JOB VACANCIES Sample Clauses

JOB VACANCIES. 31.01 A permanent vacancy shall exist when the employee is promoted, demoted, permanently transferred to another position, dies, resigns, retires or is terminated for just cause. A permanent vacancy shall also exist when a new job is created. A temporary vacancy is normally for a fixed length of time and/or is intended to replace a permanent employee for a pre-determined or unknown length of time. 31.02 Job postings shall normally reflect the job description and contain the following information: nature of position; qualifications; required knowledge and education, hours of work, salary range and location. In addition, postings for a temporary vacancy will normally indicate the start and end date of the vacancy. The Bargaining Unit President will receive a copy of all postings. 31.03 Permanent Vacancies must be filled in accordance with this article within 60 working days of the position becoming vacant. Where there is a vacancy in the bargaining unit that is known to last for not less than six (6) months, it shall be filled as follows: a) In order of seniority, to an employee who is on the recall list, or who has been declared surplus, subject to having the necessary qualifications, ability, knowledge and skills to perform the job; otherwise, b) The vacancy shall be posted for at least seven (7) working days prior to the closing date of the competition. For the purposes of posting positions in the months of July and August, vacancies shall be posted for at least ten (10) days. c) Where a vacancy in the bargaining unit is being filled by a casual employee and where the Employer subsequently becomes aware that the vacancy will continue for an additional period of not less than (6) six months the position will be posted. When a vacancy has been filled by a casual employee for more than 6 months, the casual employee will become a Term employee with full compensation, benefits and rights of Term employees as defined in this Agreement. d) Posted vacancies shall be filled in the following order: i) first consideration shall be given to applications from regular full time and part-time employees, of which at least the three (3) most senior applicants who hold the necessary qualifications will be interviewed for each vacancy; and if such does not exist ii) applications from term and casual employees within the bargaining unit; and then iii) external candidates 31.04 In selecting a candidate to fill a position, which the employer intends to fill in the bargaining u...
JOB VACANCIES. Determinations with respect to the filling of job vacancies and training positions shall be made by a three-member selection panel. The selection panel will be comprised of the facilities supervisor or assistant supervisor in the appropriate area, Assistant Vice President for the specific campus, and a University Administrator designated by the union. Through review of the candidates written credentials, and an oral interview in which all individuals will be asked the same series of questions, the panel will assess the candidates’ qualifications for the posted vacancy. A Union representative shall be designated to observe the oral interview process. Testing will be administered for those vacancies in the level three, four, five, and six classifications. The University will recognize federal, state, and county certifications in lieu of University administered written testing. In the event that a written test is warranted, such tests will be comprised of questions submitted jointly by the University and the Union. During the panel assessment of qualifications, the selection panel will abide by specified guidelines, which will limit consideration to written work and attendance records, documentation of qualifications submitted by the candidate, which will include any and all training received for the position, answers provided during the oral interview, and the results of any written testing, if administered. For vacancies at the level two classification, the panel assessment of qualifications will determine the candidate selected for the position. For all classifications, in the event that the panel determines that two candidates are equally qualified for the vacancy, the most senior employee will be selected. Determinations made by the panel are not subject to Section 6 Grievances but are subject to the following appeal process: Step 1 Hiring supervisor notifies non-selected candidate(s) within 3 working days of vacancy selection and sends an email to Union Chief Xxxxxxx indicating the date of notification to the non-selected candidate(s). Step 2 Within 3 working days of vacancy selection notification, the non-selected candidate(s) may request written documentation for non-selection from the Assistant Vice President for the specific campus. The Assistant Vice President shall respond within three (3) working days and provide copy to Union Chief Xxxxxxx Step 3 If the non-selected candidate(s) are not satisfied with written notification a meeting may be reques...
JOB VACANCIESVacancies or new positions shall be awarded to the senior employee applicant where the employee currently possesses the necessary capabilities to perform the work. Qualifications for the job shall be posted by the Employer, and the posting shall include the shift and number of hours for the position. No employee shall be eligible to bid on a job vacancy or new position until the employee has worked in the employee's existing job for a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) days. The provisions of the preceding sentence shall not apply when employees bid on vacancies or new positions in the employee's same classification. All vacancies shall be bulletined for a minimum of five (5) calendar days, and notice of the same furnished to the Union at the same time. Each Hospital shall develop a system to ensure that only applicants signing the posting during the five calendar day posting period will be considered. Temporary assignments may be made during such posting period only; provided assignments to a new classification may be on a temporary basis for ten (10) days. If a question arises as to the capability of an employee to perform the employee's duties after the above herein procedure has been used, that question, and any other question incidental thereto pertaining to the employee's classification and rate of pay, shall be settled by mutual agreement between the Employer and the Union. If such questions cannot be so settled, they shall be settled by arbitration as provided in Article 2. In filling vacancies or new positions, senior employees in the classification where the vacancy or new position is located shall be given preference. In the event that the vacant or new position cannot be filled with a qualified employee from that classification then qualified applicants from other classifications within the bargaining unit will be considered based on bargaining unit seniority.
