Dust and Noise. F.1.1. The Contractor must:
Dust and Noise. The Owner shall be responsible for controlling dust and noise from any construction on his lot. No loud radio noise or conversation volume which can be heard from Common Areas or adjacent homes is permitted. Common courtesy must be observed at all times. Any construction work which risks damaging or impacting adjacent property such as spray painting, sand blasting, etc., must provide adequate protection to contain the work and protect adjacent property.
Dust and Noise. 55. The Developer shall take effective means to control dust, dirt, noise, or any other annoyance originating within the Development from construction procedures, including building contractors, until the Final Acceptance Certificate for paved roads and gravel lanes has been issued by the Engineer. The Developer shall take effective remedial measures within 48 hours of notification from the Engineer with regard to complaints of dust, dirt, noise, or other annoyance.
Dust and Noise. The Contractor shall monitor dust and noise caused by mobile equipment, generators, and other equipment during construction. Factors such as wind can often affect the intensity to which these impacts are experienced. • To ensure that noise does not constitute a disturbance during construction activities, all construction works shall occur between specific working hours. This shall be stipulated in the contract. • Mitigation measures to be implemented as required / agreed upon with the project leader / environmental advisor. • Dust suppression measures shall be in place to reduce the dust caused by the movement of heavy vehicles and other contractor activities.
Dust and Noise. The Developer must use all reasonable endeavours to manage, mitigate, and monitor dust and noise emissions during construction of the Project so they do not cause an annoyance or become a nuisance to the general public or property owners and occupiers within or adjacent to [the/a] Super Lot. At a minimum, the Developer must: install windbreak fabrics along the temporary construction fences to reduce dust pollution outside the Super Lot[s]. The windbreak fabrics must be installed within 10 working days the Occupation Date and prior to commencement of the Works on site; install temporary noise barriers where a construction noise limit is predicted to be exceeded. The noise barriers must be installed prior to commencement of the aspect of the Works on site predicted to exceed a construction noise limit and be maintained until the risk of that exceedance is no longer a risk; and in recognition of the importance of well-functioning urban environments, including community harmony, the Developer must take particular care to comply with any dust and noise mitigation controls set out in the relevant Land Use Consent conditions.