Integrated Appeals and Grievances Sample Clauses

Integrated Appeals and Grievances. As referenced in section F and Appendix 7, Medicare- Medicaid beneficiaries will have access to an integrated appeals and grievance process.
Integrated Appeals and Grievances. As referenced in section F and Appendix 7, Enrollees will have access to an integrated Appeals and Grievance process.
Integrated Appeals and Grievances. 1. Demonstration Plan Grievances and Internal Appeals Processes: CMS and the State agree to develop a unified set of requirements for Demonstration Plan Grievances and internal appeals processes that incorporate relevant Medicare Advantage and Medicaid managed care/appeals requirements to create a more beneficiary friendly and easily navigable system. All Demonstration Plan Grievances and Internal Appeals procedures shall be subject to the review and prior approval of CMS and the State. Medicare Part D appeals and grievances will continue to be managed by CMS under existing Part D rules, and Medicaid non-Part D pharmacy appeals will be managed by the State. CMS and the State will work to continue to coordinate grievances and appeals for all services.
Integrated Appeals and Grievances. Prior to this Demonstration, CMS and the State collaborated to integrate elements of the appeals and grievance processes in MSHO. This Demonstration will add new features to simplify communications with Beneficiaries and their families. The simplification and alignment of communications with Beneficiaries is intended to improve their understanding of the Medicare and Medicaid programs and to simplify the process of accessing services to which they are entitled.‌ Under the Demonstration, the appeals process in MSHO will include:‌
Integrated Appeals and Grievances. (SMAC Requirements Matrix #2) a. Unified Appeals and Grievance Process. Health Plan’s Exclusively Aligned FIDE or HIDE D-SNP shall implement a unified grievance and appeal system and process grievances and appeals in compliance with the terms of 42 CFR §§ 422.629 – 634, 438.210, 438.400 & 438.402. This requirement includes: • Grievances and appeals systems that meet the standards described in 42 CFR § 422.629; • An integrated grievance process that complies with 42 CFR § 422.630; • A process for making integrated organization determinations consistent with 42 CFR § 422.631; • Continuation of benefits while an integrated reconsideration is pending consistent with 42 CFR § 422.632; • A process for making integrated reconsiderations consistent with 42 CFR § 422.633; and A process for effectuation of decisions consistent with 42 CFR § 422.634. Implement a process to ensure that enrollees are provided reasonable assistance in completing forms and taking other procedural steps related to integrated appeals and grievances. This includes, but is not limited to, auxiliary aids and services upon request, such as providing interpreter services and toll-free numbers that have adequate TTY/TTD and interpreter capability.
Integrated Appeals and Grievances. ‌ 1. STAR+PLUS MMP Grievances and Internal Appeals Processes: CMS and the State agree to utilize a unified set of requirements for grievances and internal appeals processes
Integrated Appeals and Grievances. ‌ 1. Participating Plan Grievances and Internal Appeals Processes: Over the period of the Demonstration, CMS and California agree to develop a unified set of requirements for Participating Plan grievances and internal appeals processes that incorporate relevant Medicare Advantage, and Medicaid managed care requirements, to create a more beneficiary friendly and easily navigable system, which is discussed in further detail in Appendix 7 and will be specified in the three-way contract. All Participating Plan Grievances and Internal Appeals procedures shall be subject to the review and prior approval of CMS and California. Part D appeals and grievances will continue to be managed by CMS under existing Part D rules, and non-Part D pharmacy appeals will be managed by California. CMS and California will work to continue to coordinate grievances and appeals for pharmacy. The IHSS fair hearing processes will continue for IHSS hours authorized by counties. More detail is specified in Appendix 7.
Integrated Appeals and Grievances 

Related to Integrated Appeals and Grievances

  • COMPLAINTS AND GRIEVANCES 7.01 If an employee has a complaint concerning the application, interpretation, administration, or alleged violation of any of the provisions of this Agreement, he/she shall take the matter up orally with his/her immediate Supervisor or designate within five (5) business days after the circumstance giving rise to the complaint. The Supervisor or designate will give his/her answer to the 7.02 If such complaint or question is not settled to the satisfaction of the employee, then the following steps of the grievance procedure may be invoked in order. It is understood that a grievance must be lodged within five (5) business days after receiving the Supervisor’s or designate response to the complaint as per article 7.01. STEP 1 Any employee grievance shall be set forth in writing, in duplicate, and shall be presented to the Supervisor. The submissions shall include reference to the specific clause and article of the Agreement allegedly violated or misinterpreted and redress sought. The Supervisor shall review the grievance and reply in writing to the Union within five (5) business days, giving his/her disposition and his/her reason thereof. STEP 2 If a settlement has not been reached under Step 1, the employee may within five (5) business days of the Supervisor's reply, refer the grievance to the Administrator of the Home, at interest, or his/her nominee. The Administrator of the Home or his/her nominee together with the employee and his/her Supervisor, and his/her Xxxxxxx, shall meet within five (5) business days of reference to the Administrator of the Home. The Administrator of the Home shall give his/her reply in writing to the Union within five (5) business days after date of meeting. STEP 3 If settlement has not been reached under Step 2, the employee may refer the grievance to his/her Union Grievance Committee which may within five (5) business days of the Administrator's reply refer the grievance to the Director of Human Resources or his/her designate. Within five (5) business days the Director of Human Resources or his/her designate together with such other representation as may be chosen to represent the Employer shall meet with the Union Grievance Committee to discuss the grievance. At this meeting a full-time representative of the Union may be present, if his/her presence is requested by the Employer or the Union. Written reply to the grievance shall be given to the Union within five (5) business days after such meeting. If a grievance is not settled to the satisfaction of either party to this Agreement by the procedure outlined above, then either party may, within ten (10) working days of the reply of the Director of Human Resources, refer the grievance to arbitration in accordance with the provisions contained in Article 9. 7.03 Any of the time allowances provided in the Article may be extended by mutual agreement in writing between the Union and the Employer. 7.04 Notwithstanding the provisions of the Ontario Labour Relations Act, any grievance not initiated or appealed at any stage of the grievance procedure, including reference to arbitration within the limits stipulated, shall be considered settled on the basis of the last decision and NOT subject to further appeal. 7.05 No employee written reprimand shall be entered in an employee's personnel file unless the employee and Local Recording Secretary or designate are given a copy of such written reprimand. 7.06 Saturdays and Sundays and paid holidays shall not be considered working days within the scope of this Article.

