Flex. The business address and telephone number to be used by Tenant in making inquiries or providing notices concerning this transaction and the storage of property are listed in the heading on the first page of this contract.
Flex. The number of Performance Shares to be Vested and issued pursuant to the Award will be determined as set forth below (the "Flex"):
(a) To the extent that achievement of a given Performance Goal is below 100% of the target level set forth on Exhibit A, the number of Performance Shares to be Vested and issued will be reduced ratably by 2.5% for each 1% of shortfall up to a maximum downward adjustment to 80% of the target performance level (the "Threshold Performance Level"). At the Threshold Performance Level, 50% of the applicable portion of the Target Number of Performance Shares will be issued. If achievement of a given Performance Goal is below the Threshold Performance Level set forth on Exhibit A, no Performance Shares will Vest with respect to that Performance Goal.
(b) To the extent that achievement of a given Performance Goal is above 100% of the target level set forth on Exhibit A, the number of Performance Shares to be Vested and issued will be increased ratably by 2.5% for each 1% of overachievement, with a maximum upward adjustment to 140% of the target performance level set forth on Exhibit A. In no event will the total number of Performance Shares issued under the Award exceed 200% of the Target Number of Performance Shares specified above.
Flex. In recognition of unusual and demanding work schedules, employees may request to flex their schedules within the agency workweek. Approval for any such request must be given by Program Manager, or if they are unavailable the employee shall call up; and will not be unreasonably denied as long as doing so does not impact supports or coverage.
Flex. Each Flex$ has a $1 cash equivalency and may be used at all Hornet Hospitality dining venues. Please visit the Dining Services website for eligible venues.
Flex. For the purposes of calculating preparations, teaching in the flex program for three (3) full trimesters shall count as four (4) course preparations. Teachers of flex shall not be assigned more than one (1) additional course preparation per trimester. Any flex teacher assigned more than six (6) preparations shall receive compensation for an involuntary assignment of one thousand seven fifty dollars ($1,750).
Flex time Leave for Religious Purposes: Staff members whose religious affiliations require observances of mandatory holy days on days when school is in session will be granted up to two (2) days of unpaid flex‐time leave for this purpose, based upon the procedures listed below:
a. A staff member desiring to take leave under this section must notify his/her principal in advance of the requested leave.
b. The staff member may make up each day missed by performing professional tasks under the supervision of his/her immediate supervisor on a mutually agreeable non‐school, non‐per diem, day which falls between five
Flex. On Wednesday of each week, the Company will advise employees whether they will be permitted to flex their schedule on Friday to start no earlier than 6am and to finish no later than 6pm. It is understood that the flex option may be cancelled on Thursday due to extraordinary circumstances.
Flex. Each Flex$ has a $1 cash equivalency and may be used at most dining venues. Please visit the Dining Services website for eligible venues.
Flex. Time. Upon agreement of the supervisor's immediate supervisor, an 2 individual flex‐time schedule may be established, provided such schedule does not require the 3 payment of overtime.
Flex. The number of Performance Shares to be Vested and issued pursuant to the Award will be determined as set forth below (the “Flex”):
(a) To the extent that achievement of a given Performance Goal is below 100% of the target level shown in Section 3.2 above, the number of Performance Shares to be Vested and issued will be reduced ratably by 2.5% for each 1% of shortfall up to a maximum downward adjustment of 80% of the target performance level specified in Section 3.2 above. At 80% of the target performance level, 50% of the applicable portion of the target amount specified in Section 2 above would be paid. If achievement of a given Performance Goal is below 80% of the target performance level specified in Section 3.2 above, no Performance Shares will Vest with respect to that goal.
(b) To the extent that achievement of a given Performance Goal is above 100% of the target level shown in Section 3.2 above, the number of Performance Shares to be Vested and issued will be increased ratably by 2.5% for each 1% of overachievement, with a maximum upward adjustment of 140% of the target performance level specified in Section 3.2 above. In no event will the total number of Performance Shares issued under the Award exceed 200% of the target amount specified in Section 2 above.