordination with relevant international bodies and instances. 5. The Parties shall cooperate to ensure a comprehensive and balanced approach through effective action and coordination between the competent authorities, including the social, justice and interior sectors with the aim to: (a) exchange points of view regarding legislative schemes and best practices; (b) fight against the supply, traffic and demand of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances; (c) strengthen judicial and police cooperation to combat illicit trafficking; (d) strengthen maritime cooperation in view of fighting efficiently against trafficking; (e) establish information and monitoring centres; (f) define and apply measures to reduce illicit drug trafficking, medical prescriptions (narcotic drugs and psychotropics) and chemical precursors; (g) set up joint research programmes and projects as well as ...