Geotechnical Analysis. Sampling and analysis of soils and hydrologies, and subsequent reporting and recommendations, upon which architectural and engineering designs may be based. Applicable to Construction Stage observation, testing, and reporting of soils conditions, including testing for types and quality of fill material and its installation, compaction, soil density testing, caisson borings inspections, cut and fill monitoring, etc.
Geotechnical Analysis. The geotechnical analysis shall be based on both the currently available geotechnical site information and the results of the new field investigation. The following items shall be addressed by the geotechnical analysis:
1. Provide seismic design requirements and recommendations based on Los Angeles Building Code criteria and considering the significance of the Palos Verdes Fault.
Geotechnical Analysis. A. Development Suitability - Soils in the District will be analyzed to determine the suitability of site soils for development. Where possible, existing geotechnical reports on file with the City or made available by owners in the District will be used as the basis for this summary. The goal will be to identify any areas where redevelopment may be difficult or precluded due to soil conditions, as well as to provide a general picture of the soil bearing capacities in the district, including depth(s) to bedrock.
Geotechnical Analysis. Consultant will perform analyses of the field and laboratory test data to develop geotechnical recommendations for retaining wall, foundation design and construction. Consultant will provide the analysis and design for foundations in accordance with current ODOT GDM, FHWA, AASHTO, and City of West Linn design guidelines. Geotechnical analysis must include: Seismic design parameters including an assessment of liquefaction and lateral spreading potential at the site. Feasible wall type for each wall type, nominal bearing resistance and bearing strata, estimated settlements, design lateral earth pressure, coefficient of friction, and internal and external stability.
Geotechnical Analysis. Depending on the values, allowable soil bearing pressures listed in the original geotechnical report or updated values prepared for the Recycle Center pole barn structures will be used for any new footings. Geosyntec has assumed that one shallow boring to a depth of 15 feet will be needed at the location to collect subsurface information. The boring will be drilled by a Geosyntec drilling subcontractor using hollow stem augers or mud rotary drilling techniques. Samples will be collected using split spoon samplers (SPT or Modified California) Shelby tubes. Before start of the work, Geosyntec will review the existing subsurface information and layout the boring location in the field so that County personnel can verify that buried utilities electric, telephone, water) are not present. Geosyntec will also coordinate with the County for access and work hours; this is important given the traffic entering the facility. If requested by the County, Geosyntec can contract a utility locator to clear the work area; we have not included these costs in our proposal. We have assumed that drilling permits are not required. Geosyntec will prepare a Health and Safety Plan and call Underground Service Alert (USA), Geosyntec assumes that a County crew will survey provide northing, easting, and elevation) of the staked boring after drilling has been performed. Geosyntec’s engineer will keep a log of the boring and record such information as stratigraphy, soil type, and depth to water. Samples will be visually examined and select samples may be tested for classification Atterberg limits, sieve analyses), strength (unconsolidated undrained), corrosivity (Caltrans), and consolidation. Geosyntec assumes that the field work will be performed concurrentlywith other field investigation tasks at the Ben Lomond Transfer Station. Geosyntec will prepare a memorandum listing the recommendations for bearing capacity and settlement, and append the laboratory test results and final boring log.
Geotechnical Analysis. The CONSULTANT shall: • Review pertinent background data, including in-house geotechnical data, readily available soils reports for sites near the proposed Project, aerial photographs, and published geologic maps and soils data. • The site is near a fault line which may necessitate a fault study if one was not completed in a previous geotechnical investigation on file.
Geotechnical Analysis. The Contractor shall provide geotechnical services for design elements consisting of, shallow infiltration, pavement widening and signal pole design. This task includes the following: ▪ Coordinate and manage the field investigation, including locating utilities, access preparation, and scheduling of contractors and GeoDesign staff. ▪ Prepare traffic control plans and obtain right-of-way permits from City. ▪ Prepare boring location and test location exhibits for the City use in obtaining Permit- of-Entry on private properties. ▪ Drill four (4) soil borings to depths of up to 30 feet below ground surface for use in signal pole design at the intersection of NE Xxxx Road and NE Xxxxxxx Boulevard. Assume up to 15 feet of rock coring at each exploration. ▪ Complete two (2) hand auger explorations to depths of up to ten (10) feet below ground surface (or refusal if encountered at a shallower depth) for use in retaining wall design. ▪ Perform infiltration testing in the hand auger borings at the depth requested (up to 10 feet below ground surface) to evaluate the option for infiltrating from shallow xxxxxx. ▪ Complete four (4) pavement explorations in the existing pavement to depths of up to 10 feet below ground surface (or refusal if encountered at a shallower depth) for use in pavement widening design. ▪ Perform dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) testing in each of the pavement explorations. ▪ Maintain a detailed log of each exploration, visually classify the soil encountered, obtain soil samples as appropriate for the soil conditions encountered, and observe groundwater conditions in each exploration. ▪ Conduct the following laboratory tests using soil samples obtained from the explorations: o Moisture Content tests in general conformance with American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D 2216 o Atterberg limit tests in general conformance with ASTM D 4318 o Grain size determinations, combined sieve and hydrometer, in general conformance with ASTM D422 ▪ Project management including attendance at a project kick-off meeting and up to five
Geotechnical Analysis. The Department will complete a subsurface investigation in the area. Geotechnical laboratory testing will be performed for soil classification to provide engineering parameters for geotechnical design.
Geotechnical Analysis. The Design Professional shall select a licensed geotechnical engineer to consult with the Owner and Design Professional and perform geotechnical evaluations of the Site, complete the Stage 1 Statement set forth in the Site Investigations Report and ultimately produce the Stage 2 Statement. The Design Professional shall fully utilize the geotechnical engineer to identify to the extent practicable all adverse site conditions such that the Design Professional has sound information upon which to base the design of the Project and to minimize the risk of unforeseen site conditions upon commencement of construction.
Geotechnical Analysis. The ENGINEER will utilize a subconsultant to perform geotechnical analysis to determine an asphalt pavement recommendation and soil information for the design of headwalls at up to seven (7) culvert crossing locations.