LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED EQUIPMENT. In the event that after delivery to Customer, any of the Equipment is lost, stolen, damaged beyond repair, destroyed or otherwise disappears or is not returned for any reason, Customer will be responsible for the cost to replace the same item or the closest comparably equipped model, at current retail prices less any discounts available, without deduction for depreciation. AS SOON AS CUSTOMER REALIZES THAT EQUIPMENT IS MISSING, NOTIFY THE RENTAL COMPANY AND FILE A POLICE REPORT. In all instances immediately report any missing, lost, or stolen Equipment to the Rental Company and file a report with the local authorities. CUSTOMER MUST RETURN THE EQUIPMENT ON THE DATE SPECIFIED in the Rental Contract or be subject to additional charges. The last rental day shall be the day specified in the Rental Contract or up until 10:00 a.m. of the next business day. A full additional day’s rental will be charged for any Equipment not returned by 10:00 a.m. Full daily rates shall be charged for each day Equipment is not returned after the date specified. by the shortest reasonable time necessary to repair such damage or replace nonrepairable Equipment and return the item(s) to the Rental Company’s general inventory. The extended rental period shall apply only to the damaged or nonworking item(s), unless the item(s) forms a part of other equipment. There may be delays in repair or replacement attributable to causes beyond the Rental Company’s control. The acceptance of the return of the Equipment by the Rental Company is not a waiver by the Rental Company of any claims that it may have against you. These items shall accrue at full rental rate for the item(s) irrespective of any package discounts or other discounts agreed to at the inception of the Rental Contract, until the item(s) is repaired and/or replaced and the invoice for the damages has been paid in full to the Rental Company. If requested Customer shall advance the money in order to allow the Rental Company to repair or replace the Equipment.
LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED EQUIPMENT. 1. In the event the Equipment is lost, stolen from, badly damaged or destroyed by Motor Carrier, the method of settlement shall be the Actual Cash Value or the depreciated replacement value, as provided by the Equipment Owners. 2. When Equipment is lost, stolen, badly damaged or destroyed, Motor Carrier shall promptly notify Operator when Equipment is lost, stolen, badly damaged or destroyed. Operator shall within thirty (30) days after receipt of such notification, secure and furnish to the Motor Carrier a written statement of the depreciated replacement value or Actual Cash Value of the equipment, as agreed between the parties. Motor Carrier shall pay Operator the amount specified in the written statement within (30) days of the date of such written statement.
LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED EQUIPMENT. 1. In the event Equipment is lost, stolen from or destroyed by Motor Carrier the method of settlement shall be the depreciated replacement value as of the date it was reported lost, stolen or destroyed. 2. In addition to the provisions provided in the Agreement, the Motor Carrier shall furnish to the Provider all Police reports, insurance reports and any other materials or documents related to the incident. 3. Per Diem will continue to accrue up to the date that the settlement amount for the Equipment value has been received by the Provider. 4. Equipment shall at all times remain the property of the Provider despite receiving payment for the Equipment value unless the Provider specifically, in writing, agrees to relinquish its property as part of an invoice settlement with the party paying the Equipment value. 5. The Provider, shall within 15 days of receipt of notice from the Motor Carrier of the status of the destroyed Equipment, provide the Motor Carrier with instructions for the disposition of the destroyed Equipment. 6. If the Equipment that has been reported lost or stolen is subsequently recovered by either the Provider or the Motor Carrier the use charge will remain in effect until the Equipment has been returned to the Provider. If payment for the Equipment value has been received a refund will be will be made to the Motor Carrier less any costs of recovery, Per Diem, damage repairs or any other costs through the date the Equipment is returned to active status with the Provider. 7. Equipment not returned to the Provider within sixty (60) days or more from the date of interchange to the Motor Carrier, Provider may declare the Equipment to be lost and shall be handled in accordance with the Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Equipment provisions of the Agreement. ❑ ACL/Xxxxxxxx Group/Inarme (*)(**) ❑ APL Co. Pte Ltd/Eagle Marine Services (EMS)(*)(**) ❑ Bermuda Container Line, Limited (*) ❑ Bridge Chassis Supply LLC & Affiliates (Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha Ltd., “K” Line America, Inc., “K” Line New York, Inc. and Multimodal Engineering Corporation) (*) (**) ❑ Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) (*) ❑ Canadian National/llinois Central Railroad (*) ❑ Canadian Pacific Railway-US (SOO Line and D&H) (*) ❑ China Shipping Container Line (*)(**) ❑ CMA-CGM (America) LLC ❑ CNS Equipment, Inc. (*) (**) ❑ COFC Logistics LLC ❑ Compania Chilena De Navegacion Interoceanica S.A. (C.C.N.I.) ❑ Compania Sud-Americana De Vapores c/o ATG (CSAV/Libra Uruguay/NorAsia/Libra) (**) ❑ Conso...
LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED EQUIPMENT. 1. The Motor Carrier must provide the Provider with written notification within five (5) chronological days of the date of loss, theft or destruction of equipment. If Equipment is stolen, Motor Carrier will immediately report the theft to the local law enforcement authority having jurisdiction and shall obtain a copy of said enforcement authority’s incident report. A copy of such report shall be furnished to Provider immediately with notification. Once written notification and incident report are received by Provider, the per diem charges will be stopped. 2. Unless Provider directs otherwise, the Motor Carrier is responsible for returning, and the cost thereof, all Equipment whether damaged or not. Motor Carrier will protect the Equipment from any further damage. 3. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days after the Motor Carrier has been furnished with a statement of the depreciated replacement value for the lost, stolen or destroyed Equipment. 4. Unless otherwise agreed between Provider and Motor Carrier, the Provider shall maintain Ownership of lost, stolen or destroyed Equipment even after stipulated damages have been paid by the Motor Carrier. 5. If Equipment is interchanged to Motor Carrier for more than ninety (90) days and Motor Carrier is unable to account for the equipment’s whereabouts, the Provider reserves the right to consider that the Equipment to be a Total Loss and to invoice the Motor Carrier accordingly.
LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED EQUIPMENT. 4.6.1 In the event that the Equipment is lost, stolen, or destroyed (including a constructive total loss) during the Interchange Period, and while settlement is pending, Crowley shall receive compensation equal to the applicable Detention Charge shown in Part 5 provided however during such period, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays will be included until Crowley receives the payment under Section 4.6.2. 4.6.2 Xxxxxxx agrees to pay Crowley for the replacement cost of all units of Equipment lost, stolen or destroyed plus cost of special Equipment or accessories, less depreciation, calculated as of the date of written notification by the carrier that the unit was lost, stolen 4.6.3 Crowley shall have the option to retain title to the Equipment or to transfer title to the Carrier.
LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED EQUIPMENT. When a Genset is lost, stolen or destroyed while in Motor Carrier’s possession, Motor Carrier must promptly provide notice to DCLI regarding the incident in accordance with the provisions of Section 18 of this Agreement, either by mail, facsimile or email, and follow any additional reporting requirements for lost, stolen or destroyed Genset published at xxx.xxxx.xxx, or such other website identified by DCLI. Once notice is received, DCLI shall invoice the Motor Carrier an amount equal to nine thousand seven hundred dollars ($9,700) for the depreciated replacement value of the Genset. Motor Carrier shall pay the specified amount within thirty (30) days, after which the late payment provision in Section 10 shall apply. The daily usage charge shall continue to accrue until such time as written notice of the incident is received by DCLI, and DCLI confirms receipt back in writing to Motor Carrier. In the event a Genset is lost, stolen or destroyed and DCLI invoices Motor Carrier the depreciated replacement value thereof, Motor Carrier shall pay such invoice directly to DCLI, and any such payment shall not be subject to or conditioned upon execution of any liability waiver or release or similar document which may be issued by Motor Carrier or its insurer.
LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED EQUIPMENT a) In the event any Equipment is lost, stolen, or so damaged that the reasonable cost of repairs relating to damage sustained is estimated to exceed 75% of its current market value immediately prior to such loss, theft or damage, then such event will be deemed as a possible “Constructive Total Loss” and the Motor Carrier shall promptly notify Evergreen of it. Evergreen alone shall make the determination as to whether the damage is to be considered a “Constructive Total Loss.” The Excess Period and 2ND Excess Period Use Charges applicable to such Equipment provided herein shall continue to accrue for each day (including Saturdays, Sundays, and legal Holidays) until such notice and appropriate supporting document (i.e. police report, surveyor’s report, repair estimate, photo) are given. Upon receiving such notice, Evergreen will notify the Motor Carrier as to the depreciated replacement value of the Equipment and the Motor Carrier shall pay such amount to Evergreen within 30 days of receiving the depreciated replacement value notice. Evergreen alone shall determine the depreciated replacement value of the Equipment, and its determination shall be conclusive. If the depreciated replacement value of the Equipment is not paid within 30 days of such notice, the Excess Period Use Charges and 2ND Period Excess Use Charges will begin to accrue retroactively, beginning on the day the depreciated replacement value notice was sent by Evergreen. b) If Motor Carrier fails to satisfy invoice and equipment is subsequently found and recovered, Motor Carrier will be responsible to Provider for all charges incurred during the recovery of said equipment, including, but not limited to towing, storage, fines, damages, and equipment use charges.
LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED EQUIPMENT. In the event that after delivery to you, any of the Equipment is lost, stolen, damaged beyond repair, destroyed or otherwise disappears or is not returned for any reason, you will be responsible for the cost to replace the same item or the closest comparably equipped model, at current retail prices less any discounts available, without deduction for depreciation. In all instances immediately report any missing, lost, or stolen equipment to the Rental Company and file a report with the local authorities. IF YOU RETURN THE EQUIPMENT IN DAMAGED OR NON-­‐WORKING CONDITION, the lease period will be extended by the shortest reasonable time necessary to repair such damage or replace non-­‐repairable equipment and return the item(s) to the Rental Company's general inventory. The extended rental period shall apply only to the damaged or non-­‐working item(s), unless the item(s) forms a part of other equipment. There may be delays in repair or replacement attributable to causes beyond the Rental Company's control. The acceptance of the return of the Equipment by the Rental Company is not a waiver by the Rental Company of any claims that it may have against you. RENTAL CHARGES FOR THE DAMAGED OR NON-­‐WORKING ITEM(S) shall accrue at full rental rate for the item(s) irrespective of any package discounts or other discounts agreed to at the inception of the Rental Contract, until the item(s) is repaired and/or replaced and the invoice for damages has been paid in full to the Rental Company. If requested you shall advance the money in order to allow the Rental Company to repair or replace the equipment.
LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED EQUIPMENT. 1) In the event Equipment is lost, stolen, or disappears, or is totally destroyed, during the Period of Carrier Responsibility, and while settlement is pending, ITL shall receive compensation for loss of use for each day, including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, that the Equipment remains out of operation in accordance with Section V. 2) Carrier agrees to reimburse ITL for reproduction cost plus cost of special Equipment or accesso- xxxx, less depreciation, as of the date of written notification that the Equipment was lost, stolen, disappeared, or was totally destroyed. 3) Carrier agrees to pursue claims expeditiously against its insurance underwriters for lost, stolen, disappeared or destroyed Equipment.
LOST, STOLEN OR DESTROYED EQUIPMENT. In the event that after delivery to Lessee, any of the Equipment is lost, stolen, damaged beyond repair, or destroyed, Lessee will be responsible for the cost to replace the same item or the closest comparably equipped model including betterment’s, at current retail prices less any discounts available, without deduction for depreciation. In all instances immediately report any missing, lost or stolen Equipment to the Rental Company and file a report with the local authorities. The Rental Company requires a copy of the police report. Lessee must return the Equipment on the date specified in the Rental Contract or be subject to additional charges. If Lessee returns the Equipment in damaged or non-working condition, the lease period will be extended by the shortest reasonable time necessary to repair such damage or replace non-repairable Equipment and return the item(s) to the Rental Company's reasonable satisfaction. The acceptance of the return of the damaged Equipment by the Rental Company is not a waiver of any claims that it may have against the Lessee. Rental charges for the damaged or non-working item(s) shall accrue at full rental rate for the item irrespective of any package discounts or other discounts agreed to at the inception of the Rental Contract, unless the item(s) is repaired or replaced and the invoice for damages has been paid in full to the Rental Company. If requested, Lessee shall advance the money in order to allow the Rental Company to repair or replace the Equipment.