Further Reading. Each module and teaching unit contains a list of further recommended reading as well as resources quoted. We hope that this handbook will be a useful and inspiring tool to accompany youth workers in their daily activities with young people. Please do not hesitate to send us your feedback and suggestions via xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/genzeuproject Enjoy reading and good luck! Sustainable development is one of the main topics that concern states, countries, communities, and people. The causes of climate change, such as the continuous emission of greenhouse gases, have led to many effects, such as the depletion of natural resources and habitats. In a sustainable community, the natural resources are not decreasing, but they are reused for the needs of the present without wasting their availability for future needs. Hence, the need to move towards a more sustainable living and mindset is more essential than ever. In this module, the learners will have the opportunity to go through the most fundamental terms of sustainable development. Additionally, the causes and effects of climate change will be presented with the aim to raise environmental awareness and how human activity can be the one harming the environment but at the same time the one that can actually save it. • To define sustainable development • To know the history of sustainable development • To define climate change • To understand the causes and effects of climate change • To understand the consequences of climate change • To know good practices in sustainable living • To understand human activities as contributors to climate change • To understand human activities as a solution to mitigate the climate crisis • To describe world environmental issues • To explain the consequences of climate change • To analyse the global impact of climate change • To relate different climate change causes to everyday life actions • To change habits to a more Eco-conscious lifestyle • To choose a more sustainable way of living • To relate to good practices in the field of sustainability • To explain ways towards green living
Further Reading. The NSPCC have a huge amount of excellent materials to support parents with keeping children safe online.
Further Reading. “File-Sharing Activity Part 1 of 2 - Security implications of using peer-to-peer file sharing software.” May 20, 2002. xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx.xx/xxxxxx.xxxx?xx=0000&xxxxxxxx=0.
Further Reading. Xxx Xxxxxxx, I., Xx Xxxxx, S., Xxx Xxx, N., Xxxxxx, R. (2010). The areas of interest of potential users for naturalistic observations studies. PROLOGUE Deliverable D1.
Further Reading. Xxxxxxxxx and Xxxxxx: Chapter 3; Chapter 11, Section 3. Xxxxxxx and Xxxxx (6th and 7th Ed.): Chapter 15.
Further Reading. Xxxxxxxx, X., Xxxxxx, A., Xxxxxx, S., Xxxxx, R. (2010) Tools for Database Handling. TeleFOT Deliverable D4.1.1. TeleFOT website xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx.xx/pages/index/?id=6 Xxxxx, X., Xxxx, X., Xxxxxx, X., Xxxxxx, A. (2010). Data collection, analysis methods and equipment for naturalistic studies and requirements for the different application ar- eas. PROLOGUE Deliverable D2.1. Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK. When conducting an ND study, there are various methodological considerations to make in order to ensure that it is a scientifically sound study resulting in reliable and valid conclusions. Important topics to consider are selection of subjects, definition of variables, study design, and data analysis.
Further Reading. Xxxxxxxxx and Xxxxxx: Chapter 8, Sections 1-3.
Further Reading. Carers’ Strategy 1 April 2010 Carer Information Strategy July 2010 Shetland’s Young Carers’ Strategy NHS Shetland 2020 Vision of Shetland’s Healthcare Caring Together, the Carers Strategy for Scotland (2010-2015) Review public information with carers in mind On- going WER PFPI Steering Group; Planning and Information Team for Social Care Develop a Carers’ Helpline On- going £1,200 Citizen’s Advice Bureau is providing this function. This will be developed further as With You For You is embedded across services. Increase amount of information available on websites On- going WER Voluntary Action Shetland maintain a local website for carers, which is well used. Further work is needed to develop better information for carers on the Council and NHS websites. Increase number of carer assessments undertaken. On- going WER New process With You For You implemented April 2010 All carers are routinely offered an assessment in their own right. Develop more flexible, responsive home-based respite options On- going WER Executive Manager (EM) - Community Care Resources. Develop wider range of day care options On- going WER EM - Community Care Resources. Increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities and with mental health issues On- going WER Moving On and COPE continue to provide additional supported employment opportunities Approve draft Respite Care Strategy 2013 WER Reablement Officer Ensure that issues of inclusion and diversity are covered in carer awareness training for all frontline staff On-going WER NHS and SIC Training Managers Develop training programmes appropriate to the needs and circumstances of all carers e.g. young carers and carers from black and ethnic minority groups. Reviewed Annually WER NHS and SIC Training Managers; Carers’ Link Group Publicise training plans for carers and include training for staff on carers issues in Joint Training Plans On-going WER NHS and SIC Training Managers; Carers’ Link Group Investigate options for specialist independent advocacy services for children and young people TBA TBA Integrated Children’s Services Planning Group (ICSPG) Ensure With You For You and care management processes are responsive to the needs of black and minority ethnic groups On-going WER EM – Adult Services/ EM – Mental Health
Further Reading culture. The contract being the result of shared, negotiated, discursive work might actually lessen the possibility of complaints arising at some future date. As I write this I think ‘fingers crossed!’ because I am well aware that there are absolutely no guarantees of protection from such an event. That should not, I think, stop us from attempting to make explicit, safe and clear contracts with our clients from the outset. This is not, as I used to think, purely an exercise in setting limits and exemplifying open and honest practice. It is, instead, a real and lasting element of the authentic relating in therapy that we as humanistic practitioners all espouse. Xxxxx, Xxxxxx. I and Thou. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx’x Sons. 1970. New York. Xxxxxxx, Xxxx, F., Xxxxxxx, Xxxxx, E., Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx, X. Psychotherapy for the Borderline Personality. Xxxx Xxxxx. 1999. Chichester. Xxxxxx, Xxxx. The Seven Deadly Sins: Issues in Clinical Practice and Supervision for Humanistic and Integrative Practitioners. Karnac. London. 2005.