EFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY. 2.1 The parties hereby agree to undertake to cooperate fully in an endeavour to achieve the following objectives in the Public Service:
(a) Increase efficiency and productivity.
(b) Elimination of waste of resources.
(c) Elimination of conditions of work inimical to the increase of efficiency and productivity.
(d) Elimination of negative attitudes to work and the development of proper work ethics.
2.2 In pursuit of this endeavour, representatives of both parties will meet from time to time to identify areas where improvement can be effected and appropriate corrective measures taken to achieve the aforesaid objectives.
EFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY. 5.1 The parties hereby agree to co-operate fully in an endeavour to achieve the following objectives in the Medical and Dental Service:
(a) Increase efficiency and productivity;
(b) Elimination of waste of resources;
(c) Elimination of conditions of work inimical to increased efficiency and productivity; and
(d) Elimination of negative attitude to work and development of proper work ethics.
5.2 In pursuit of this endeavour, representatives of the Employer and the Association will meet every three months to identify areas where improvement can be effected, and appropriate corrective measures taken, to achieve the aforesaid objectives. In this case representatives of the Employer would be the officials from the Ministry of Health. In addition, extra-ordinary meetings may be summoned by either party when the need arises.
EFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY. 2.1 The parties hereby agree to undertake to co-operate fully in an endeavour to achieve the following objectives in the Fire Service.
(a) Increase efficiency and productivity.
(b) Elimination of waste of resources.
(c) Elimination of conditions of work inimical to increase efficiency and productivity.
(d) Elimination of negative attitude to work and development of proper work ethics.
2.2 In pursuit of this endeavour, representatives of both parties will meet from time to time to identify areas where improvement can be effected and appropriate corrective measures taken to achieve the aforesaid objectives.
EFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY. 2.1 The parties hereby agree to cooperate fully in an endeavour to achieve the following objectives in the Police Force.
(a) Increase efficiency and productivity.
(b) Elimination of waste of resources.
(c) Elimination of conditions of work inimical to increased efficiency and productivity.
(d) Elimination of negative attitude to work and development of proper work ethics.
2.2 In pursuit of this endeavor, representatives of both parties will meet from time to time to identify areas where improvement can be effected and appropriate corrective measures taken to achieve the aforesaid objectives.
EFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY. The objective of this provision is to relate adjustments in wages and benefits in future negotiations to a corresponding increase in work productivity resulting from the collective efforts of all employees and the Company. The future of each employee and the Company as a whole is dependent upon continually improving acceptance by the public. Competitive cost is the key factor in acceptance, so it is essential that operations be conducted as efficiently as possible. Productivity is a major feature in efficient operations. The Company and the Union mutually agree to work cooperatively toward the objectives of this Article.
EFFICIENCY AND PRODUCTIVITY. Providing value for money and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of councils is as important today as it’s ever been. Over the last eight years councils have made great strides to reduce costs whilst maintaining the quality of service delivery. The efficiency and productivity programme is designed to ensure that local government continues to be the most efficient part of the public sector and comprises a range of initiatives and support to help councils continue to improve their productivity and efficiency - including the development of common solutions or the facilitation of collaborative approaches where appropriate. More so than ever before local authorities need to look at how they now go beyond efficiency savings to how they can transform their services making use of digital and other opportunities. This year we are launching a Transformation and Innovation Exchange, 0which will provide a package of support to help councils with their continuous improvement journey. This will include a self-assessment tool to enable councils to challenge themselves and identify areas of further improvement. There will be links to performance and value for money data from LG Inform, enabling councils to compare their performance and costs with other councils. All of these resources will form an integral part of an on-line hub, where councils can readily gain access to support, peer networks and resources in one place. This will help councils continue to deliver the best financial, social and public value for their spend. We are working with councils to co-produce the content, and to develop and pilot the self- improvement tool; and are committed to promoting the model to help drive take-up so that councils have a meaningful comparison base. Local government has a track record of working with other bodies: public sector (including central government), voluntary sector and the business community to help to transform the lives of their residents and communities for the better. It is by working together collaboratively in a place that added value can be achieved and councils are at the forefront of this way of working. The LGA welcomes the government’s recognition of local government’s partnership role as set out in the common strategic agenda outlined in the UK Digital Strategy, the Government Transformation Strategy and the National Cyber Security Strategy. These set out an ambitious agenda which impacts directly on local communities, business and public services...