JOB POSTING VACANCY. (a) Job Vacancies are determined in the discretion of the Employer by the availability of work and, where no relative experience is required are advertised. When such a vacancy exists it will be posted within seven (7) working days. The Employer agrees to post notice of such vacancy for a period of ten (10) working days. The posting shall state the location, department and section where the vacancy exists. A copy of the posting will be sent to the Union. On request, the Human Resources Department explains to an applicant the reason s/he was not selected. (b) If the above position(s) cannot be filled by an Outside Bargaining Unit employee(s) the Inside Bargaining Unit employee(s) will be considered. (c) The name of the successful employee will be posted within thirty (30) days of the selection. (d) The requirement to post notice of such vacancy is waived when an employee is placed in a vacancy under the Job Security Article and/or Technological Change Article, Accommodation Article and the Long Term Disability Article. Employees placed under the Long Term Disability Article will not be placed in posted vacancies. (e) Posted vacancies shall be offered to the senior incumbent(s) who has applied for the position within their same classification, either: (i) at a different location in the same Department; or (ii) a different Department at the same locations; or (iii) a different Department at a different location; before consideration of other applicants. In all cases, transfers shall be subject to the incumbent(s) having a current Performance Appraisal rated “Good” or higher and shall not negatively impact operational efficiency, productivity and customer service.
JOB POSTING VACANCY. Job Vacancies are determined in the discretion of the Employer by the availability of work and, where no relative experience is required are advertised. When such a vacancy exists it will be posted within seven (7) working days. The Employer agrees to post notice of such vacancy for a period of ten (10) working days. The posting shall state the location, department and section where the vacancy exists. A copy of the posting will be sent to the Union. On request, the Human Resources Department explains to an applicant the reason was not selected. If the above cannot be filled by an Outside Bargaining Unit the Inside Bargaining Unit will be considered. The name of the successful employee will be posted within thirty (30) days of the selection. The requirement to post notice of such vacancy is waived when an employee is placed in a vacancy under the Job Security Article Technological Change Article, Accommodation Article and the Long Term Disability Article. Employees placed under the Long Term Disability Article will not be placed in posted vacancies. Relative Experience is experience adequate enough to enable the employee to perform the duties required.
JOB POSTING VACANCY. Where the Employer determines that a vacancy exists it will be posted within seven (7) working days. The
JOB POSTING VACANCY. Where the Employer determines that a vacancy exists it will be posted within seven (7) working days. The Employer agrees to post notice of such vacancy for a period of ten working days. The posting shall state the location, department and section where the vacancy exists. A copy of the posting will be sent to the Union. On request, the Human Resources Department explains to an unsuccessful applicant the reason was not selected. If the above cannot be filled by an Inside Bargaining Unit the Outside Bargaining Unit will be considered. The name of the successful will be posted within thirty (30) days of the selection. The requirement to post notice of such vacancy is waived when an employee is placed in a vacancy under the Job Security Article Technological Change Article, Retrogression Article, Accommodation Article and the Long Term Disability Article. Employees placed under the Long Term Disability Article will not be placed in posted vacancies. Posted vacancies shall be offered to the senior who has applied for the position within their same classification, either: at a different location in the same Department; or
JOB POSTING VACANCY. (a) Job Vacancies are determined in the discretion of the Employer by the availability of work and, where no relative experience is required are advertised. When such a vacancy exists it will be posted within seven (7) working days. The Employer agrees to post notice of such vacancy for a period of ten (10) working days. The posting shall state the location, department and section where the vacancy exists. A copy of the posting will be sent to the Union. On request, the Human Resources Department explains to an applicant the reason was not selected. If the above cannot be filled by an Outside Bargaining Unit the Inside Bargaining Unit will be considered. The name of the successful employee will be posted within thirty
JOB POSTING VACANCY. Job Vacancies are determined in the discretion of the Employer by the availability of work and, where no relative experience is required are advertised. When such a vacancy exists it will be posted within seven (7) working days. The Employer agrees to post notice of such vacancy for a period of ten (10) working days. The posting shall state the location, department and section where the vacancy exists. A copy of the posting will be sent to the Union. On request, the Human Resources Department explains to an applicant the reason s/he was not selected.
JOB POSTING VACANCY. Relative Experience Promotion Conditions Probation Demotion Job Severance Pay Relief New Member
JOB POSTING VACANCY. Job Vacancies are determined in the discretion of the Employer by the availability of work and, where no relative experience is required are advertised. When such a vacancy exists it will be posted within seven


