Personal Property Replacement. 8.2.1 The County agrees to reimburse unit employees for personal property items that are stolen, damaged, lost in a duty-related incident, or destroyed during duty. The County’s obligation herein shall not arise unless the employee is unable to be reimbursed from any other source, provided however, the County will be responsible for seeking reimbursement of expenses which may be paid through court ordered restitution. Prior to agreement for replacement, approval of the Sheriff or his/her designee must be obtained.
8.2.2 Such reimbursement by the County shall be limited to items of personal property that are reasonably required in order for the employee to perform his/her duties, including uniform items which are covered by the uniform allowance provided in the preceding paragraph. It shall be further limited to situations in which the employee was in no way responsible for the loss or damage of the item and shall be reimbursed at the current retail value. The list of items which may be reimbursed shall include weapons and related equipment, watches, eyeglasses/contacts, handcuffs, and other equipment on the Sheriff’s required equipment list.
8.2.3 The maximum reimbursement amount for each incident shall be two hundred dollars ($200.00); however, if restitution is secured in an amount greater than what is paid from the reimbursement account, the difference will be paid to the employee. The County’s maximum obligation for reimbursement under this section is one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per fiscal year in the aggregate for this unit. Any court ordered restitution received by the County for reimbursement paid to an employee during a fiscal year which has not been passed through to the employee, shall be restored to the balance available for reimbursement.
Personal Property Replacement. The Employer shall reimburse employees for the replacement of personal items that are lost, damaged or stolen while in the performance of their duties, provided the item(s) is moderately priced, it was reasonable to use the item(s) on duty and the loss, damage or theft was not as a result of negligence. Employees are required to immediately report the loss of, or damage to their personal property to the immediate supervisor, and follow the Employer's procedure for completing the Supervisor's Incident Investigation Report.
Personal Property Replacement. The Employer shall replace or repair all personal property, except uniforms, of the employee, commonly worn or used while working, which is damaged or lost while the employee is on duty; unless such damage or loss is due to the negligence of the employee, in which case the employee shall bear the cost.
Personal Property Replacement. Section 1. Should any personal property (clothing, watch, glasses, etc.) belonging to an employee become damaged or destroyed, through no personal fault, while the employee is performing assigned duties, the Employer will assist the employee in filing a claim for reimbursement/replacement with the appropriate authority.
Section 2. Should reimbursement/replacement as provided by Section 1 not be covered, the Employer will reimburse an employee for the actual cost of the property damaged or destroyed not to exceed $100.00. This Section does not apply to damage caused by acts of God.
Personal Property Replacement. Where an employee’s personal property, utilized in the performance of his/her duties, is damaged by a client while the employee is carrying out his/her duties and the damage is not covered by Workers Compensation, or insurance the Employer shall reimburse the employee for the necessary repairs or replacement provided the employees personal property is suitable for use while on duty.
Personal Property Replacement. The City will replace or repair personal property or prostheses of an employee, including eye glasses, hearing aids, dentures, watches, and uniforms necessarily worn or carried by the employee when such items are lost, stolen, or damaged in the line of duty without fault of the employee. Personal property shall not include items not required for job related activities including jewelry and non-uniform articles of clothing. If the item is damaged beyond repair, the actual value of the item shall be paid. Actual value shall be determined by the Chief of Police or his designee taking into consideration the age, serviceability and pre-loss condition of the item. The total payable claims for eye glasses shall be One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per occurrence. The total payable claims for watches shall be Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per occurrence.
Personal Property Replacement. The Employer will replace any personal clothing belonging to a Part-Time employee that is damaged during the course of their duties. The maximum reimbursement amount will be no more than one hundred dollars ($100) per incident. It will be the responsibility of the Part-Time employee to inform their immediate supervisor of any damaged personal clothing items prior to leaving the incident, training, or fire station. In the event a Part-Time, or Reserve employee’s eyeglasses or contact lenses are damaged, the Employer agrees to reimburse up to three hundred dollars ($300) per incident. The employees shall submit a report of the incident in which the property was damaged along with a written request and receipt for reimbursement to the Fire Chief. The City will not be responsible for reimbursement if the employee was not properly wearing the protective equipment and apparel provided by the Employer which may have prevented the damage.
Personal Property Replacement. 21 29 CRITICAL INCIDENT STRESS DEBRIEFING (CISD) ............................21 30 CONTROLLER PERFORMANCE/IMMUNITY PROGRAM ...................21 31 UNION PUBLICATIONS AND USE OF EMPLOYERS FACILITIES .....22 32
Personal Property Replacement. 21.1 The County shall reimburse the employee who has not been negligent for damage to glasses (frames and lenses), dentures, watches, hearing aids or any article of regulation uniform, based upon current/replacement value, when such items are lost or damaged as a result of duty requirements.
21.1.1 The employee shall notify his immediate supervisor on the date of occurrence, if possible but no later than the employee's next active duty shift.
21.1.2 This process of reimbursement shall be accomplished within twenty (20) working days of occurrence.
Personal Property Replacement. 22.5.1 The County shall reimburse the employee who has not been negligent for damage to glasses (frames and lenses), hearing aids, dentures, watches, or any article of regulation uniform, based upon current/replacement value, when such items are lost or damaged as a result of duty requirements, not to exceed $500.00 unless otherwise approved by the Chief of Corrections. The following steps must be implemented: Submit the claim on an Incident Report to the employee's immediate supervisor on the date of occurrence, if possible but no later than the employee's next active duty shift. Submit the claim with the damaged equipment or personal property and receipt. The request for reimbursement shall be reviewed by the County Human Resources Department. This process shall be accomplished within twenty (20) days of occurrence.