Facility Site Sample Clauses

Facility Site. The Facility Site shall comply with the following requirements : 5.1 The boundary wall (with a height of at least 2.0 meters above the nearest road level) for the Facility Site should be constructed before it is put to use so that it does not cause any nuisance to the public. 5.2 The construction and other works planned at the Facility Site should be so designed so as to cause no inconvenience to the public in terms of air, noise and water pollution. 5.3 The civil structures constructed with in the Facility Site should be aesthetic, allow for convenient and safe loading/unloading of MSW, easily cleaning and disinfections operations and allow for adequate natural light & ventilation. 5.4 All Applicable Permits for construction on the Facility Site would be obtained by the Concessionaire as per Applicable Law. 5.5 If the Facility Site is used as recycling center/transfer station and if temporary storage of MSW is planned, the storage facilities should be so designed so as to allow for easy identification of segregated MSW. The segregated sections should be marked as specified in the MSW Rules. 5.6 Under no condition should Biodegradable Substance be stored beyond 24 hrs at the Facility Site.
Facility Site. No later than the Commencement Date, Owner shall furnish to Contractor access to the Facility Site, as set forth on Appendix H hereto, for all on-site construction-related activities, subject to the availability of, and the terms and conditions of, any Applicable Permits (other than Building Permits) required to be obtained by Owner with respect to such activities under Section 5.3 hereof. Subject to the provisions of Section 20.2 hereof, Contractor hereby agrees that the Facility Site as described in Appendix H hereto, together with the Real Estate Rights designated in Appendix G hereto, is suitable and sufficient for Contractor to perform the Services.
Facility Site. Client shall furnish the Facility Site (including all such easements and access rights as necessary to permit Contractor to conduct the Work), which shall be free from Hazardous Materials, and shall make the Facility Site continuously available to Contractor in connection with Contractor’s performance of the Work. Client shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary real property rights for performance of the Work, whether on or off the Facility Site.
Facility Site. The land leased and appurtenant easements to be granted to Owner under the terms of the Second Amended and Restated Lease Agreement between Owner and Host (Execution Draft dated October 21, 1992) including the "Unit I" and "Unit II" premises as defined therein.
Facility Site. The Facility will be located on the submerged lands of the Federal outer continental shelf in BOEM Lease OCS-A 0486 area, and may be proximate to Other Facilities (as defined in Exhibit E).
Facility Site. 14 Leasehold Deed of Trust Trustee.................................. 18
Facility Site. Easements and Rights-of-Way ................................. Buffer Zone .. .. ........ ............... Access Outside the Leased Premises ............................ 3 3
Facility Site. For and in consideration of the rents, covenants and agreements hereinafter set out, the Band hereby leases and lets to the L.L.C. for the L.L.C.'s exclusive use and control the lands described and identified in Exhibit "A" attached hereto (the "Facility Site") whih Exhibit "A" is made a part hereof by reference, and all of which lands are located within the Reservation. in Tooele County, State of Utah. containing 820 acres, more or less. The L.L.C. shall have exclusive control and use of the Facility Site. The L.L.C. shall have the right to prorn;%I, remove any persons. equipment, or vehicles from the Facility Site. During the term of this Lease, no activities ofany type may be undertaken on the Facility Site without the prior written consent of the L.L.C. The Parties agree that the L.L.C. will provide physical security for the Facility Site as necessary to comply with NRC regulations and the License or as the L.L.C. may otherwise deem necessary. This may include, without limitation, appropriate fencing.
Facility Site. The Facility Site shall be the area of land depicted in the conceptual map below subject to a more precise description of such area in the Ground Lease to be entered into by the Parties prior to the Construction Commencement Date. Appendix II Products Product Quantity Sold to Purchaser Dependable Capacity One Hundred Percent (100%) Energy One Hundred Percent (100%) Environmental Attributes One Hundred Percent (100%) Appendix III Contract Prices Billing Charge Facility Status Measurement (for Billing Period) Contract Prices Escalation Non-Fuel Energy Charge Facility Receives ITC or Renewable Energy Grant Available Energy $50.00/MWh x Construction Cost Adjuster None Facility Does Not Receive ITC or Renewable Energy Grant Available Energy $58.10/MWh x Construction Cost Adjuster None Fixed O&M Charge N/A Available Energy $23.00/MWh None Variable O&M Charge N/A Delivered Energy $3.15/MWh Annually on the anniversary of the Effective Date, the Variable O&M Charge shall be escalated by the percentage change in the CPI from the CPI value 12 months before the current anniversary date Fuel Charge N/A Delivered Energy Base Fuel Charge + Fuel Price Adjuster None Shutdown Charge N/A Purchaser Shutdown Startup Fuel Cost + Startup O&M Cost Annually on the anniversary of the Commercial Operation Date, the Startup O&M Cost shall be escalated by the percentage change in the CPI from the CPI value 12 months before the current anniversary date Ad Valorem N/A Actual monthly (or a lump-sum) ad valorem taxes paid by Seller Actual monthly (or a lump-sum) ad valorem taxes paid by Seller, subject to adjustment pursuant to Section 3.4.2. None • Assume Construction Commencement Date is November 15, 2010 • Assume ENR BCI ATL for November 2010 is 3638.1 • ENR BCI ATL for April 2009 is 3725.44 • Assume Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate for Construction Commencement Date is 1.434 • Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate for 4/29/2009 is 1.3023 (93% x (ENR BCI ATL for 11/2010 ÷ ENR BCI ATL for 4/2009)) + (7% x (Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate for 11/15/2010 ÷ Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate for 4/29/2009)) = (93% x (3638.10 ÷ 3725.44)) + (7% x (1.4340 ÷ 1.3023)) = (0.93 x 0.9766) + (0.07 x 1.1011) = (0.9082 + 0.0771) = 0.9851