  • Posting Vacancies 1. When a vacancy occurs the position shall be posted within ten (10) calendar days of the vacancy and filled within twenty (20) working days of the effective date, providing a qualified candidate has been identified. 2. A job vacancy will be posted and circulated listing the requirements of the position, classification, location, number of hours, starting date and qualifications; vacancies will be posted for a period of five (5) working days. 3. If a position becomes vacant during the summer months when school is not in session, the Board shall post for a period of ten (10) calendar days. Notice will be given to all bargaining union members who have, before leaving employment in June, filed with the Human Resource Department written notice of his/her interest in receiving announcements together with an email address or U.S. Mail address to which the announcement should be sent. All postings will also be U.S. mailed to any member on the layoff list to their address on record. Employees are responsible for notifying the Human Resources Department of any change of address. 4. Employees interested in the vacancy and having on file the posted qualifications for the vacancy may apply in writing to the Human Resource Office within the posting period. Evidence that the Employee possesses the posted qualifications shall be on file in the Human Resource Office at the time of application. Testing may not be required for an applicant who currently holds a position within the bargaining unit. 5. Job vacancies within the bargaining unit will be filled on the basis of interview, demonstrated work performance, qualifications (including factors such as, but not limited to. Background, punctuality, efficiency, team oriented, ability to perform duties and possess skills and/or experience listed in the job description) and seniority. The Superintendent or designee shall select the most qualified member. 6. A Probationary Employee may apply for a posted position to be considered along with external applicants. However, the bid will be considered only when a Status Employee has not received the position. If the Probationary Employee wins a position, such Employee must serve a Probationary Period for sixty (60) days worked in the new position. 7. The Union shall be notified of all bargaining unit applicants for the position. The selected candidate for a position must make her/his decision to accept the position by 12:00 noon of the next working day following the telephone notification of the offer of the position by contacting the Human Resources Office in writing. This will constitute acceptance of the position. Failure to contact the Human Resources Office in writing will constitute non-acceptance of the position. After acceptance of the position, an Employee shall not be allowed to bid for another position from the date of acceptance of the position until the completion of her/his Trial Period, unless mutually agreed and shall then be considered along with external applicants with seniority not a factor in selection. 8. Should the position which the Employee has successfully bid for and accepted be a higher classification and Management deems it necessary to retain the Employee in her present position for an extended period of time, the Employee shall receive the higher rate of pay beginning the 11th working day from the date at which the new position was made available. 9. Those Employees who apply for such open positions as posted will be notified, in writing, by the Human Resource Office within three (3) working days when a decision has been made. The employee shall have the opportunity, upon written request, to learn why she/he did not receive the position. The response shall be in writing if requested by the employee.

  • Filling Vacancies In the filling of vacancies, new positions, transfers or promotions, appointments shall be made to the employee with the required qualifications, and level of competency and efficiency as required by the position specifications, and where such requirements are equal, seniority shall be the determining factor.

