Held Away From Home Terminal Sample Clauses
Held Away From Home Terminal. A. A meal allowance of $12.00 will be payable after a Trainman is held four (4) hours or more at the away from home terminal and thereafter after each additional eight (8) hours tied up at the away from home terminal.
B. The Company will provide suitable lodging and will be responsible for the payment of room and taxes. To be considered "suitable," at a minimum, the lodging accommodation shall be: • Reputable and clean with adequate lighting; • Single occupancy rooms with comfortable beds with innerspring or comparable mattresses, pillows, private lavatory and bath facilities with hot and cold running water, a chair and nightstand and television in the room; • Blankets, clean linen (sheets and pillow cases), soap and towels will be supplied each occupant; • Rooms will be cleaned and bed linen changed after each occupancy by personnel other than the occupant; • Rooms will be cooled or heated when climatic conditions normally require such cooling or heating; • Lounge, including chairs, writing tables and lamps.
Held Away From Home Terminal. 30.1 Locomotive engineers in unassigned service who are held at other than their home terminal longer than 11 hours without being called for duty, will be paid on the basis of 12-1/2 miles per hour for all time held in excess of 11 hours at the minimum rate in the class of service last performed, except as provided in paragraph 30.2 of this article. Time to be computed from the time pay ceases on the incoming trip until the time pay commences on the next outgoing trip. The rerouting of locomotive engineers in order to return them to their home terminals shall not involve the payment of runarounds.
30.2 In cases of wrecks, snow blockades or washouts between the location at which held and the home terminal, locomotive engineers in unassigned service who are held at other than their home terminal longer than 11 hours, without being called for duty, will be paid for the first 8 hours in each 24-hour period, subsequent to the initial 11-hour period, on the basis of 12-1/2 miles per hour at the minimum rate in the class of service last performed.
30.3 Where rest periods in excess of 8 hours are booked, the 11-hour period before pay commences will be increased correspondingly. For example, if 10 hours rest is booked, pay for time held will commence after the expiration of 13 hours.
30.4 In the event deadheading is paid for separately from service, held away from home terminal time will continue to accrue until the train on which ordered to deadhead departs from the station if ordered to deadhead on a passenger train or from the time train departs from the yard if ordered to deadhead on a freight train.
30.5 For the purpose of applying this article, the Company will designate a home terminal for locomotive engineers in unassigned service. Assigned Service
30.6 Except in cases of wrecks, snow blockades or washouts on the subdivision to which they are assigned, locomotive engineers on assigned runs held away from home terminals waiting their trains, delayed beyond the advertised time of departure, will be paid for the time so held if more
30.7 In the application of this article, blockade means an extraordinary condition in the handling of traffic preventing the Company from returning locomotive engineers to their home terminals as would be the case if conditions were normal. Blockage limits will not extend beyond the limits of the subdivisions over which the locomotive engineers normally operate.
30.8 Payments accruing under this article, to be claimed on a separate...
Held Away From Home Terminal. A. A meal allowance of $12.00 and will be payable after an engineer is held four (4) hours or more and thereafter after each additional eight (8) hours at the away from home terminal.
B. The Company will provide suitable lodging and will be responsible for the payment of room and taxes. To be considered "suitable," at a minimum, the lodging accommodation shall be: R e p u t a b le and clean; Single occupancy rooms with comfortable beds with innerspring or comparable mattresses, pillows, private lavatory and bath facilities with hot and cold running water in the room; Blankets, clean linen (sheets and pillow cases), soap and towels will be supplied each occupant; Rooms will be cleaned and bed linen changed after each occupancy by personnel other than the occupant; Rooms will be cooled or heated when climatic conditions normally require such cooling or heating.
C. When selecting regular accommodation providers the Company will consider the proximity of restaurant facilities that are open on a 24 four hour basis. The Superintendent will consult with the respective Local Chairman of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen regarding changes to regular accommodation providers. If the event the parties are unable to agree to any proposed accommodation changes, the matter will be forwarded to the General Manager and the General Chairman for resolution.
D. Except as provided for herein, when an Engineer is tied up at other than his home terminal, upon the expiration of sixteen (16) hours away from home, the individual shall be considered on pay, until called for duty, except that such time shall not be counted towards hours of service, or overtime. Should an Engineer be called for service or ordered to deadhead after such pay begins, the held away from home terminal pay ceases at the time the service or deadhead commences.
E. This provision shall not apply to regular assignments at outlying points or to Engineers temporarily transferred or assigned to a new home terminal.
F. The current practice of allowing Engineers to reverse their lodging will remain in effect.
Held Away From Home Terminal. A. Engineers in pool freight and unassigned service held at other than the home terminal shall be paid continuous time for all time held after the expiration of fifteen (15) hours from the time relieved from previous duty. The rate per hour paid for the last service performed will apply. Payments accruing under this Article shall be paid for separate and apart from pay for the subsequent service or deadheading.