  • COMPLAINT AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 9.01 Where a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement, including any questions as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that this Agreement has been violated or whenever an employee who has completed the required probationary period and has been accepted by the Employer for employment in the permanent service, claims that he/she has been disciplined or discharged without reasonable cause, such difference, allegation or claim being hereinafter referred to as the grievance, the grievance procedure set forth below shall apply. 9.02 The Association shall name, appoint or otherwise select a Grievance Committee of no more than three (3) who shall be members of the Association and shall have reached at least the rank of First Class Fire Fighter and other advisors as deemed necessary at the expense of the Association. The Employer shall recognize and deal with the Grievance committee with respect to any matter or dispute which properly arises from a breach of the Collective Agreement from time to time during its term. This committee shall suffer no loss as a result of their attendance at such grievance meetings, hearings, etc. 9.03 No grievance will be considered where the circumstances giving rise to it occurred or originated more than ten (10) full working days before the submission of the grievance. Step 1 - An employee having a grievance will take the matter up through their Association representative. The President or designate shall contact Fire Management to seek a resolution. Step 2 - If the grievance is not settled within five (5) working days, the Association shall submit the matter in writing to the Fire Chief or designate within five (5) working days of receiving the reply from Step 1. The Fire Chief or designate shall render the written decision to the Association within five (5) working days after receiving the written grievance. In the context of this Article a working day shall be deemed to be Monday to Friday excluding designated holidays. Step 3 - If the reply of the Fire Chief is not acceptable to the Association the grievance may be referred to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) or the Director of Human Resources within five (5) working days of the written decision of the Fire Chief. The CAO or the Director of Human Resources, who together with the Fire Chief and any other advisors deemed necessary, shall meet with the Association Representatives within 5 working days to consider the grievance. Within five (5) working days of the aforesaid, the CAO or the Director of Human Resources will render a written reply to the employee and the Association. Step 4 - If no resolve is reached at Step 3, the matter shall be submitted to arbitration. Notice shall be given within 5 business days. The parties agree that, for the purposes of this collective agreement the words of the expedited arbitration provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 1995 as amended (Section 49), will be deemed to have been incorporated into this collective agreement. Accordingly and notwithstanding any other provisions of this article (the grievance/arbitration provisions); either party may refer a grievance to expedited arbitration in accordance with the provisions of Section 49. The parties further agree that neither party will raise any jurisdictional or other objection to the application of Section 49 to a grievance under this collective agreement as it pertains to the right to an expedited arbitration. Either party is entitled however, to raise any objection, with the arbitrator with respect to whether the provisions of Section 49 have been properly utilized in respect of any specific grievance (e.g. objections with respect to time limits etc.). Such an appointment by the Minister of Labour or his or her designate will be determined to be a joint appointment in accordance with Section 53(3) of the Fire Protection and Prevention Act. 9.04 Extensions to the time limits in 9.03 may not be unreasonably withheld. 9.05 The employee in all steps of the grievance procedure shall be confined to the grievance and redress sought as set forth in the written grievance initially filed as provided.

  • Grievance and Appeals Unit See Section 9 for contact information. You may also contact the Office of the Health Insurance Commissioner’s Consumer Resource Program, RIREACH at 1-855-747-3224 about questions or concerns you may have. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with any aspect of our operation or the quality of care you received from a healthcare provider. A complaint is not an appeal. For information about submitting an appeal, please see the Reconsiderations and Appeals section below. We encourage you to discuss any concerns or issues you may have about any aspect of your medical treatment with the healthcare provider that furnished the care. In most cases, issues can be more easily resolved if they are raised when they occur. However, if you remain dissatisfied or prefer not to take up the issue with your provider, you can call our Customer Service Department for further assistance. You may also call our Customer Service Department if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our operation. If the concern or issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may file a verbal or written complaint with our Grievance and Appeals Unit. We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint or administrative appeal within ten (10) business days. The Grievance and Appeals Unit will conduct a thorough review of your complaint and respond within thirty (30) calendar days of the date it was received. The determination letter will provide you with the rationale for our response as well as information on any possible next steps available to you. When filing a complaint, please provide the following information: • your name, address, member ID number; • the date of the incident or service; • summary of the issue; • any previous contact with BCBSRI concerning the issue; • a brief description of the relief or solution you are seeking; and • additional information such as referral forms, claims, or any other documentation that you would like us to review. Please send all information to the address listed on the Contact Information section.

