Dust Suppression. Soils exposed during excavation for site preparation and project construction activities shall be kept moist throughout the time they are exposed, both during and after construction work hours.
Dust Suppression. Except as otherwise directed by the Employer, the Contractor shall provide dust suppression for the Contractor’s yard and for the Contractor’s working areas. The Employer will, however, provide dust suppression for roads and other common areas which are not used exclusively or primarily by the Contractor.
Dust Suppression. During Proposed Project activities, disturbed Project area surfaces, including unpaved access roads, shall be effectively stabilized of dust emissions (e.g., watered, covered, stabilized, or treated with a dust suppressant), consistent Onshore Compliance with the SWPPP as determined by San Diego RWQCB During Proposed Project activities Applicant or contractor Reduce impacts associated with air quality Potential Impact Mitigation Measure (MM) Location Monitoring / Reporting Action Timing Effectiveness Criteria with the Storm Water Pollution and Prevention Plan. APM-12: Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The Applicant or its contractor shall obtain coverage for the Proposed Project under the Construction General Permit (Order No. 2009-009-DWQ, as amended by 2010- 0014-DWQ and 2012-006-DWQ). Per the requirements of the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB), the Applicant or its contractor shall prepare a SWPPP to reduce the potential for water pollution and sedimentation from Proposed Project activities. The SWPPP will be project specific and expressly address site runoff, assuring that project runoff would not affect or alter drainage patterns to sensitive habitat, including but not limited to vernal pool habitat. Onshore Notification to CSLC staff that the SWPPP has been certified Prior to and during Proposed Project activities Applicant or contractor Reduce impacts associated with water quality The SWPPP shall set forth a best management practices including, but not limited to the following: • Silt fences, fiber rolls, and other measures shall be placed where they are determined to be appropriate for erosion and sediment control • A monitoring, maintenance, and reporting schedule shall be prepared and implemented and shall identify the responsible entities The Applicant or its contractor shall notify California State Lands Commission staff that the SWPPP has been certified and is available in the SWRCB’s Stormwater Multiple Applications and Reports Tracking System not Potential Impact Mitigation Measure (MM) Location Monitoring / Reporting Action Timing Effectiveness Criteria less than 30 days prior to commencement of ground disturbing activities. APM-13: Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan. The Applicant or its contractor shall continue compliance with the requirements of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA; 40 CFR Part 112) through continued use of the existing SONGS SPCC Plan, including amen...
Dust Suppression. The Service Provider shall ensure that the generation of dust is controlled. In the case of dust generated on areas other than the waste body or Cells, retained stormwater may be used as a control measure. Prior to this, however, the quality must be tested to confirm safe use. Management of Stormwater and Leachate The Service Provider shall be responsible for the overall management and maintenance of existing storm water and leachate channels within landfill site. The Service Provider shall ensure vegetation is cleared inside stormwater channels to allow free flowing of stormwater and also clear vegetation around both the leachate and stormwater dams. The Service Provider will be responsible for pumping the leachate and to monitor quality. It will be the responsibility of the Operator to maintain a 800mm freeboard on all leachate dams and stormwater dams on site. The Service Provider is required to maintain these areas on regular basis. The Service Provider shall prevent undue contact between waste and stormwater, so as to minimize the volume of contaminated run-off and leachate formed.
Dust Suppression. The portal area, surface roads and workshop/laydown areas shall be watered as required to suppress wind blown or vehicle generated dust.
Dust Suppression. When Repowering Work begins, the Wind Operators will water the Xxxxxxx County Road(s) in a sufficient amount to eliminate the dust where houses are located along such Xxxxxxx County Road(s).
Dust Suppression. Equipped with 145-gallon water sprinkler system To include water tanks, plumbing, and spray bar with brass nozzles Equipped with NeSilex – silica dust suppressant system
Dust Suppression. AMMENDMENT TO OPSS 506
Dust Suppression. The Contractor shall take all necessary measures to keep airborne dust to a minimum by watering. The Superintendent may direct the suspension of work at any time where that work in the Superintendent's opinion creates a dust hazard or nuisance to the public, personnel working on the site or property such as crops, stock and houses in the vicinity of the work. Where the Superintendent has directed a suspension of work and considers that the Contractor could not have been expected to have adequately controlled the dust, the Superintendent may consider an extension of time due to adverse weather conditions. No claim for increased costs due to such suspension will be considered.
Dust Suppression. Soils exposed during excavation and project construction activities shall be kept moist throughout the time they are exposed, both during and after work hours. Step 2: The construction contractor shall be alert for the presence of contaminated soils during excavation and other construction activities (detected through soil odor, color, and texture and results of on-site soil testing), and shall be prepared to handle, profile (i.e. characterized) and dispose of such soils appropriately (i.e. as dictated by local, state and federal regulations, including OSHA lead-safe work practices) when such soils are encountered. The contractor shall ensure that soils exposed during excavation and project construction activities will be kept moist throughout the time they are exposed, both during and after work hours. Contractor Soils handling and disposal implemented as needed during construction activities SFPUC, in consultation with DPH. Completion of construction