Excellence Awards. The University shall implement the merit-based bonuses set forth below to recognize and promote faculty excellence and productivity that respond to and support the mission of the University of Central Florida.
(a) Trustee Chair Professorship. The UCF Trustee Chair Professorship is a multi-year appointment awarded to faculty with an extraordinary record of accomplishment in the three primary areas of academic endeavor: teaching, research and service. The objective of this appointment is to recognize and celebrate outstanding performance with a title and resources commensurate with accomplishment.
(1) Award recipients shall receive an annual stipend of $50,000 funded by the University. Up to $25,000 can be used as a salary supplement. These chairs have a five-year renewable appointment.
(2) Each academic year, the University shall award up to eight (8) Trustee Chair Professorships.
(3) These awards shall be made according to existing criteria and procedures.
Excellence Awards. The University shall implement the merit-based bonuses set forth 156 below to recognize and promote employee excellence and productivity that respond to and support 157 the mission of the University of Central Florida. 158 (a) Trustee Chair Professorship. The UCF Trustee Chair Professorship is a multi-year 159 appointment awarded to employees with an extraordinary record of accomplishment in the three 160 primary areas of academic endeavor: teaching, research and service. The objective of this 161 appointment is to recognize and celebrate outstanding performance with a title and resources 162 commensurate with accomplishment. 163 (1) Award recipients shall receive an annual stipend of $50,000 funded by the 164 University. Up to $25,000 can be used as a salary supplement. These chairs have a five-year 165 renewable appointment. 166 (2) Each academic year, the University shall award up to eight Trustee Chair 167 Professorships. 168 (3) These awards shall be made according to existing criteria and procedures. 169 (b) Pegasus Professor. The Pegasus Professor award recognizes excellence in the three 170 primary areas of academic endeavor: teaching, research and service. 171 (1) Award recipients shall receive a one-time payment of $5,000 from 172 Foundation funds as well as a Pegasus statue. 173 (2) Each academic year, the University may award Pegasus Professor awards. 174 (3) These awards shall be made according to existing criteria and procedures. 175 (c) Excellence Awards 176 (1) Award recipients shall receive a one-time payment of $2,000. 178 Teaching awards, one University Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Excellence in 179 Graduate Teaching awards, one University Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, two 180 University Awards for Excellence in Faculty Academic Advising, one University Award for 181 Excellence in Professional Academic Advising, Excellence in Research awards, one University 182 Distinguished Research award, two University Awards for Excellence in Professional Service, one 183 Excellence in Librarianship award, one Excellence in English Language Institute Instruction and 184 one Excellence in Instructional Design award. 185 (3) These awards shall be made according to existing criteria and procedures 186 published by the Office of Faculty Excellence. 187
Excellence Awards. (1) a. Award recipients shall receive a one-time payment of $2,000.
Excellence Awards. The University shall implement the merit-based bonuses set forth in Paragraphs (1) through (3) below to recognize and promote faculty excellence and productivity that respond to and support the mission of the University of Central Florida.
Excellence Awards. (1) Award recipients shall receive a one-time payment of $2,000.
(2) For the 2009-2010 year, the University shall award Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching awards, one (1) University Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Excellence in Graduate Teaching awards, one (1) University Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, two (2) University Awards for Excellence in Faculty Academic Advising, one (1) University Award for Excellence in Professional Academic Advising, Distinguished Researcher awards, one (1) University Distinguished Research award, two (2) University Awards for Excellence in Professional Service, and one (1) Excellence in Librarianship award.
(3) These awards shall be made according to existing criteria and procedures.
Excellence Awards. The Superintendent and the Association President will mutually agree upon the process of granting Excellence Awards to bargaining unit members. The award will not exceed $1,000 per person, up to a maximum of $10,000 per year, for this entire bargaining unit with the exception of Administrative Interns and shall not be added to the base salary of any administrator.
Excellence Awards a. Award recipients shall receive a one-time payment of $2,000.
b. For the 20067-20078 year, the University shall award seventeen (17) Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching awards each year, one (1) University Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, six (6) Excellence in Graduate Teaching awards, one (1) University Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, two (2) University Awards for Excellence in Faculty Academic Advising, one (1) University Award for Excellence in Professional Academic Advising, seven (7) Distinguished Researcher awards, one (1) University Distinguished Research award, two (2) University Awards for Excellence in Professional Service, and one (1) Excellence in Librarianship award.
c. These awards shall be made according to existing criteria and procedures.
Excellence Awards. The University shall implement the merit-based bonuses set forth below to recognize and promote employee excellence and productivity that respond to and support the mission of the University of Central Florida.
(a) Trustee Chair Professorship. The UCF Trustee Chair Professorship is a multi-year appointment awarded to employees with an extraordinary record of accomplishment in the three primary areas of academic endeavor: teaching, research and service. The objective of this appointment is to recognize and celebrate outstanding performance with a title and resources commensurate with accomplishment.
(1) Award recipients shall receive an annual budget of $50,000 funded by the University. Up to $25,000 can be used as a salary supplement. These chairs have a five- year appointment.
(2) Each academic year, the University may award Trustee Chair Professorships.
(3) The eligibility criteria for an applicant is holding the rank of tenured professor; the applicant must be recognized as a “foremost scholar” in his or her chosen area of expertise, meaning known as a preeminent scholar in his or her discipline; and have a positive impact to other scholars at UCF. Applications will be reviewed by a committee consisting of one Trustee Chair, one Pegasus Professor, the Chair of the Faculty Senate, and the Vice Xxxxxxx for Faculty Excellence. An employee who holds the rank of full professor shall be appointed by the UCF-UFF Chapter President to serve as an ex officio member of the committee, and shall not have a voting role except in the case of breaking any tie votes. The President and Xxxxxxx or designee will make the final appointment.
Excellence Awards. The University shall implement the merit-based bonuses set forth 171 below to recognize and promote employee excellence and productivity that respond to and support 172 the mission of the University of Central Florida. 173 (a) Trustee Chair Professorship. The UCF Trustee Chair Professorship is a multi-year 174 appointment awarded to employees with an extraordinary record of accomplishment in the three 175 primary areas of academic endeavor: teaching, research and service. The objective of this 176 appointment is to recognize and celebrate outstanding performance with a title and resources 177 commensurate with accomplishment. 178 (1) Award recipients shall receive an annual stipend of $50,000 funded by the 179 University. Up to $25,000 can be used as a salary supplement. These chairs have a five-year 180 renewable appointment. 181 (2) Each academic year, the University shall award up to eight (8) Trustee Chair 182 Professorships. 183 (3) These awards shall be made according to existing criteria and procedures. 184 (b) Pegasus Professor. The Pegasus Professor award recognizes excellence in the three 185 primary areas of academic endeavor: teaching, research and service.
Excellence Awards. All full-time employees in the appropriate discipline with at least three years of continuous non-visiting, non-OPS service at UCF immediately prior to the current year are eligible, except for employees who have received a college or university excellence award in the past three academic years in the category for which they are applying. For some Excellence awards, additional eligibility criteria are specified below. Award recipients shall receive a one-time payment of $2,000. Each academic year, the University shall award Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching awards, one University Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, Excellence in Graduate Teaching awards, one University Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching, one University Award for Excellence in Faculty Academic Advising, Excellence in Research awards, one University Distinguished Research award, one University Award for Excellence in Professional Service, one Excellence in Librarianship award, and one Excellence in Instructional Design award.
(1) Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching awards.