  • JOB VACANCIES Determinations with respect to the filling of job vacancies and training positions shall be made by a three-member selection panel. The selection panel will be comprised of the facilities supervisor or assistant supervisor in the appropriate area, Assistant Vice President for the specific campus, and a University Administrator designated by the union. Through review of the candidates written credentials, and an oral interview in which all individuals will be asked the same series of questions, the panel will assess the candidates’ qualifications for the posted vacancy. A Union representative shall be designated to observe the oral interview process. Testing will be administered for those vacancies in the level three, four, five, and six classifications. The University will recognize federal, state, and county certifications in lieu of University administered written testing. In the event that a written test is warranted, such tests will be comprised of questions submitted jointly by the University and the Union. During the panel assessment of qualifications, the selection panel will abide by specified guidelines, which will limit consideration to written work and attendance records, documentation of qualifications submitted by the candidate, which will include any and all training received for the position, answers provided during the oral interview, and the results of any written testing, if administered. For vacancies at the level two classification, the panel assessment of qualifications will determine the candidate selected for the position. For all classifications, in the event that the panel determines that two candidates are equally qualified for the vacancy, the most senior employee will be selected. Determinations made by the panel are not subject to Section 6 Grievances but are subject to the following appeal process: Step 1 Hiring supervisor notifies non-selected candidate(s) within 3 working days of vacancy selection and sends an email to Union Chief Xxxxxxx indicating the date of notification to the non-selected candidate(s). Step 2 Within 3 working days of vacancy selection notification, the non-selected candidate(s) may request written documentation for non-selection from the Assistant Vice President for the specific campus. The Assistant Vice President shall respond within three (3) working days and provide copy to Union Chief Xxxxxxx Step 3 If the non-selected candidate(s) are not satisfied with written notification a meeting may be requested with the Assistant Vice President within 3 working days of receiving written documentation. The non-selected candidate(s) may bring one (1) union representative to the meeting. Step 4 If the non-selected candidate(s) are not satisfied with the written notification and the meeting with Assistant Vice President, a meeting may be requested with the selection panel. This meeting must be requested within 3 working days after the meeting with the Assistant Vice President. The Assistant Vice-President will respond with a final binding written decision within 3 working days of the panel meeting and copy the Chief Xxxxxxx.

  • Vacancy Posting ‌ If a regular employee is absent from his/her position for more than 24 months as a result of medical leave, such position will be posted in accordance with the provision of Article 12. Upon return to work the regular employee shall be returned to work to a position of equal rank and basic pay.

  • JOB POSTING The following provision will appear in all collective agreements replacing any related provision that existed in the hospital's expiring collective agreement: (Any provision pertaining to definition of temporary vacancies, non-bargaining unit applications, outside advertising, interim placements or criteria for selection except as it relates to promotions and transfers that existed in the hospital's expiring collective agreement will be continued as the last paragraph of this Article). "Where a permanent vacancy occurs in a classification within the bargaining unit or a new position within the bargaining unit is established by the Hospital, such vacancy shall be posted for a period of seven (7) consecutive calendar days. Applications for such vacancy shall be made in writing within the seven (7) day period referred to herein. The postings shall stipulate the qualifications, classifications, rate of pay, department and shift and a copy shall be provided to the Chief Xxxxxxx. Vacancies created by the filling of an initial permanent vacancy will be posted for a period of three (3) consecutive calendar days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays. Applications for such vacancies shall be made in writing within the three (3) day period referred to herein. In matters of promotion and staff transfer appointment shall be made of the senior applicant able to meet the normal requirements of the job. The name of the successful applicant will be posted on the bulletin board for a period of seven (7) calendar days. Where there are no successful applicants from within this bargaining unit for vacant positions referred to in this Article, employees in other CUPE bargaining units at the Hospital will be selected in accordance with the criteria for selection above, prior to considering persons who are not members of CUPE bargaining units at the Hospital. The employees eligible for consideration shall be limited to those employees who have applied for the position in accordance with this Article, and selection shall be made in accordance with this Article. The successful applicant shall be allowed a trial period of up to thirty (30) days, during which the Hospital will determine if the employee can satisfactorily perform the job. Within this period the employee may voluntarily return, or be returned by the Hospital to the position formerly occupied, without loss of seniority. The vacancy resulting from the posting may be filled on a temporary basis until the trial period is completed. A list of vacancies filled in the preceding month under this Article and the names of the successful applicants will be posted, with a copy provided to the union."