B. Should an Engineer be called for service or ordered to deadhead after pay begins, the held-away-from-home terminal time shall cease at the time pay begins for such service trip, or at the time the conveyance used for deadheading departs the terminal.
Held Away From Home Terminal. 54.1 (a) Locomotive engineers held away from their home terminal beyond thirteen (13) hours will be paid on a minute by minute basis for time held beyond the thirteen (13) hours. The time held under this Article will be computed from the time the employees go off duty until the time required to report for duty prior to the departure of the train on which they resume duty.
Held Away From Home Terminal. Freight Service 25.1
(a) Locomotive engineers in freight service who are held at other than their home terminal longer than 10 hours without being called for duty will be paid on the basis of 12-1/2 miles per hour for all time held in excess of 10 hours at the minimum rate in the class of service last performed, time to be computed from the time pay ceases on the incoming trip until the time pay commences on the next outgoing trip.
(b) Rest periods, up to and including the maximum of eight hours allowed pursuant to paragraph 29.2 of Article 29, will not be taken into account in the calculation of the 10-hour period.
(c) The rerouting of locomotive engineers in order to return them to their home terminals shall not involve the payment of runarounds.
(d) Where the Company requires the submission of time returns, time will be submitted on a separate time return. Central Seniority District
(e) Employees who are held at the away from home terminal shall be paid at the following hourly rates for all time so held: This entire paragraph 25.2 is only applicable in the Consolidated Central Seniority District
Held Away From Home Terminal. Engineers in district pool freight service or those in unassigned service held at other than home terminal will be paid continuous time for all time so held after the expiration of 16 hours from the time relieved from previous duty, at the regular rate per hour paid them for the last service performed. If held 16 hours after the expiration of the first 24-hour period, they will be paid continuous time for the time so held during the next succeeding 8 hours, or until the end of the second 24-hour period, and similarly for each 24-hour period thereafter. Appendix B Basic Interdivisional Supplemental Agreement Section 2 dated 12/23/1971: “Engineers in interdivisional service held at other than home terminal will be paid continuous time for all time so held after the expiration of sixteen hours from the time relieved from previous duty, at the regular rate per hour paid them for the last service performed." Held Away from Home Time - Engineers in pool freight service held at other than home terminal will be paid continuous time for all time so held after the expiration of sixteen hours from the time relieved from previous tour of duty, at the regular rate per hour paid them for the last service performed.
Held Away From Home Terminal. Engineers in interdivisional pool freight service held at their away-from-home terminal will be paid continuous time for all time held after expiration of sixteen hours from the time relieved from previous duty exclusive of any time resulting from the engineer calling for rest under Article 13 of the Engineers' Agreement, at the rate paid for last service, until called for service or ordered to deadhead, in which case HAFHT time shall cease at the time pay begins for such service, or when deadheading, at the time the train departs on its road trip. If transportation other than train is used for deadheading, HAFHT time shall cease at the time of departure of the other mode of transportation.
Held Away From Home Terminal. (a) Trainmen in freight service held at other than home terminal longer than eleven (11) hours without being called for duty will be paid on the hourly basis for all time held in excess of eleven (11) hours. Time will be computed from the time pay ceases on the incoming trip until the time pay commences on the next outgoing trip.
(b) Payments accruing under this Article shall be paid for separate and apart from pay for subsequent service or deadheading and penalty payment will cease at time ordered for work or deadheading.
(c) When rest periods in excess of eight (8) hours booked, the eleven (11) hour period before pay commences will be increased correspondingly. For example, if ten (10) hours rest is booked, pay for time held will commence after expiration of thirteen (13) hours. When any trainman so books rest, it will automatically tie up other trainmen on that crew.
(d) For the purpose of applying this Article the Railway will designate a home terminal for each crew in freight service.
(e) Time paid for under this Article will not be considered as Time on Duty in qualifying for time and one-half in other services.
Held Away From Home Terminal. (a) Locomotive engineers held away from their home terminal beyond 13 hours will be paid on a minute by minute basis for time held beyond the 13 hours. The time held under this Article will be computed from the time the employees go off duty until the time required to report for duty prior to the departure of the train on which they resume duty.
(b) Alternatively to Article 13.1 (a), employees in assigned passenger service who are held at other than their home terminal and are off duty and available for service, will be paid the aforementioned hourly rate for all time so held beyond a period of five hours after the advertised departure time of the train they are assigned to operate.
(c) This Article 13 shall not apply in cases of wrecks, snow blockades or washouts (between the location at which held and the home terminal) on the territory to which such employees are assigned.
(d) In order to avoid excessive held-away-from-home-terminal time, the Corporation may deadhead the locomotive engineers to the home terminal of their assignment and use other locomotive engineers to operate the assigned train.
(e) Payments occurring under this Article 13 shall be paid separate and apart from pay for subsequent service or deadheading. (Refer to article 2.2 (a) for rate of pay). Article 14