Institutional Transformation Sample Clauses
Institutional Transformation. To transform and align the people, processes and systems of the municipality to achieve its objectives. Original Signed as per Council Resolution C2617/07/2021 dated 29 July 2021
Institutional Transformation. To transform and align the people, processes and systems of the municipality to achieve its objectives.
Institutional Transformation. Performance Objective 3: To Strength the Rule of Law and Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups in Socio-Economic Development
Institutional Transformation. Performance Objective 3: To Strength the Rule of Law and Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups in Socio-Economic Development D: CORE MANDATE Performance Objective 4: To Ensure Timely Implementation of Development Projects and Programs in an Efficient and Effective Manner
Institutional Transformation. I. Development of County planning Framework The Department commits to Finalize the Sectoral plan -30% Annual Departmental Work Plans - 25% Ensure all staff develop individual work plan - 25% Hold Departmental monthly meetings and give reports-20%
I. Youth Internships/ Industrial Attachments/ Apprenticeships The Department will provide opportunities for the youth to carry out:- internship (2) industrial attachment (20) apprenticeships (30)
I. Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) Out of the Department development budget, we commit to award tenders to this category amounting to 30% of the procurable budget. . Promotion of local content 40% of all procurable budget The department will promote local content through; award of 40% of procurable budget. . Competence Development The Department will Implement competence development plan by :- i. Pairing of old and new staff to promote transfer of knowledge and skills – 30% ii. Liaise with the Board to recruit/ replace retiring staff in understaffed sections- 30% iii. Prioritize staff on the basis of their need for career oriented skills to enable planning and scheduling them for short term courses at KSG as a way of motivating them -40%
I. Knowledge Management The Department commits to implement the following on knowledge management Strategies: I. Back to office reports and back to office briefing- 30% II. Documenting information through documentaries on key issues (select 2 or 3)- 30 % III. Storing information virtually 40%
Institutional Transformation. 1. Development of County Planning Framework The department commits to improve departmental planning by: i. Link departmental strategic plan and annual budget. 20% ii. Prepare and implement an annual work-plan based on the departmental mandate and strategic plan.30% iii. Preparation of 2019/20 Annual Public Participation Report. 20% iv. Preparation of 2020/2021 Annual Public Participation Plan. 20% v. Establish departmental strategic plan (2020/2024) implementation committee 10%
Institutional Transformation. The goal of transforming UM’s research enterprise in regard to research governance, process infrastructure (policies, procedures), research practice standards, resource utilization, data use, bi- directional relationship between investigators and community and interdisciplinarity/team science requires a significant change in organizational culture, decision making, communication strategies, institutional reward mechanisms, and individual mindsets. Harmonizing SOPs, personnel policies, and administrative forms/procedures and building consistent business plans for adoption across the various clinical research facilities, pilot award mechanisms, and research resource cores currently functioning as standalone entities that currently function disparately.
Institutional Transformation. Development of County Planning Framework The department commits to; a) Review the agriculture and rural development sectoral plan 2020 – 2030 (50%) b) Develop a robust Makueni county agriculture, irrigation livestock and fisheries draft policy (50%) Youth Internships/ Industrial Attachments/ Apprenticeships The department commits to engage 150No of interns, attaches and volunteers progressively into departmental units and programmes (100%) Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) The Department commits to reserve and award 30% of procurable budget to youth, women and PLWDs in agricultural projects (100%) Promotion of Local Content The department commits to reserve and award at least 40% of the total value of procurable budget for goods and services to local suppliers (100%) Competence Development The department commits to a) Identify key skill gaps and zero in bridging those gaps (10%) Develop competence action development plan (CADP) (50%) b) Implement the CADP work plan (30%) c) Review the status of CADP (10%) Knowledge Management The department commits to: - (a) Develop and document manuals for orchard, poultry and range rehabilitation (40%) (b) Dissemination of information in professional forums (10%) (c) Conduct analysis for key positions within the department (25%) (d) Develop a succession plan (25%) Work Environment The department commits to a) Procure personal protective equipment (PPE) for meat inspectors and motorcycle riders (25%) b) Provide PPEs for machine operators (15%) c) Conduct assessment of offices for compliance to WHO/MoH guidelines in view of COVID 19 (20%) d) Prioritise and implement findings (40%)
Institutional Transformation. 1. Development of County planning Framework The Department commits to i) Develop a Sectoral plan -30% ii) Finalize the departmental strategic plan -50% iii) Annual Departmental Work Plans- 10% iv) Ensure all staff develop individual work plan (10%)
2. Youth Internships/ Industrial Attachments/ Apprenticeships The Department will place 16 staff under internship, industrial attachment and apprenticeships: i) 2 interns (1 in Water and 1 Environment) ii) 12 Attachees (2 Sanitation, 4 Water units, 4 Environment units and 2 CC) iii) 2 volunteers (1 in Water and 1 Environment)
3. Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) Out of the Department development budget, we commit to award tenders to this category amounting to 30% of the procurable budget equivalent to Kes 175,921,547.46
4. Promotion of local content 40% of all procurable budget The department will promote local content through; award of 40% of procurable budget. Kes 234,562,063.28
5. Competence Development The Department will: i) Conduct a competence gap analysis - 30% ii) Develop Competence development plan 50% iii) Implement competence development plan 20%
6. Knowledge Management The Department commits to implement the following of knowledge management Strategies: i) Identify sources of institutional memory 10% ii) Introduction of succession plans and exit interviews of staff - 20% iii) Back to office reports and back to office briefing- 30% iv) Documenting information through documentaries on key issues - 20 % v) Storing information virtually 20%
7. Work Environment The Department commits to: - i) Carry out an internal work environment survey to establish the baseline in the first quarter – 40% ii) Prepare a work plan for implementation of the survey recommendations - 10% iii) Implement the recommendations – 30% iv) plant 10 indoor plants to circulate oxygen 10% v) Donate 100 seedlings for Sub county offices to plant 10%
8. Safety and Security Measures The department commits: i) Hold a refresher training on safety and security measures for 20 drilling and Dam Construction Unit team -50% ii) Sensitize 132 staff on work safety and avenues for redress – 20% iii) acquire safety gear for 424 market cleaners -30%
9. Cascading of Performance Contracts i) Roll out of performance Management cascading, quarterly reviews & evaluating to all staff - Departmental staff -20% - 3 Water companies’ staff – 10% - Sand Authority -10% - Climate change Fund board – 10% ii) carry out evaluation of performance c...
Institutional Transformation