  • Posting of Vacancies Vacancies occurring during the school year may be temporarily filled to avoid undue disruption of the educational program. The procedures in this section will be followed for filling vacancies for a subsequent school year. A notice setting forth information that accurately describes the vacancy shall be posted electronically. Except in cases of emergency, the vacancy will not be filled until seven (7) calendar days have elapsed since delivery and posting of the notice as set forth above has occurred. Where specific training, experience, and other qualifications are a prerequisite for anyone to fill the vacancy, such requirement shall be set forth in the notice. Reassignments within a school building may occur prior to posting a vacancy. The Association president or designee is concurrently given written notice of any such reassignment. Consequently, a retirement, resignation, addition at a grade level or mid-year staffing could result in a notice of vacancy that differs from the original opening within the building. When a bargaining unit member with interest in a particular potential vacancy provides the Superintendent or designee in writing prior to the last bargaining unit member attendance day of the school year with contact information, such as e-mail address, street address and phone number, the Administration shall notify the bargaining unit member of any vacancy occurring during the summer in which the bargaining unit member has expressed an interest. A bargaining unit member so notified shall be responsible to contact the Administration within seven (7) calendar days following a good faith effort to give the bargaining unit member notice, should the bargaining unit member elect to apply for the vacancy. If the District offers a summer school or other extended school year program, notice of all vacancies for the program shall be published in the manner provided for herein and shall not be filled until seven (7) calendar days have elapsed. Compensation shall be in accordance with the Agreement. When Schedule B vacancies occur, the following procedures will be followed: 1. Principals shall email all Schedule B vacancies to all bargaining unit members in their school building and allow bargaining unit members a period of seven (7) calendar days to express written interest in the vacancy. In the event no qualified bargaining unit member expresses written interest during the seven (7) calendar days, a District-wide posting, consistent with the procedure set forth in Section and Section 9.8.10 shall occur for an additional seven (7) calendar days. 2. The Association president or designee shall be copied on all Schedule B vacancy emails within a building. All bargaining unit member’s written interest shall be acknowledged in writing by the appropriate administrator. 3. Principals shall annually reopen Schedule B positions which are currently filled by non- bargaining unit members to all bargaining unit members in their school building for seven (7) calendar days before the end of the school year. 4. Vacancies occurring during the school year may be temporarily filled to avoid undue disruption of the educational program. 5. Preference shall be given to a bargaining unit member over a non-bargaining unit member when both are equally qualified. In order to afford elementary bargaining unit members the opportunity to perform extra tasks such as ticket-taking, such semester or seasonal jobs will first be emailed to bargaining unit members within a building and if not filled, will then be posted on the District website for all bargaining unit members before such work is offered to non-bargaining unit staff or persons not employed by the District.

  • Filling Vacant Positions During the time the procedures outlined herein are in effect, position vacancies to be filled shall first be offered to regular employees who have a contractual right to be recalled to a position in the involved job classification or who may have a right to “bump” or transfer to the position, as the case may be. In such circumstances, the seniority provisions of the Agreement shall be observed. If no regular employee has a contractual right to the position, the following shall be given consideration in the order (priority) indicated below: 1st Priority: Qualified Job Bank employees 2nd Priority: Employees on a recall list 3rd Priority: Employee applicants from a list of eligibles 4th Priority: Displaced certified temporary employees 5th Priority: Non-employee applicants from a list of eligibles The qualifications of an employee in the Job Bank or on a recall list shall be reviewed to determine whether they meet the qualifications for a vacant position. Whether the employee can be trained for a position within a reasonable time (not to exceed three months) shall be considered when determining the qualifications of an employee. If it is determined that the employee does not meet the qualifications for a vacant position, the employee may appeal to the Director of Human Resources. If it is determined that an employee in the Job Bank is qualified for a vacant position, the employee shall be selected. The appointing authority may appeal the issue of whether the employee is qualified. The dispute shall be presented to and resolved by the Job Bank Steering Committee. If it is determined that an employee on a recall list is qualified for a vacant position, the employee will be given priority consideration and may be selected. Appeals regarding employees on a recall list and their qualifications for a position will be handled by the Civil Service Commission. The grievance procedure under the Labor Agreement shall not apply to determinations as to qualifications of the employee for a vacant position.

