GREEN INITIATIVES. 9.4.1 The Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to initiate “green” practices for environmental and energy conservation benefits.
9.4.2 The Contractor shall notify County’s Contract Manager of Contractor’s new green initiatives prior to the Contract commencement.
GREEN INITIATIVES. The parties agree it is in their mutual best interest that the Building and the Premises be operated and maintained in a manner that is environmentally responsible, fiscally prudent, and provides a safe and productive work environment. Accordingly, Tenant shall endeavor to conduct its operations in the Building and within the Premises to: (1) minimize to the extent reasonably feasible: (i) direct and indirect energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; (ii) water consumption; (iii) the amount of material entering the waste stream; and (iv) negative impacts upon the indoor air quality of the Building; and (2) permit the Building to achieve and maintain its LEED rating and an Energy Star label, to the extent applicable. Landlord shall endeavor to operate and maintain the Common Area to: minimize to the extent reasonably feasible: (i) direct and indirect energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; (ii) water consumption; (iii) the amount of material entering the waste stream; and (iv) negative impacts upon the indoor air quality of the Building. Tenant shall comply with all building energy benchmarking and other requirements imposed by applicable laws, statutes, ordinances and governmental rules, regulations or requirements, including regulations promulgated by the California Energy Commission in implementation of AB 802 and retain copies of its utility data, including, without limitation, Tenant’s utility bills and invoices pertaining to Tenant’s energy, water, and trash usage at the Premises during the Term. In addition, if requested by Landlord or a governmental entity having jurisdiction over the Premises, Tenant shall report to Landlord and such requesting entity the Tenant’s utility usage and such other related information as may be requested within the time required by the governmental entity or such other reasonable time frame as may be requested by Landlord or, at Landlord’s option, provide any written authorization, utility release forms or other documentation required for Landlord to request information regarding Tenant’s utility usage with respect to the Premises directly from the applicable utility company.
GREEN INITIATIVES. The parties agree it is in their mutual best interest that the Building and Premises be operated and maintained in a manner that is environmentally responsible, fiscally prudent, and provides a safe and productive work environment. Accordingly, Tenant shall endeavor to conduct its operations in the Building and within the Premises to: (a) minimize to the extent reasonably feasible, (i) direct and indirect energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; (ii) water consumption; (iii) the amount of material entering the waste stream; and (iv) negative impacts upon the indoor air quality of the Building; and (b) permit the Building to achieve and maintain a LEED rating and an Energy Star label, to the extent applicable. Landlord shall endeavor to operate and maintain the common area to minimize to the extent reasonably feasible: (1) direct and indirect energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions; (2) water consumption; (3) the amount of material entering the waste stream; and (4) negative impacts upon the indoor air quality of the Building. In addition, if requested by Landlord or a governmental entity having jurisdiction over the Premises, Tenant shall report to Landlord and such requesting entity Tenant’s utility usage and such other related information as may be requested within the time required by the governmental entity or such other reasonable time frame as may be requested by Landlord or, at Landlord’s option, provide any written authorization or other documentation required for Landlord to request information regarding Tenant’s utility usage with respect to the Premises directly from the applicable utility company.
GREEN INITIATIVES. Concessionaire shall use reasonable efforts to initiate “green” practices for environmental and energy conservation benefits. Concessionaire shall purchase, store, and use environmentally and human friendly products that are compatible with products used by County. County shall determine and approve Concessionaire’s products prior to their use.
