CORE MANDATE Sample Clauses

CORE MANDATE. The PPWB interprets its core mandate to be: • The PPWB will comprise of senior water resource officials from within each Government to administer the MAA; • Define apportionment of eastward-flowing transboundary streams; • Set out agreed-to water quality objectives for river reaches at the boundaries and a requirement to periodically conduct reviews of objectives at least every 5 years; • Xxxxxx transboundary water quality management that promotes the protection and restoration of the aquatic environment; • Consider transboundary groundwater quantity and quality matters; • Cooperatively consult and exchange information or make recommendations to governments on transboundary water issues referred to the Board; and • Encourage co-operation in the development and use of water and related resources to support economic growth.
CORE MANDATE.  Establishment and demolition of offices;  Appointment of persons to fill vacant offices;  Human Resource Management and development;  Human Resource planning and budgeting and  Promotion and ensuring that National Values and Principles of public service are adhered to.
CORE MANDATE. 1. Financial management, reporting and dissemination. The department undertakes to ensure proper financial management and reporting as per statutory requirements; i. Prepare monthly financial reports and submit to cabinet-10% ii. Prepare quarterly reports and submit to the National Treasury, Controller of Budget and County Assembly-15% iii. Prepare annual financial statements and submit National Treasury, Controller of Budget, Office of the Auditor General and County Assembly-30% iv. Monthly bank reconciliations-10% v. Timely processing of payments and salaries-10% vi. Implement centralized invoicing - 5% The Department also commits to disseminate the documents-20%
CORE MANDATE. Flagship Projects The department commits to carrying out feasibility study and design for construction of one mega dam in Kaiti - 100% The department commits to carry out a feasibility study for a sewerage system in Wote town – 100% Increasing availability and access to water The Department commits to reduce the distance to water sources through development of new water sources and developing existing ones as follows:- i. Construct 19 earth dams -30% ii. Drill 12 boreholes – 10% iii. Equip 13 Boreholes – 10%
CORE MANDATE. 1. NCRC’s priority projects/programmes (Vision 2030 Flagship projects/programmes aligned to SDGs and SPS) (a) Vision 2030 Projects/Programmes Strategic Objective: To develop a National Crime Year Book on crime trends, roots, consequences and prevention (i) Research Study on Borderlands Crime and Security Threats (100%) by: 1. Preparing research concepts/proposals by 7th July, 2017; (20%) 2. Collect data by 28th July, 2017; (30%) 3. Data analysis by 28th November, 2017; (30%) 4. Report writing by 26th January, 2018 (20%) (ii) Research Study on Boda Boda Transport and Crime (100%) by: 1.Preparing research concepts/proposals by 7th July, 2017; (20%) 2. Collect data by 28th July, 2017; (30%) 3. Data analysis by 28th November, 2017; (30%) 4. Report writing by 26th January, 2018 (20%)
CORE MANDATE. Flagship Projects - The department commits to carrying out feasibility study and design for construction of two mega dams - 100% Increasing availability and access to water The Department commits to reduce the distance to water sources through development of new water sources and rehabilitation existing ones as follows: - - Construct 19 earth dams -40% - Construction of 93 Pipelines extensions targeting 50km and 20 new water points - 40% - Construction of 3 Sand dams -20 % (Refer to annex 2 ) Enhanced rain water harvesting and storage capacity The department commits to promote rain water harvesting through: - - Advocacy campaigns through local radio, barazas at least once in every 2 months and “Nzangule ya matangi” initiative -20% - Roads for water programme- partner with Roads and Public works and Agriculture Departments in mitre drains & farm pond construction in 6 roads. - 20% - Purchase 60 water tanks for organized groups and market centres/institutions -30% - Collect baseline data on water harvesting storage capacity in wards (report)30% Improved water catchment The department commits to; - Rehabilitate threatened Kiboko springs/ wetland –50 % - Increase Forest cover from 13.7 to 15% by Campaigns on tree growing, 1 per person per year during Environmental days, radio campaigns, ceremonial trees, Grow 5000 seedlings in at least 10 schools annually 50% Climate change adaptation and resilience building The department commits to ensure community resilience capacity level is enhanced by using of climate change fund allocation to mitigate and adapt to climate change effects through - Fund raising Kes. 15 million for climate change initiatives - 30% - Finalizing the Climate change legal framework-policy and bill 70% Improving water Governance mechanism The Department commits to: - Sensitize 90 community water scheme projects on the County water policy-30% - Establishment of 30 new county community water schemes -40% - Monitor the progress of community managed water schemes on a monthly basis through monthly reports-30% Legal frameworks The department commits to; - Implement the water policy-25% - finalize environment & Climate Change policy-25% - Develop the departmental County Sectoral Plan- 40% - Complete the amendment of the Sand Act and Regulations - 10% Environmental conservation and management The departments commit to i) Identify & Construct a 10 km long firebreak in a well conserved forest -10% ii) Ensure compliance on environmental legal requirement...
CORE MANDATE. Vision 2030 Flagship Projects/Programmes
CORE MANDATE. Kisii University priority projects/programmes (Outcomes Aligned to V2030, SDGs and Sector Performance Standards) i) Subscribe to online library resources at the cost of Ksh. 1,500,000 to enhance access to academic information (40%). ii) Continually update the University’s library repository to enhance preservation, sharing and dissemination of information for teaching and research (30%). iii) Set up an e-learning portal to enable lecturers and students share learning resources (30%). 4x Number of academic publications increased The University targets to publish 65 new academic publications in peer reviewed journals during the year towards dissemination of the University’s research information. Note: The Council will communicate and brand the Vision 2030 flagship projects and submit quarterly progress reports to the Vision 2030 Delivery Secretariat. C2: Other Priority Projects/programmes 5xi Construction of the Hostels Complex The Council commits to undertake construction of the Hostels Complex (Block B) up to 65% completion level by undertaking the following activities:  Site clearance and preparation  Construction of the substructure  Construction of the superstructure for ground floor and first floor 6xii Construction of the Chancellor’s pavilion The Council commits to undertake construction of a modern pavilion at the Main Campus up from 80% to 100% completion level by undertaking the following activities:  Roofing  Plastering  Exterior and interior finishes and installations 7xiii Number of new academic staff recruited The Council commits to recruit 35 new academic staff towards progressively improving the capacity of teaching and research. 8xiv Number of Diploma students enrolled The Council commits to enroll 1,000 new diploma students. 9xv Procurement of library books The Council commits to procure library books worth Kshs. 4,000,000 to add to the existing stock of library reading resources as per the needs identified in the current financial year. 10xvi Number of academic public lectures held The Council commits to organize 10 academic public lectures during the year as a strategy for disseminating information to staff, students and other stakeholders. 11xvii International Research Training Workshops held The Council commits to hold one (1) international research training workshop to equip and enhance upcoming and existing researchers with the necessary knowledge and skills to produce high quality research. The workshop will be held in partner...


