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ELIGIBLE SPONSORS. Sponsorswillencompassthose companiesorother entitiesoffering materials, productsorservicesofspecificinteresttoAlliance of Channel Womenmembersasdetermined byAlliance of Channel Womenin itssolediscretion.Alliance of Channel Womenalso reservesthe rightto determine the eligibility ofany company specificmarketing campaign before distribution.Onlythe company whosenameappearson thefaceofthisagreementmaybeplaced inprintandpre- outlined sponsorship recognition opportunities.
ELIGIBLE SPONSORS have work activities related to the intern’s program. • are willing to pay for stipend, tuition, and fees. • have no overdue financial commitments to the University. • have a fully negotiated XXXX on file with Research Support Services. • are not debarred from doing business with the government. • Sponsor is required to comply with Civil Rights Act. • Sponsor may not make any payments directly to any University employee. • Sponsor may not make payments directly to the student. • Sponsor must agree to allow “onsite audits” by the Internship Coordinator to verify intern is performing the required assignment or request a written report of the interns performance. • Sponsor certifies that they will not knowingly utilize services of any undocumented workers.
ELIGIBLE SPONSORSSponsors will encompass those companies or other entities offering materials, products or services of specific interest to attendees as determined by AMADC in its sole discretion. AMADC also reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company specific market- ing campaign before distribution. Only the company whose name appears on the face of this contract may be placed in print and pre- outlined sponsorship recognition opportunities.
ELIGIBLE SPONSORS. The following entities are eligible to apply to sponsor an AmeriCorps Promise Fellows program: • Governor-appointed state commissions on national and community service (State Commissions), • Nonprofit organizations proposing to sponsor AmeriCorps Promise Fellows in more than one state (National Directs), • Indian Tribes, and • Local government agencies, institutions of higher education, or public or private nonprofit organizations in North Dakota, South Dakota, or U.S. territories that do not have a State Commission. With the exception of the eligible organizations in North or South Dakota or a U.S. territory that does not have a State Commission, local organizations that want to host a Fellow should consult their respective state commission or a potential National Direct organization or Indian Tribe to discuss the possibility of applying for funding. The AmeriCorps Promise Fellows program is structured so that the eligible sponsors listed above are the legal applicants to the Corporation for AmeriCorps Promise Fellows funding. Legal applicants submit one overall proposal for AmeriCorps Promise Fellows funding to the Corporation that may comprise a plan to place Fellows at multiple host organizations in locations around the state or the country, depending on the type of applicant. Applicants may propose a variety of organizational structures for their AmeriCorps Promise Fellows program. For example, a National Direct applicant may propose to operate its program directly or provide sub-grants to local chapters or affiliates that will host Fellows. State Commissions may sub- grant responsibility for overall program administration to another entity that in turn manages the Fellows’ host sites, or the State Commissions may enter directly into separate agreements with each host organization while retaining responsibility for some training and coordination of the program. The process for selecting sub-grantees or host organizations varies from applicant to applicant. However, applicants are required to demonstrate how their Fellows will be involved in an effort to deliver all five promises in the communities where they serve. This requirement can be fulfilled by demonstrating that Fellows’ host organizations deliver all five promises directly or by placing Fellows in organizations that are part of a larger effort to deliver all five. Fellows may also be deployed to initiate or support efforts to develop an all-five effort in organizations or communities that are...


  • ELIGIBILITY OF E-BIDDERS 1.1. Parties who are interested to participate in public auction (“E-Bidders”) may do so by logging on to EHSAN AUCTIONEERS SDN. BHD. Website and register as a member. 1.2. E-bidders who register as a member to participate in the public auction via EHSAN AUCTIONEERS SDN. BHD. website shall: a. Be of 18 years and above, sound mind and not an undischarged bankrupt; b. For a company, be incorporated under the laws of Malaysia and must not be in liquidation; c. Be able to take, fulfil and perform all necessary actions, conditions and matters (including obtaining any necessary consents) in terms of law to enable E-bidders to participate in the public auction and complete the purchase in the event of successful bid. 1.3. E-bidders’ eligibility requirements are also subject to the existing Federal and State legal provisions. Non-Malaysian E-bidders or companies are also advised to take note of restrictions applicable on foreign purchase imposed by relevant authorities.

  • Eligibility for Group Participation This section describes eligibility to participate in the Group Insurance Program.

  • Participation in Benefit Plans The Executive shall be eligible to participate in the employee benefit plans and programs maintained by the Company from time to time for its executives, or for its employees generally, including without limitation any life, medical, dental, accidental and disability insurance and profit sharing, pension, retirement, savings, stock option, incentive stock and deferred compensation plans, in accordance with the terms and conditions as in effect from time to time.

  • Continuing Eligibility To continue health benefits, a permanent intermittent employee must be credited with a minimum of 480 paid hours in a control period or 960 paid hours in two consecutive control periods.

  • Substitute Employees Employees replacing another on leave of absence from the position shall be known as substitute employees. Those substitutes who exceed 194 workdays in the fiscal year shall not gain permanent employment rights with the District. However, the agency shop provisions of this contract shall cover the employee.

  • SALARY DETERMINATION FOR EMPLOYEES IN ADULT EDUCATION 1. The following shall apply to employees providing instruction in adult education programs in these districts: Continuing Education employees in the Adult Education High School Completion Program (credit courses) and Adult Education Academic Upgrading Programs (Adult Basic Education, General Education Development, Pre-General Education Development, Literacy and Adult Education English Language Programs). Employees teaching Adult Education academic programs including: High School Completion Program, Pathfinder High School Completion Program, Academic Business Education Program, General Equivalency Diploma Program, Adult Basic Education Program, Adult English as a Second Language Program, and Adult Special Education Program, in the Continuing Education Division.

  • Participation in Retirement and Employee Benefit Plans The Employee shall be entitled to participate in all plans relating to pension, thrift, profit-sharing, group life and disability insurance, medical and dental coverage, education, cash bonuses, and other retirement or employee benefits or combinations thereof, in which the Bank's executive officers participate.

  • Eligible Employees Regular and probationary, full time and less than full-time employees (on a pro rata basis) are eligible to participate in this program. Sec. 903 COURSES ELIGIBLE: The following criteria will be used in determining eligibility for reimbursement:

  • Eligibility for Employer Contribution This section describes eligibility for an Employer Contribution toward the cost of coverage.

  • Probation for Newly Hired Employees (a) The Employer may reject a probationary employee for just cause. A rejection during probation shall not be considered a dismissal for the purpose of Article 11.2