Event Rules Sample Clauses

Event Rules. 2.1 The Promoter shall have the absolute right to disqualify a Player from the Event at any time for any breach of this Agreement, the Event Rules, the applicable Venue conditions or for any behaviour which in the Promoter’s opinion is prejudicial to the good name of the Event, the Sponsors, Broadcasters or Promoter. 2.2 The Event will be conducted and played according to WPA Rules & Regulations in force at the time of Event, with the exceptions of the breaking conditions (see Appendix II) and the shot clock (see Appendix III) and conform with International Olympic Committee (“IOC”) anti-doping regulations (collectively, the “Event Rules”). Players shall not be allowed to smoke or drink alcoholic beverages during their matches. Any further changes to the Event Rules set out herein are at the sole discretion of the Promoter. 2.3 The Event Format Schedule is set out at Appendix I along with the Event overview. The Event timings and format are at the sole discretion of the Promoter and may be changed at the sole discretion of the Promoter. All Players will be afforded reasonable notice should this occur. 2.4 The Event is sanctioned by the WPA. All Players must have signed the WPA Player License prior to the commencement of the Event. At the sole discretion of the Promoter, WPA will be informed of any serious disciplinary matters out of the Players performance in or behaviour at the Event which may lead to the Player being further disciplined under WPA rules and regulations. 2.5 Any breaches of the Event Rules and or this Agreement the Promoter has the sole right to withhold some or all the Players Prize Money. 2.6 Players shall not be permitted to place bets directly or indirectly on any match in the Event. In addition, Players shall not be allowed to pass information on to someone else which they can use for betting. Players can be considered to have passed information in any of the following ways, by word of mouth, email, writing, or even social media postings, this list is not intended to be exhaustive. Players may be in breach of this Agreement and/or any other applicable law/regulations if Players pass inside information on to someone else even if they did not know that they were going to use it to bet. It is a fundamental term of this Agreement that every match is conducted on a completely fair and competitive basis in good faith and that there is no overt, implied or covert collusion between Players that could affect the result of any match at any time...
Event Rules. These Event Rules apply to your visit to the Event and the Event Location. If you visit the Event and enter the Event Location, you agree to these Event rules and their applicability.
Event RulesThe Event must be conducted under and in accordance with the AusCycling and UCI Technical Regulations and any other Policies of AC as they apply.
Event Rules. Each Guest has read and understood the Event Rules and each Guest agrees to comply with the Event Rules at all times. Capitalized terms used in the Event Rules have the same meanings as used herein. Event Application Information. Each Guest certifies that all information submitted for such Guest in his/her Party’s Event Application is true and correct and was submitted with such Guest’s permission.
Event RulesThis Agreement is subject to the terms of the License Agreement for the Duke Energy Center between NAHQ and GSLP. In addition, Exhibitor shall and shall cause its Personnel to abide by all guidelines, rules, regulations, and directions issued by NAHQ, GES, GSLP, the Facility, or the City applicable to the Event and Exhibitor’s Event participation (collectively, “Event Rules”). Without limiting the foregoing, in connection with the Exhibition, Exhibitor and its Personnel shall: (i) Dress and conduct themselves in a professional manner; (ii) Abide by applicable law, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), its regulations, and guidelines and construct and operate Exhibitor’s exhibit in compliance with the ADA; (iii) Not violate the contractual, statutory, common law, intellectual property, or other legal rights of any individual or entity; (iv) Not smoke, play music, may not serve or dispense food or beverages of any type from their booths or in the exhibit area without prior consent of NAHQ, or use heliumKfilled balloons, glitter, or adhesiveKbacked promotional items in the Facility; (v) Not block doors, fire extinguishers, sprinklers, emergency equipment signage, emergency exits, or lighting systems in the Facility; (vi) Not bring weapons, flammable, volatile, or hazardous materials, or materials under high pressure into the Facility; (vii) Ensure Exhibitor’s exhibit and decorations are constructed of flameproof material or treated with an approved fire retardant solution and comply with all applicable fire rules and regulations. Other local Fire Marshal regulations may apply; (viii) Not damage the Facility, Facility furniture, or Facility equipment; (ix) Not post, tack, nail, screw, or otherwise attach anything or apply paint, stain, lacquer, adhesive, marker, or similar materials to columns, walls, floors, or other parts of the Facility, Facility furniture, or Facility equipment; (x) Not engage in any activities detrimental to the Event; (xi) Confine Exhibitor’s exhibit, decorations, promotional materials, and promotional activities to within the confines of Exhibitor’s booth; (xii) Not engage in any activities at the Exhibition, which result in excessive noise or audio presentations, light or laser projections outside Exhibitor’s booth, obstruction of aisles, or prevents ready access to the Event, the Exhibition, or any other exhibitor’s booth, Exhibit displays must not project so as to obstruct the view of the adjacent booths. In the rear 4...
Event Rules. Company hereby agrees to participate as an Exhibitor/Sponsor at (as indicated on page 1), Craft Beverage Expo 2017 (the “Event”) pursuant to the Exhibitor/ Sponsor Kit Guidelines, which are incorporated herein by reference. In the event of a conflict between the Exhibitor/Sponsor Kit Guidelines and this Contract, this Contract shall take precedence. CBE, VP International LLC (the CBE management company), and their respective agents and representatives (collectively “CBE”) reserve the right to make changes to the Event, including dates, times and location. CBE shall: (a) make commercially reasonable efforts to inform Company of any changes within a reasonable timeframe; and (b) not be liable for damages arising from such changes.
Event Rules. The LOA shall follow the Regatta Format and Course Types (Part 3 of this Manual). The program shall include: • 4/5/6 (EOC) & (WOC) days of races with at least one day for the TRWC. • 3 days of races for Eurochallenge Circuit LOA shall adopt the OBCA Standard Notice of Race and the Standard Sailing Instructions. The NoR and SI’s shall be submitted for approval to the OBCA. The NoR shall include relevant information related to: accommodation, transportation and custom clearances for boats coming from overseas, local requirements applicable to coaches and team leaders if any, and the details for chartering competitive and reasonably priced boats.
Event RulesThis Agreement is subject to the terms of the August 31, 2017 Permit for Occupancy (PFO) for the Minneapolis Convention Center between t h e C i t y a n d t h e F a c i l i t y a n d NAHQ. In addition, Exhibitor shall and shall cause its Personnel to abide by all guidelines, rules, regulations, and directions issued by NAHQ, GES, the Facility, or the City applicable to the Event and Exhibitor’s Event participation (collectively, “Event Rules”). Without limiting the foregoing, in connection with the Exhibition, Exhibitor and its Personnel shall abide by the MCC Meeting Planner Guide as it’s listed here. NAHQ is entitled to interpret, amend, add to, and enforce the Event Rules. Exhibitor and its Personnel shall abide NAHQ’s interpretation of, amendment to, addition to, and enforcement of the Event Rules. In addition, Exhibitor and its Personnel shall abide by all directions given or decisions made by NAHQ, GES, the Facility, or the City with respect to the Event, the Exhibition, Exhibitor’s Event participation, or the Facility.
Event Rules. The Semi-Formal is for high school aged students up to the age of 19. If your guest is not the appropriate age, your guest must be pre-approved by administration. Only if that approval is given may a guest ticket be purchased.
Event Rules. 5.1. General Rules While attending the Event, you must at all times strictly comply with all applicable laws, rules, regulations and orders of governmental authorities and the rules established by the Organizer and the owner or operator of the facility where the Event takes place. You must follow all instructions given by the Organizer, Event staff, staff and agents of the facility owner or operator, and the security service.