Management and Implementation. A. The work conducted under this Attachment shall be managed under the terms and conditions of Article V of Appendix 1. The more detailed administration of the Transversal Activities shall be defined by the Parties in a joint Administration Document approved by the Coordination Committee established under Appendix 1. This document shall describe the means, the roles, responsibilities and participants for each particular undertaking as well as the working processes for the Transversal Activities.
B. The work to be performed under this Attachment shall be further broken down into individual or groups of related Transversal Activities. A working document approved by the Coordination Committee established under Appendix 1 shall: detail the scope of work of each individual or group of Transversal Activities; identify the Technical Program Liaisons for both Parties; and describe the relationship of each activity with other activities.
Management and Implementation. (a) NEW ADB shall appoint a Project Manager who shall be responsible for the implementation, management and enforcement of the technical aspects of this Agreement on behalf of NEW ADB, including working with the other Parties to mutually develop a Project Charter and a Design Document, to prepare Progress/Open Issues reports and to achieve first-line resolution of disputes between the Parties regarding the performance or non-performance of their technical obligations under this Agreement. The Project Manager shall be responsible for attending all Project Review Committee meetings and Development Team meetings and shall cooperate with the other Parties' Project Managers in resolving all outstanding issues in a timely manner. Upon such designation, NEW ADB shall concurrently provide the other Parties with details with respect to its Project Manager, including name, work and home address, work and home telephone number, and e-mail address.
(b) The Retailer and the Supplier shall each appoint a Project Manager from their respective companies. Upon such designations, each of XXX.XXX and THE BRICK shall concurrently provide the other Parties with details with respect to its Project Manager, including name, work and home address, work and home telephone number, and e-mail address. The Project Managers for the Retailer and the Supplier shall each:
(i) work with the other Project Managers to develop a Project Charter, participate in Project Review Committee meetings in order to ensure that all Parties shall have the right to rely upon the instructions and decisions made in the Project Review Committee meetings, and shall be available for the first-line resolution of disputes between the Parties regarding the performance or non-performance of their obligations with respect to the technical aspects of their relationship under this Agreement; and
(ii) work with the other Project Managers to develop a Design Document, participate in the Development Team meetings, assist NEW ADB's Project Manager in preparing Progress/Open Issues Reports and shall cooperate in resolving all outstanding issues in a timely manner.
(c) Each of the Project Managers may, on written notice to the others, delegate his or her responsibilities under this Agreement to one or more individuals and may exercise his or her responsibilities as a member of a committee that includes representatives of the other Parties.
(d) Each Party shall be entitled to replace its Project Manager on notice to the oth...
Management and Implementation. A. The work conducted under this Attachment shall be managed under the terms and conditions of Article V of Appendix 1. The more detailed administration of the CNS & Airborne Interoperability Activities shall be defined by the Parties in a joint Administration Document approved by the Coordination Committee established under Appendix 1. This document shall describe the means, roles, responsibilities and participants for each particular undertaking as well as the working processes for the CNS & Airborne Interoperability Activities.
B. The work to be performed under this Attachment shall be further broken down into individual or groups of related CNS & Airborne Interoperability Activities. A working document approved by the Coordination Committee established under Appendix 1 shall detail the scope of work of each individual or group of CNS & Airborne Interoper ability Activities; identify the Technical Program Liaisons for both Parties; and describe the relationship of each activity with other activities.
Management and Implementation. 7.1 There shall be a Managemen t Co mmittee wh ose structure and functions are as set out in Schedule A.
7.2 Th e Director, Fish eries Bra n c h , Pacific Regio n , Depart men t of Fisheries an d Oceans, or designate, shall represen t Canada for t he im plemen tatio n of t his Agreemen t o n behalf of Canada, an d shall be Co-Chairman of t he Managemen t Co mmittee.
7.3 T h e Direc to r , Fis h a n d W il d life, Mi n is t ry of Renewable Resources, or designate, shall represen t Yuko n for t he im plemen tatio n of t his Agreemen t o n behalf of Yuko n an d shall be Co-Chairman of t he Managemen t Co mmittee.
7.4 I m ple m e n tatio n of t h is Agree m e n t will be co- ordinated wit h ot her Canada-Yuko n Agreemen ts
Management and Implementation. A. The work conducted under this Attachment shall be managed under the terms and conditions of Article V of Appendix 1. The more detailed administration of the Collaboration Projects shall be defined by the Parties in a joint Administration Document approved by the Coordination Committee established under Appendix 1. This document shall describe the means, the roles, responsibilities and participants for each particular undertaking as well as the working processes for the Collaboration Projects.
Management and Implementation. The NLLAP is managed as a part of the EPA Lead-Based Paint Program. The responsibility for implementing and supporting the program lies with the EPA’s National Program Chemicals Division personnel. Inquiries concerning NLLAP and this MOA should be addressed to the EPA MOA Implementation Officer (see Section IX of this MOA). This MOA does not create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by law or equity, by persons who are not party to this agreement, against [ORGANIZATION’S NAME] or the EPA, their officers or employees, or any other person. This MOA does not direct or apply to any person outside of [ORGANIZATION’S NAME] and the EPA.
Management and Implementation. The CPMU established in APMB shall be responsible for overall Project coordination and management activities under the Project.
Management and Implementation. Project-manage programs including the negotiation of contracts, confirmation of performance dates and liaison with companies and artists. • Assist the marketing team in the development of marketing strategies for programs and artistic concepts for marketing campaigns. • Actively promote events and programs. • Liaise with internal stakeholders, including teams in Presenter Services, Technical Operations, Box Office and Marketing, ensuring appropriate systems, processes and clear lines of communication. • Ensure the safe and cost effective, compliant and successful delivery of events through close collaboration with other teams.
Management and Implementation. (a) In order to implement this pilot income-generating component of the Project, ODESYPANO shall, in a timely manner, conclude with one or more suitable local non-governmental organizations, contractual arrangements, satisfactory to the Bank, assigning responsibility to the said non-governmental organizations for: (i) the organization of Douar Credit Unions, including collection of their membership fees and supervision of the management thereof; (ii) the provision of training and technical assistance to Douar Credit Unions’ managers; (iii) the identi- fication and appraisal, in coordination with ODESYPANO’s development/extension agents (animateurs/animatrices) and after consultation with the DDC concerned, of investments eligible for financing of the Douar Credit Unions; (iv) the monitoring of the process utilized for providing sub-loans for such investments, including, inter alia, adherence to, and application of, lending terms, conditions, criteria and principles identified in the study on Douar Credit Unions to be carried out under Part C of the Project and approved by the Bank; (v) the organization of the Douar Credit Unions’ ability to appraise credit demands in accordance with sound financial criteria; (vi) the development of sound accounting procedures to record and monitor the Douar Credit Unions’ operations; and (vii) the preparation, on a quarterly basis, of reports for submission to ODESYPANO on progress and trends on the points (i) through (vi) of this paragraph.
(b) For purposes of ensuring the timely start-up of this pilot income-generating scheme, ODESYPANO shall conclude the contractual arrangements referred to in paragraph (a) above with at least one (1) non-governmental organization not later than December 31, 1994.
Management and Implementation