  • Strategic procurement Aim of strategic procurement: No strategic procurement

  • Employee Notification A copy of any disciplinary action or material related to employee performance which is placed in the personnel file shall be provided to the employee (the employee so noting receipt, or the supervisor noting employee refusal to acknowledge receipt) or sent by certified mail (return receipt requested) to the employee's last address appearing on the Employer's records.

  • Information Systems Acquisition Development and Maintenance a. Client Data – Client Data will only be used by State Street for the purposes specified in this Agreement.

  • Covenant to Provide Financial Information and Maintain Sufficient Capital The Administrator shall obtain and maintain the necessary capital to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement and shall remain solvent. The Administrator will report to the Issuer on a semi-annual basis its current and total assets, current and total liabilities, and total equity and the Company intends to include such amounts in its SEC reports.

  • Statewide HUB Program Statewide Procurement Division Note: In order for State agencies and institutions of higher education (universities) to be credited for utilizing this business as a HUB, they must award payment under the Certificate/VID Number identified above. Agencies, universities and prime contractors are encouraged to verify the company’s HUB certification prior to issuing a notice of award by accessing the Internet (xxxxx:// or by contacting

  • Income Protection, Trauma and Journey Insurance The Employer is, and will remain during the life of this Agreement, a participating employer in the Nominated Redundancy Fund and an employer member of IPT Agency Co Ltd. IPT Agency Co Ltd administers the insurance schemes covering income protection, trauma and journey accidents (Income Protection, Trauma and Journey Accidents Insurance Schemes).

  • CERTIFICATION REGARDING BOYCOTTING CERTAIN ENERGY COMPANIES (Texas law as of September 1, 2021) By submitting a proposal to this Solicitation, you certify that you agree, when it is applicable, to the following required by Texas law as of September 1, 2021: If (a) company is not a sole proprietorship; (b) company has ten (10) or more full-time employees; and (c) this contract has a value of $100,000 or more that is to be paid wholly or partly from public funds, the following certification shall apply; otherwise, this certification is not required. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code Ch. 2274 of SB 13 (87th session), the company hereby certifies and verifies that the company, or any wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary, parent company, or affiliate of these entities or business associations, if any, does not boycott energy companies and will not boycott energy companies during the term of the contract. For purposes of this contract, the term “company” shall mean an organization, association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, that exists to make a profit. The term “boycott energy company” shall mean “without an ordinary business purpose, refusing to deal with, terminating business activities with, or otherwise taking any action intended to penalize, inflict economic harm on, or limit commercial relations with a company because the company (a) engages in the exploration, production, utilization, transportation, sale, or manufacturing of fossil fuel-based energy and does not commit or pledge to meet environmental standards beyond applicable federal and state law, or (b) does business with a company described by paragraph (a).” See Tex. Gov’t Code § 809.001(1).

  • Coronavirus Relief Fund – Rental Assistance Application The Coronavirus Relief Fund – Rental Assistance Application should contain all the necessary information to determine whether a Household is potentially eligible for CRF assistance. In accordance with the provisions of Sections 760.20-760.37, Fla. Stat., it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, sex, familial status, national origin, or handicap in the award application process for Eligible Housing. 1. At a minimum, an application for program assistance should contain the following items for each household member: a. The number of people residing in the household including name, age, relationship to head of household, current address and home phone number; b. Name and address of employer(s), work phone number(s), and position title with employer; c. Sources of income and a statement signed by all of the adults who reside in the household consenting to the disclosure of information for the purpose of verifying income for determining eligibility for program assistance; d. A signed statement indicating that the applicant understands that all information provided is subject to Florida’s public records laws; and e. A statement that it is a first-degree misdemeanor to falsify information for the purpose of obtaining assistance.

  • Certified and Minority Business Enterprises Reports Upon Customer request, the Contractor shall report to the requesting Customer the Contractor’s spend with certified and other minority business enterprises in the provision of commodities or services related to the Customer’s orders. These reports shall include the period covered, the name, minority code, and Federal Employer Identification Number of each minority business utilized during the period; commodities and services provided by the minority business enterprise, and the amount paid to each minority business enterprise on behalf of the Customer.

  • C-TPAT In connection with providing Goods and Services to AGILENT, Seller shall comply with Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C- TPAT) or equivalent supply chain security measures. When requested by AGILENT, Seller shall demonstrate compliance by providing certification thereof to AGILENT.