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For more information visit our privacy policy.Paid Sick Leave For those jurisdictions that have passed or will pass legislation requiring Paid Sick Leave, Paid Sick Time will be billed back to Client at the straight-time bill rate for all hours taken by any Consultant assigned to Client. This section is not applicable until the effective date of such legislation has been reached.
Sick Leave Buy Back To encourage and reward employees who maintain good job attendance, the parties agree to the following incentive award: Employees who utilize two (2) sick leave days or less each assigned school calendar year and year-round employees who utilize three (3) sick leave days or less during each assigned school calendar year - upon request – shall receive payment for up to eight (8) days of sick leave, provided the employee worked the full assigned calendar year.* The following procedures apply to the payment of sick leave under this section. 1. An employee must have a minimum of twenty-five (25) days of accumulated sick leave remaining after the payment for unused sick leave under this section. 2. The payment of this incentive shall be paid to eligible employees no later than October 31st of the school year following the school year in which the employee qualified for the incentive pay. 3. For purposes of this section, sick leave shall be defined pursuant to all sections of F.S.1012.61. 4. Days for which such award payment is received shall be deducted from the accumulated leave balance. 5. Payment shall be equal to the number of eligible days times the affected employees daily rate of base pay times eighty percent (80%).
Unused Sick Leave The accrual of unused sick leave hours is unlimited. The City and the Union commit to the evaluation and establishment of a mutually beneficial non-use of sick leave incentive and pay-out policy. Until such time that a policy is established, accumulated sick leave shall be compensated as follows: Upon retirement from the City service, an employee shall be paid sixty percent (60%) of his accumulated sick leave, with the rate of payment based upon his regular pay at the time he retires. Upon the death of an employee, his beneficiary shall be paid sixty percent (60%) of his accumulated unused sick leave, with the payment based upon his regular pay at the date of his death.
Accumulated Sick Leave The Employer shall inform all employees at least once each year of the number of sick days accumulated and shall make the information available to an employee on request.
Sick Leave Sharing The program permits employees to donate sick leave to a fellow employee who is suffering from or has a relative or household member suffering from an extraordinary or severe illness, injury, impairment, or physical, or mental condition which has caused or is likely to cause the employee to take leave without pay or to terminate employment
Sick Leave Abuse When the Employer suspects sick leave abuse, the employee will be provided the opportunity to explain the circumstances surrounding their sick leave use prior to disciplining the employee, or making reference to sick leave use in the employee’s performance evaluation. The Employer may not adopt or enforce any policy that counts the use of paid sick leave time as an absence that may lead to or result in disciplinary action for an authorized purpose. The Employer may not discriminate or retaliate against an employee for the use of paid sick leave for an authorized purpose.
Family Sick Leave An employee may use sick leave credits for family illness or injury only if the employee must provide direct care to an immediate family member. For purposes of family sick leave, “immediate family member” will mean the employee’s parent, spouse, or child, including step-child and xxxxxx child.
Reinstatement of Vacation Days - Sick Leave In the event an employee is sick or injured prior to the commencement of his/her vacation, such employee shall be granted sick leave and the vacation period so displaced shall be added to the vacation period if requested by the employee and by mutual agreement, or shall be reinstated for use at a later date.
Accrued 100% sick leave The use of sick leave under this subsection is at the employee's discretion.
Sick Leave Accumulation (a) An employee is eligible to accumulate sick leave with full pay at the rate of 16 working hours for each 173 1/3 hours of service. (b) The maximum number of days of sick leave which may be awarded to an employee during any consecutive twenty (20) year period of service shall not exceed 3840 hours.