JOB VACANCIES. 20.01 When a new job classification is created or a vacancy occurs in the bargaining unit as a result of death, retirement, resignation, promotion, demotion, transfer, termination of employment, an absence from work on an approved leave of absence, including but not limited to pregnancy/parental leave and Workplace Safety and Insurance or in the case of a temporary vacancy exceeding three (3) months, the Employer will post a notice of the position on the Union bulletin board for a minimum period of fourteen (14) calendar days, unless the parties agree to a shorter period which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. 20.02 Staff shall have the right to apply during such fourteen (14) calendar day period to fill any such vacancy or new job created. Such vacancy or new job created shall be filled from the applications received on the basis of seniority, provided the senior staff possess the necessary qualifications and/or ability to perform the work required. 20.03 In the event the successful applicant within sixty (60) working days of commencing work in the posted position or such longer period as may be mutually agreed upon in writing, proves unsatisfactory or requests a return to her former position, she shall be returned to her former position without loss of seniority. 20.04 If no applications to fill such vacancy or new job created are received from staff, or if there is no successful applicant from within the bargaining unit, then the Employer may give consideration to persons not employed in the bargaining unit. 20.05 Copies of all job postings shall be submitted to the Chair of the Union Committee. 20.06 The name of the successful candidate will be posted on the Union bulletin board immediately after all applicants are advised of the results. 20.07 Where vacancies are posted for positions within the non-Union staff, which could include absences from work on an approved leave of absence, (including but not limited to Pregnancy/Parental leave and Workplace Safety and Insurance leaves), or in the case of temporary vacancy or contract position, consideration will be given to applicants from the bargaining unit to fill such vacancies prior to consideration of persons not employed by the Employer. 20.08 In cases where part time relief Employees work full-time hours on a temporary basis for six (6) months or longer, such staff will be enrolled in the Benefit Plan provided by the Employer. The waiting period, or any pre-existing conditions established by ...
JOB VACANCIES. ELEMENTARY TEACHING POSITIONS 11.01 Elementary Teacher Vacancies (a) A vacancy means a teaching assignment covered by the Teachers’ Collective Agreement that is unoccupied because: i) the incumbent has been transferred, promoted or has resigned; ii) a vacancy that has occurred as defined by current legislation; iii) enrollment increase has created a new teaching vacancy; iv) a Teacher is on personal leave of absence for one full year or longer; or v) the incumbent has died. (b) Prior to external advertising, the Board shall attempt to fill elementary teaching vacancies subject to the following procedures: i) The Board shall post elementary vacancies for seven (7) Days prior to the closing date in all elementary schools and on the Occasional Teachers’ Hotline as well as the Board’s secure website. A copy of all postings shall be forwarded to the Union. ii) All applications from Occasional Teachers on the List shall be screened according to the Board’s current Recruitment Practices and Procedures Booklet. Successful candidates shall be advised of an interview. An opportunity for debriefing shall be granted to unsuccessful candidates upon request. iii) The Board will notify Occasional Teacher candidates when they are successfully placed on the Preferred Hiring List. iv) Once Occasional Teachers have been placed on a Preferred Hiring List, they shall stay on it until they have filled a job vacancy or until December 31 of each school year when the Preferred Hiring List is collapsed. (c) Only after Occasional Teachers have been short listed for interviews (as through 11.01(b)(i) above) shall the Board advertise externally. i) Occasional Teachers shall be interviewed in conjunction with external applicants. ii) The parties may agree to alter the process by mutual consent.
