File Inspection. A unit member or an NSCPA representative, whom the unit member has so designated in writing, has the right to inspect the contents of his or her individual personnel file. Files must be reviewed in the presence of the Human Resource Director/AVP or designated Human Resource staff member.
File Inspection. An affected officer’s Personnel File, Member’s Complaint Record, and completed inactive Disciplinary Investigation Files, except for information which the Employer reasonably deems to be confidential, shall be open and available for inspection by the affected officer during regular business hours.
File Inspection. Upon written authorization by the unit member, a representative of the CSEA shall be permitted to examine and/or obtain copies at CSEA's expense, of materials in unit member's personnel file. Unit members shall have the right to inspect his/her personnel file pertaining to him/her at any time mutually convenient to the unit member and the District during business hours. The District shall comply with the unit member’s request to inspect their personnel file within five (5) days.
5.2.1 The person or persons who writes and/or places material in a unit member's personnel file shall sign the material and signify the date on which such material was written.
File Inspection. 26 Upon request, teachers will have the right to inspect all documents in their complete personnel file 27 kept in the District office, and to obtain a copy of any document(s) contained therein at District 28 expense. Each teacher will be provided with a private space to the extent available in the District 29 office for review of his/her file. The teacher or the Superintendent may request others to be present 30 at this review. 31 Upon request by the employee, the District shall prepare an inventory sheet to verify the contents 32 at the time it is inspected by the employee.
File Inspection. The City shall abide by the provisions of the Personnel Record Review Act (820 ICS 40/I et seq.); any violation thereof, or remedy available there under, shall be subject to the grievance and arbitration sections of Article 20. It is agreed that any material not available for inspection shall not be used in violation of said statute.
File Inspection. The Village's personnel files and disciplinary history files (if any) relating to any employee shall be open and available for inspection by the affected employee during his working time, upon request made pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Illinois Personnel Record Review Act, 820 ILCS 40/0.01 et seq, and with prior permission of the Supervisor concerning the time of inspection, such approval not to be unreasonably denied. Any alleged violation of this Section 7.3, File Inspection, may be pursued under the Grievance Procedure, but such grievance shall not proceed to the arbitration step. Nothing in this article shall constitute a waiver of any rights provided to an employee by law, nor shall the mere filing of a grievance prohibit an employee from pursuing other remedies to the extent allowed and otherwise as provided by law.
File Inspection. Each employee shall be permitted to inspect his personnel file within 3 business days after a written request is made. The right of inspection does not apply to:
(a) Letters of reference for that employee.
(b) Any portion of a test document, except that the employee may see a cumulative total test score for either a section of or the entire test document or process.
(c) Materials used by the employer for management planning, including but not limited to judgments, external peer review documents or recommendations concerning future salary increases and other wage treatments, management bonus plans, promotions and job assignments or other comments or ratings used for the employer’s planning purposes.
(d) Information of a personal nature about a person other than the employee if disclosure of the information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the other person’s privacy.
(e) Records relevant to any other pending claim between the employer and employee that may be discovered in a judicial proceeding.
(f) Investigatory or security records maintained by an employer to investigate criminal conduct by an employee or other activity by the employee which could reasonably be expected to harm the employer’s property, operations, or business or could by the employee’s activity cause the employer financial liability, unless and until the employer takes adverse personnel action based on information in such records. The sole remedy for violation of this section is that such documents that should have been available for inspection, but were not, may not be used in any disciplinary hearing before the Board of Fire Commissioners against the employee unless available not less than 7 days prior to the disciplinary hearing.
File Inspection. The Employer's personnel files, disciplinary history, and investigative files relating to any officer shall be open and available for inspection by the affected officer during regular business hours.
File Inspection. The Employer's personnel files, disciplinary history, and investigative files relating to any employee covered by this Agreement shall be open and available for inspection by the affected officer during regular business hours, consistent with the Personnel Records Review Act, Chapter 820, ILCS 40/1 et. seq.
File Inspection. Upon reasonable request, a Flight Attendant may inspect her/his/their personnel file(s) and make copies of letters, evaluations, and reports pertaining to performance or discipline. Documentation relevant to any discipline will be included in the personnel file.