  • Permanent Vacancies a) The Employer will post notice of a vacancy in a bargaining unit job within ten (10) working days from the date of the vacancy (providing the position is going to be filled) setting forth the position, location, and shift, and it shall be posted for a period of five (5) working days. A vacancy exists when there are more positions than employees in the bargaining unit. Any interested employee may apply in writing. After the end of the posting period, an employee may not apply, regardless of his/her reason for failure to apply during the posting period, and also regardless of his/her seniority standing relative to those who did bid during the posting period. The Employer may fill a posted job on a temporary basis during the posting period. b) The position shall be awarded within fifteen (15) working days from the end of the posting period. The vacancy shall be filled based on the equally weighted components of skill, ability to acquire the necessary knowledge to perform the job, prior job performance and seniority. Employees who have applied for a posted vacancy, upon request, shall be informed in writing of the reason(s) for not being selected. A copy of the notification will be placed in the employee’s file. The Employer shall provide the Union President with a copy of the posting, the names of the applicants and to whom the position was awarded. c) During the first ten (10) days on his/her new job, the employer will provide assignment specific training to the employee. During the first forty-five (45) working days on his/her new job, a successful applicant may elect to return to his/her former job, or the Employer may elect to retransfer the applicant to his/her former job at the former pay rate and benefit level in the event he/she fails to demonstrate his/her ability to do the required work with written notice of documented reasons with a copy to the President. This shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. If the job is so vacated, the Employer may select another applicant from the earlier posting. d) After an employee's successful application, he/she shall be ineligible to apply for another posted job for six (6) months. However, if a vacancy arises in a higher paying position, an employee may apply after thirty (30) days in position. Sub-sections c and d do not apply to the Transportation unit (drivers). e) Employees may submit a request to the Director of Operations and/or Chief Financial Officer for a transfer within their classification. The request for transfer should state the reason(s) for the transfer. If the request is not granted the employee will, upon request, be given a written statement indicating the reason(s) for not implementing the transfer. No transfer shall take place until the replacement employee is adequately trained. f) The employer shall provide on the job training to any employee seeking to upgrade their skills in their current job classification. Upon receipt of appropriate written requests, the training will be completed within a year. The time and location of the assignment shall be at the discretion of the employer.

  • Newly Created Directorships and Vacancies Subject to Section 5.5 hereof, newly created directorships resulting from an increase in the number of directors and any vacancies on the Board resulting from death, resignation, retirement, disqualification, removal or other cause may be filled solely and exclusively by a majority vote of the remaining directors then in office, even if less than a quorum, or by a sole remaining director (and not by stockholders), and any director so chosen shall hold office for the remainder of the full term of the class of directors to which the new directorship was added or in which the vacancy occurred and until his or her successor has been elected and qualified, subject, however, to such director’s earlier death, resignation, retirement, disqualification or removal.

  • Removal; Vacancies Each Designated Sponsor Fund shall have the exclusive right to (i) remove its respective designees from the Board, and the Parties shall take all Necessary Action to cause the removal of any such designee at the request of the applicable Designated Sponsor Fund; and (ii) designate for election to the Board, directors to fill vacancies created by reason of death, removal or resignation of its designees to the Board, and the Parties shall take all Necessary Action to cause any such vacancies to be filled by replacement directors designated by such Designated Sponsor Fund as promptly as reasonably practicable; provided, that, for the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 2.01(e), no Designated Sponsor Fund shall have the right to designate a replacement director, and the Parties shall not be required to take any action to cause any vacancy to be filled by any such designee, to the extent that election or appointment of such designee to the Board would result in the Board having as members, at any time, a number of directors designated by such Designated Sponsor Fund in excess of the number of directors that such Designated Sponsor Fund is then entitled to designate for membership on the Board pursuant to Section 2.01(c).