  • DISPUTES AND GRIEVANCES Section 1. This Agreement is intended to provide close cooperation between management and labor. Each of the Unions will assign a representative to this project for the purpose of completing the construction of the project economically, efficiently, continuously, and without interruptions, delays, or work stoppages. Section 2. The Port of Seattle, Contractors, Unions, and the employees, collectively and individually, realize the importance to all parties to maintain continuous and uninterrupted performance of the work of the project, and agree to resolve disputes in accordance with the grievance-arbitration provisions set forth in this Article. Section 3. Any question or dispute arising out of and during the term of this Project Agreement (other than trade jurisdictional disputes) shall be considered a grievance and subject to resolution under the following procedures: (a) When any employee subject to the provisions of this Agreement feels he/she is aggrieved by a violation of this Agreement, he/she, through his/her local union business representative or designated Union Representative, shall, within five (5) working days after the occurrence, or had knowledge of or should have known of the alleged violation, give notice to the work-site representative of the involved Contractor stating the provision(s) alleged to have been violated. The business representative of the local union or the designated Union Representative and the work-site representative of the involved Contractor and the Owners Representative shall meet and endeavor to adjust the matter within three (3) working days after timely notice has been given. The representative of the Contractor shall keep the meeting minutes and shall respond to the Union representative in writing and the Owners Representatives at the conclusion of the meeting but not later than twenty-four (24) hours thereafter. If they fail to resolve the matter within the prescribed period, the grieving party may, within forty-eight (48) hours thereafter, pursue Step 2 of the Grievance Procedure, provided the grievance is reduced to writing, setting forth the relevant information concerning the alleged grievance, including a short description thereof, the date on which the grievance occurred, and the provision(s) of the Agreement alleged to have been violated. (b) Should the Local Union(s) or the Project Contractor or any Sub-Contractor of whatever tier have a dispute with the other party and, if after conferring, a settlement is not reached within three (3) working days, the dispute may be reduced to writing and proceed to Step 2 in the same manner as outlined herein for the adjustment of an employee complaint. Step 2. The International Union Representative and the involved Contractor shall meet within seven (7) working days of the referral of a dispute to this second step to arrive at a satisfactory settlement thereof. Meeting minutes shall be kept by the Contractor. If the parties fail to reach an agreement, the dispute may be appealed in writing in accordance with the provisions of Step 3 within seven (7) calendar days thereafter.

  • CENTRAL GRIEVANCE PROCESS The following process pertains exclusively to grievances on central matters that have been referred to the central process. In accordance with the School Boards Collective Bargaining Act central matters may also be grieved locally, in which case local grievance processes will apply.

  • Grievances and Appeals a. If you have questions about any pediatric dental services received, please first discuss the matter with your Dental Provider. However, if you continue to have concerns, please call Delta Dental’s Customer Service Center. You can also email questions by accessing the “Contact Us” section of the dental plan website at

  • Policy Grievances Where either party to this agreement disputes the general application, interpretation or alleged violation of an article of this agreement, the dispute shall be discussed initially with the Administrator, his/her designate or the Union within 14 calendar days of the occurrence. Where no satisfactory agreement is reached, either party, within a further 14 calendar days, may submit the dispute to arbitration, as set out in Article 9 -Arbitration of this agreement.

  • Complaints and Appeals As a Premera member, you have the right to offer your ideas, ask questions, voice complaints and request a formal appeal to reconsider decisions we have made. Our goal is to listen to your concerns and improve our service to you. If you need an interpreter to help with oral translation, please call us. Customer Service will be able to guide you through the service. We would like to hear from you. If you have an idea, suggestion, or opinion, please let us know. You can contact us at the addresses and telephone numbers found on the back cover. Please call us when you have questions about a benefit or coverage decision, our services, or the quality or availability of a healthcare service. We can quickly and informally correct errors, clarify benefits, or take steps to improve our service. We suggest that you call your provider of care when you have questions about the healthcare they provide.

  • Group Grievance Where a number of employees have identical grievances and each employee would be entitled to grieve separately they may present a group grievance in writing signed by each employee who is grieving to the Administrator or her designate within ten (10) days after the circumstances giving rise to the grievance have occurred or ought reasonably to have come to the attention of the employee(s). The grievance shall then be treated as being initiated at Step No. 1 and the applicable provisions of this Article shall then apply with respect to the processing of such grievance.

  • Group Grievances No more than five (5) grievants will be permitted to attend grievance meetings.