GREEN INITIATIVES. Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to initiate “green” practices for environmental and energy conservation benefits. Contractor shall not use expanded polystyrene (Styrofoam) food and beverage containers in the delivery of food service for GPDP Meals. Contractor shall purchase products that minimize environmental impacts, toxins, pollution and hazards to worker and community safety to the greatest extent practicable. Contractor shall purchase, to the extent possible, reusable and durable goods, biodegradable single-use products, products that include recycled content, conserve energy and water, use agricultural fibers and residues, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, use unbleached or chlorine free manufacturing processes, and use wood from sustainable harvested forests. DRAFT Contractor shall support strong recycling markets, reduce materials that are put into landfills, and increase the use and availability of environmentally preferable products that protect the environment. To the extent practicable, Contractor shall not use cleaning or disinfecting products (i.e., for janitorial use) that contain carcinogens, mutagens, or teratogens. These include chemicals listed by the United States Environmental Protection Agency or the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health on the Topics Release Inventory and those listed under Proposition 65 by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. DRAFT Fiscal Year: 2020-2021 Subaward Number: [Enter Contract Number] Subrecipient's Legal Name: [Enter Legal Name] Mr./Ms. [Enter Name] [Enter Title] [Enter Number] [Enter] [Enter E-mail] Mr./Ms. [Enter Name] [Enter Title] [Enter Number] [Enter] [Enter E-mail] Assigned Program Analyst: (1) YEAR/MAKE/ MODEL (2) STAFF DRIVER'S NAME (3) VOLUNTEER DRIVER'S NAME (1) START [NOTE 1] (2) END [NOTE 2] [Enter Route Name] [Enter Location Name and Address] [Enter Zip Code] [EnterYear/Make/ Model] [Enter Name] [Enter Name} [Enter] [Enter] [Enter Route Name] [Enter Location Name and Address] [Enter Zip Code] [EnterYear/Make/ Model] [Enter Name] [Enter Name} [Enter] [Enter] [Enter Route Name] [Enter Location Name and Address] [Enter Zip Code] [EnterYear/Make/ Model] [Enter Name] [Enter Name} [Enter] [Enter] [Enter Route Name] [Enter Location Name and Address] [Enter Zip Code] [EnterYear/Make/ Model] [Enter Name] [Enter Name} [Enter] [Enter] [Enter Route Name] [Enter Location Name and Address] [Enter Zip Code] [EnterYear/Make/ Model] [Enter Name] [Enter Name...
GREEN INITIATIVES. By adoption of Resolution 432-17, the Franklin County Board of Commissioners have reaffirmed the County’s commitment to the mutually compatible goals of environmental protection and economic growth, and also expressed its intention to promote sustainable principles in policy decisions and programs. In that spirit, the County (a) promotes the purchase and use of products and services that enhance environmental, social and economic health; (b) develops waste management policies that reduce the amount of materials directed to landfills for disposal; and, (c) improves air quality through environmentally appropriate fleet management practices through deployment of alternate fuel and hybrid electric vehicles. It is the Board of Commissioners intent to support the green energy economy through workforce partnerships and doing business with providers of goods and services who promote sustainable environmental policies within their own businesses and while doing business with Franklin County.
GREEN INITIATIVES. Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to initiate “green” practices for environmental and energy conservation benefits.
GREEN INITIATIVES. The Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx have fully committed to recycling at Xxxxx Xxxxx Stadium. Commingled recycling containers have been added that allows people in attendance to recycle glass, aluminum, and plastic in one container. Xxxxx Xxxxx Stadium already offers paper and cardboard recycling. The Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx envision providing a consistent, dominate and season long educational message for environmental sustainability involving a package of various marketing elements. This educational message of environmental sustainability would be directed towards Keys fan base and attendees of other stadium events which total over 300,000 on an annual basis. The Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx have also fully committed to recycling at the stadium with commingled recycling containers for glass/plastic/aluminum and paper/cardboard recycling. The Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx envision a continued effort to strengthen and readapt this recycling program during the course of their 10 year lease. Scoring Average 3.80 NOTICE TO PROPOSERS AUTHORITY TO DISTRIBUTE RFP PACKAGES: The City of Frederick Purchasing Office (and website, if applicable) is the sole entity authorized to provide this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) package to interested companies or individuals. Firms who are working from an RFP package obtained from any other source may have an incomplete set of documents. The City of Xxxxxxxxx assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, or misinterpretation resulting from a company's use of an incomplete RFP package. Firms who have received the RFP package from a source other than the City Purchasing Office (and website, if applicable) are advised to contact the office to provide their company name, mailing address, telephone number, fax number, contact name and contact e-mail address. This will ensure that the company receives all RFP related communications and documents, including addenda. All Amendments will be posted on the City of Frederick Purchasing web site xxxx:// Check the Expanded Information page for the particular proposal solicitation for any posted amendments.
GREEN INITIATIVES. 1.5.1 Contractor shall use reasonable efforts to initiate “green” practices for environmental and energy conservation benefits.
1.5.2 Contractor shall notify County’s Contract Administrator of Contractor’s new green initiatives prior to the contract commencement.
GREEN INITIATIVES. Licensee shall use reasonable efforts to initiate “green” practices for environmental and energy conservation benefits. Licensee shall purchase, store, and use environmentally and human friendly products that are compatible with products used by County. County shall determine and approve Licensee’s products prior to their use.