Employees Quarantined Due to Possible Exposure to COVID Sample Clauses
Employees Quarantined Due to Possible Exposure to COVID. 19: Employees who have been advised by a public health agency to quarantine at home due to possible exposure to COVID-19 may not come to work at a District work site and may access any or all of the following benefits under the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or law:
i. Alternative assignment for work/services which may be provided from home, if available;
ii. EPSL with supplementation up to the employee’s regular daily salary if the employee’s salary exceeds the statutory EPSL cap ($511/day) by (a) paid administrative leave if the quarantine was due to reported exposure at a District work site; or (b) other paid leaves identified below if the quarantine was due to reported exposure elsewhere;
iii. Paid administrative leave if the employee has exhausted EPSL, an alternative work assignment for work/services provided at home is unavailable, and the quarantine was due to reported exposure at a District work site;
iv. Leave for illness, injury or emergency;
v. Personal leave;
vi. Worker’s compensation (Under certain circumstances, claims from health care providers and first responders involving COVID-19 may be allowed. Other claims that meet certain criteria for exposure will be considered on a case-by- case basis.)
vii. Unpaid leave of absence for the period of the quarantine; and
viii. Unemployment benefits.
Employees Quarantined Due to Possible Exposure to COVID. 19: Employees who have been advised by a public health agency to quarantine at home due to possible exposure to COVID-19 may not come to work at a District work site and may access any or all of the following benefits under the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or law:
Employees Quarantined Due to Possible Exposure to COVID. 19.
a. Employees who have been advised by a public health agency or the employer that they have been exposed by close contact to any student or other District Employee who has a confirmed case of COVID-19 and is told to quarantine will, at the employee’s option, access one of the following:
i. Work from home, if possible; or
ii. Alternative remote assignment, if available; or
iii. Special Paid Emergency Leave (SPEL) for the duration of the quarantine period specified by the Snohomish County Health Department. No leave will be deducted from an employee’s leave balance.
b. An employee who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, as a result of exposure at a District worksite will access one of the following benefits:
i. Alternate remote assignment, if available; leave may be unnecessary if employee is able to work remotely; or
ii. Special Paid Emergency Leave (SPEL) of ten (10) days at the employee’s regular daily salary if the employee is not working from home or performing an alternate remote assignment, and the positive diagnosis follows a quarantine order due to an exposure at a District work site.
iii. In the event an employee has used ten (10) days of SPEL and five
Employees Quarantined Due to Possible Exposure to COVID. 19: Employees who have been advised by a public health agency to quarantine at home due to possible exposure to COVID-19 may not come to work at a District work site and the employee may access any or all of the following benefits under the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or law:
i. Alternative assignment for work/services which may be provided from home; with District provided technology, if applicable - see paragraph (j) below;
ii. EPSLA up to the statutory EPSLA cap ($511/day);
iii. Paid administrative leave if the employee has exhausted EPSLA, an alternative work assignment for work/services provided at home is unavailable, and the quarantine was due to reported exposure at a District work site;
iv. Leave for illness, injury or emergency;
v. Personal leave;
vi. Worker’s compensation (Under certain circumstances, claims from health care providers and first responders involving COVID-19 may be allowed. Other claims that meet certain criteria for exposure will be considered on a case-by-case basis.)
vii. Unpaid leave of absence for the period of the quarantine; and
viii. Unemployment benefits.
Employees Quarantined Due to Possible Exposure to COVID. 19: Employees who have been advised by a public health agency to quarantine at home due to possible exposure to COVID-19 may not come to work at a District work site and may access the following benefits under the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or law:
i. Alternative assignment for work/services which may be provided from home, if available;
ii. EPSL with supplementation up to the employee’s regular daily salary if the employee’s salary exceeds the statutory EPSL cap ($511/day) Leave for illness, injury or emergency;
iii. Shared leave;
iv. Personal leave;
v. Worker’s compensation (Under certain circumstances, claims from health care providers and first responders involving COVID-19 may be allowed. Other claims that meet certain criteria for exposure will be considered on a case-by-case basis.)
vi. Unpaid leave of absence for the period of the quarantine; and
vii. Unemployment benefits.
Employees Quarantined Due to Possible Exposure to COVID. 19: Employees who have 48 been advised by a public health agency to quarantine at home due to possible exposure to
1 COVID-19 may not come to work at a District work site and may access any or all of the 2 following benefits under the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or 3 law:
4 a. Alternative assignment for work/services which may be provided from home, if 5 available.
6 b. EPSL by (a) paid administrative leave if the quarantine was due to reported exposure at
7 a District work site; or (b) other paid leaves identified below if the quarantine was due 8 to reported exposure elsewhere.