JOB VACANCIES. For the purpose of this article notices of available permanent Vacancies in jobs regularly scheduled on the duty roster in excess of sixteen (16) hours over a two (2) week period covered by this Agreement shall be posted on the bulletin boards for five (5) days before being permanently filled. The job posting will describe the requirements, qualifications and conditions. will be placed on a three (3) month rotating basis for jobs regularly scheduled for sixteen (16) hours or less over a two (2) week period. Employees are not permitted to apply for more than one temporary posting of a job per year or to apply for a temporary posting of a job if they are currently in a temporary vacancy. No temporary job posting will result in more than two subsequent of temporary positions. The third vacancy created as a result of the original and subsequent temporary vacancy will be considered to be a temporary vacancy of less than sixty (60) days and will not be posted in accordance with article Job vacancies will not be posted for temporary vacancies pursuant to Article Posted vacancies will be filled according to seniority subject to the employee having in the opinion of the Employer the required qualifications, skill and ability to perform the job. In determining if an employee has the required qualifications, and ability to perform the duties of the position, the Employer shall not act in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner. All successful applicants on job will be notified within five (5) days after the job posting and selection process is completed. shall be given a trial period of up to two (2) months during which time shall receive the necessary training for the position and the applicable hourly rate of pay. Conditional on satisfactorily completing the trial period, the employee shall be declared permanent. In the event the successful applicant is not satisfactory to the Employer shall be returned to former position and hourly rate of pay without loss seniority if it still exists and any other employee transferred because of such return shall also be returned to former position, if it still exists, and hourly rate of pay without loss of seniority. An employee who is returned to former position as a result of being unsatisfactory in the new position shall not be eligible to make application for any position for a period of six (6) months from the date upon which is returned to former position where has the Employer’s agreement to do so. The Employer may engage i...
JOB VACANCIES. 10.01 Prior to posting a job and when the company determines a vacancy exists and is going to post such a position, employees within the same job title as the position vacancy will be polled by seniority to determine if there is any interest in the vacancy. The qualified senior employee will be allowed to fill the vacancy from this bargaining unit and the resulting vacancy will be posted. 10.02 The Company will determine the methods and procedures used for posting jobs. Such notice shall include the title and location of the job, the qualifications needed for the job, the closing date for submission of interest and the process for submitting interest. Only those job vacancies which the Company has declared to be a job vacancy will be available for employee bids. The Company will provide a copy of the posting to the union. The Company may post vacancies as fully qualified. When the company posts a job as fully qualified, it does not restrict interested and qualified employees from submitting a bid for the fully qualified position. Employees must submit interest through the methods and procedures determined by the Company within the timeframe indicated on the posting. If two or more employees meet the fully qualified requirements, then seniority shall prevail. The Company will attempt to fill the vacancy internally from those employees submitting a job bid request. However, it is understood that the Company may also consider candidates outside the bargaining unit when filling vacancies. In order to be considered a candidate for selection, the candidate must successfully pass any reasonable and job appropriate tests used by the Company for the position. If the candidate passes such testing, or if the Company elects not to use testing as part of the selection process, qualifications shall be determined by the total circumstances including work experience, performance (and any performance evaluations), applicable technical education and attendance. The Company may use other forms of testing, interviews and/or other reasonable methods of determining qualifications as herein defined. The position will be filled by the most qualified candidate as determined by the Company. Seniority will govern in the event multiple internal candidates are determined to be most qualified by the Company. If no candidates are deemed qualified by the Company, the Company may elect to fill the vacancy from any available source. If the employee is not selected, the Company will meet an...
JOB VACANCIESAn Elected Official/Department Director shall post notice of job vacancies for both new and existing positions in one of the following ways, at their option, within this Bargaining Unit:
JOB VACANCIES. L1101 (a) When it is determined that a Long-Term Occasional Teacher will be required for a continuous period of two (2) months or more, such vacancy will be posted in each elementary school on the Occasional Teacher bulletin board and a copy provided to the Local. Such posting requirements will have been properly fulfilled when a copy is forwarded to the Local. All postings shall be noted, with full particulars, on the Board's Job Web Site.
JOB VACANCIES. A job vacancy shall be defined, for purposes of this Agreement, as a job assignment previously held by a bargaining unit member that needs to be filled, or a newly created job assignment within the bargaining unit. Determination with respect to the filling of job vacancies shall be based on the earlier classification seniority date when two or more persons are equal in their qualifications, including work and attendance records, for the vacancy. Job vacancies shall be posted on the specified form for a period of at least five (5) calendar days on the union bulletin board setting forth qualifications, hours, shift and job assignment title. Job postings may be signed by any employee in the classification, except that any employee who has received a different job assignment pursuant to a posting in the preceding six (6) months shall not be eligible to sign a posting unless the posted job assignment would permit an hourly pay rate increase for them. Job assignments may be temporarily filled before a permanent assignment is made. Job vacancies will be posted within 90 calendar days of job vacancy. In the event that a vacancy is not filled within 30 days of the removal of the posting, the University agrees to notify the Union of the cause of the delay. If no qualified employee signs the job assignment posting, it may be filled by a new employee.