9 c. Paid administrative leave if the employee has exhausted EPSL, an alternative work 10 assignment for work/services provided at home is unavailable, and the quarantine was 11 due to reported exposure at a District work site.
12 d. Leave for illness, injury, or emergency.
13 e. Personal leave and/or vacation leave once all other leaves become exhausted.
14 f. Unpaid leave of absence for the period of the quarantine.
15 g. Unemployment benefits. 17 Employees in high-risk categories and those who may be at increased risk with a note from a 18 medical provider: The district will request that employees in high-risk categories as defined by the 19 CDC, or those who may be at increased risk with a note from a medical provider, self-identify no later 20 than the end of the first contracted workday. The District will make every reasonable effort to allow 21 these employees to work remotely or with a limited number of students when they return to campus. 23 No employee in these categories shall be expected or required to work without PPE, on any task that 24 cannot be performed without social distancing, and/or with students or staff who cannot wear face 25 coverings. 27 Employees who are assigned or accommodated to work remotely due to health risks and employees 28 who are transferred to a different assignment as a result of district or student needs during the COVID 29 pandemic in the 2020-21 school year, will have the right of first refusal to their previously held (2019-
Employees Quarantined Due to Possible Exposure to COVID. 19: Employees who have been advised by a public health agency to quarantine at home due to possible exposure to COVID-19 may not come to work at a District work site and may access any or all of the following benefits under the terms of the applicable collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or law:
a. EPSL with possible supplementation (10 days, up to 80 hours) based on the employee’s regular daily salary if the employee’s salary exceeds the statutory EPSL cap ($511/day) by (a) paid administrative leave if the quarantine was due to reported exposure at a District work site; or
Employees Quarantined Due to Possible Exposure to COVID. 19: Employees who have been advised by a public health agency to quarantine at home due to possible exposure to COVID-19 may not come to work at a District work site and may access any or all of the following benefits under the terms of the applicable CBA or law:
i. Alternative assignment for work/services which may be provided from home, if available;
ii. EPSL with supplementation up to the employee’s regular daily salary if the employee’s salary exceeds the statutory EPSL cap ($511/day) by (a) paid administrative leave if the quarantine was due to reported exposure at a District work site; or (b) other paid leaves identified below if the quarantine was due to reported exposure elsewhere;
iii. General Leave;
iv. Worker’s compensation (Under certain circumstances, claims from health care providers and first responders involving COVID-19 may be allowed. Other claims that meet certain criteria for exposure will be considered on a case-by-case basis.)
v. Unpaid leave of absence for the period of the quarantine.
Employees Quarantined Due to Possible Exposure to COVID. 19: Employees who have been advised by a public health agency to quarantine at home due to possible exposure to COVID-19 may not come to work at a District work site and may as legally applicable under the terms of the collective bargaining agreement (CBA) or law:
1. If you were exposed on a district site, access to the benefits will be in the order listed below:
a. An accommodation to work remotely shall be provided if the essential functions in the job description for the employee are able to be performed remotely;
b. Paid Pandemic leave will be provided for the number of days the public health agency identifies to quarantine per occurrence; or
c. Worker’s compensation (Under certain circumstances, claims from health care providers and first responders involving COVID-19 may be allowed. Other claims that meet certain criteria for exposure will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
2. If you were exposed away from a district site
a. Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSL) with supplementation up to the employee’s regular daily salary if the employee’s salary exceeds the statutory EPSL cap ($511/day);
x. Xxxxxxxxxx Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML); or
c. Family Medical Leave Act (unpaid leave except for continued health insurance benefits)
d. Personal leave and/or vacation leave (only available under the terms of some CBAs) Human Resources will provide a weekly update of members who are on leave that includes a reduction in pay. The District and the Association will work in partnership to ensure members are using appropriate leave as necessary.
Employees Quarantined Due to Possible Exposure to COVID. 19: Employees who have been advised by a public health agency to quarantine at home due to confirmed direct exposure to COVID-19 may not come to work at a District work site and may access any or all of the following benefits under the terms of the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) or law:
i. Alternative assignment for work/services which may be provided from home, if available (see 3.k-l below);
ii. EPSL with supplementation up to the employee’s regular daily salary if the employee’s salary exceeds the statutory EPSL cap ($511/day) by (a) ten (10) days of paid administrative leave if the quarantine was due to confirmed exposure at a District work site; or (b) other paid leaves identified below if the quarantine was due to reported exposure elsewhere;
iii. In the event a worksite outbreak has been traced by Health Department officials, an employee who is experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and is awaiting test results (typically 2-5 days), and is quarantined as a result of that outbreak will receive ten