Master’s Thesis. For the Master's thesis within the Double Master’s Degree Programme, each student has two supervisors, one from the home university and the other one from the host university. The Master's thesis is written and is defended in English. The research topic is proposed to the student by the two supervisors and validated by both partner universities. The Master's thesis defence (colloquium) takes place at the home or host university, after positive reports of two referees, one from the home and the other from the host university. The thesis defence is held according to the rules of the partner university where it takes place. The supervisor and, if requested, other members of the other university are invited to attend the defence, possibly by videoconference. At both, the home and the host university, a score for the Master’s thesis including the colloquium is given by the local rules of each partner university taking into account the two referee reports. If accepted by the other university, the score given by the defence university is converted to the other university score according to the grading conversion chart (Annexe 1).
Master’s Thesis. In accordance with Clause 8 of the Standard Cooperation Agreement, a supplementary agreement is hereby entered into between the parties mentioned above, entitling the company/institution to exploit the specifications and results of the Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis for financial purposes.
Master’s Thesis. In the fourth semester (P4), the Student will carry out an internship in a company, in private or public structure or in a research laboratory, with which the Consortium has a collaboration partnership or not. The place and the subject of the internship will have to be validated by the Educational Committee using the MSc Thesis application form to be filled-in by the end of period P3. With no exception, a researcher from the IMAE hosting institution must be one of the supervisors of the work, whatever the place where the project is carrying out. The internship will last at least 24 weeks (about 6 months) and must end (i.e. officially defended in the hosting institution) before 30 September (end of the second academic year). At the end of the internship the Student must write up a report which will constitute his/her Master Thesis and will be submitted to a jury and officially defended following hosting institution rules. The work will be also presented during the Farewell Congress to classmates, new cohort students and IMAE partner representatives (see §6. above).
Master’s Thesis. The Master’s Thesis (30 ECTS) constitutes a six-month, full-time project, aimed at advancing the skills and capabilities of students to work independently and creatively towards the solution of an independent research problem. In order to start the Master’s Thesis, students must: have obtained a Bachelor’s Degree; have fulfilled all additional requirements requested for the admission; have achieved at least 28 credit points in the category “Core Courses”; have acquired the 8 credit points for the Semester Project; have acquired the 8 credit points for the Industrial Internship; have submitted the final version of the Learning Agreement (through myStudies). Nonetheless, it is recommended to only start the Master’s Thesis after achieving all required credit points. The Master’s Thesis is either closely related to the research activity of the tutor or of an ETH Zurich professor or deals with a challenging topic faced by industry. The tutor approves the subject as well as the choice of the supervisor (tutor her-/himself or another professor at ETH Zurich) of the Master’s Thesis. The supervisor defines the roadmap, the milestones, deadlines, presentation, report, dates and the criteria for assessment, and is responsible for monitoring the structure and quality of the thesis. The student has to register the Master’s Thesis on myStudies under the menu item Projects/papers/theses. It is necessary to enter the details (start date, submission deadline and title) as agreed upon with the supervisor, as well as uploading the project description. The submission deadline is calculated automatically by the system (28 weeks) and is binding. After the confirmation of the supervisor and the tutor has been given, the thesis is registered definitely. xxx.xxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxx/xx/xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxx ered_papers.html If a Master’s Thesis is not successfully completed, a new topic must be defined. The Director of Studies may approve an extension of the submission deadline if cogent reasons are given. xxx.xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Any form of remuneration may not be agreed upon by students or institutions of ETH Zurich with third parties. Expenses, however, may be paid by third parties. xxx.xxxx.xx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ (in German) If secrecy between ETH Zurich and the industrial partner is required, it has to be specified in an arrangement between the responsible profes...
Master’s Thesis. The subject of the Master’s thesis must always receive advance approval in writing from a Faculty member of the home as well as the host institution. Special care shall be taken to ensure that the topic of the Master’s thesis is challenging and that it requires an exceptional effort by the student, since only one Master’s thesis will be required and will, upon successful completion, be granted credit from both institutions. The Master’s thesis must be carried out under the supervision of a Faculty member of the institution responsible for the arrangements of topic and subject area of the thesis. In addition, a Faculty member of the partner institution must be nominated as contact person for the Master’s thesis. Normally, the Master’s thesis will be carried out while the student is at the host institution. Deviations from this may be negotiated on a case-to-case basis. The Master’s thesis results in a report, which is written preferably in English, but may, upon mutual consent, be written in German for the students of the TUM or French for the students of Telecom ParisTech / Eurecom. There must always be included a brief summary of at least four pages in English, as well as an abstract in English. The work will be graded by the supervisor and the contact person for the Master’s thesis at the partner institution The Master’s thesis will take place during the final semester. Upon successful completion of the Master’s thesis the student will be granted the equivalence of 30 ECTS credits from both institutions.
Master’s Thesis. (9.1) PROGRAM students write the Master’s Thesis under joint Russian-German supervision. The Russian and the German supervisor ensure exchange between each other.
(9.2) The length of the Master’s Thesis is approximately 20.000 words to be written in English within four months.
(9.3) No later than by the date of the deadline, the thesis has to be submitted to both supervisors for review. The supervisors submit their reviews to the COORDINATORS at least two days before the date of the Master’s Defence.
(9.4) The grade for the Master’s Thesis is the arithmetic average-grade of the two supervisors, one from the Russian and one from the German PARTY.
(9.5) In case of failing, students may rewrite Master’s Thesis twice during a period not exceeding five years.
Master’s Thesis. For the Master's thesis within the Double Master’s Degree Programme, each student has two supervisors, one from the home university and the other one from the host university. The Master's thesis is written and is defended in English.
Master’s Thesis. The Master’s Thesis is a cornerstone of the Programme. It is designed to allow Students to bridge academic experience, the knowledge and skills developed during the first 3 semesters with scientific research and/or industrial experience. The Master’s Thesis must be undertaken with a Full Partner, Associated Academic Partner, or Associated Industrial Partners. Each Full Partner must, given their relations with the Associated Industrial Partners, discuss Master Thesis opportunities and submit a list of Master’s Thesis proposals that will be published on the Programme intranet for Students’ perusal. The final Master’s Thesis is a public document by default. The student (author of the Thesis) may define whether the Thesis will be openly published at the Coordinating Institution’s Thesis database, or only locally at the Library of the Coordinating Institution. These instructions and guidelines are available in the programme website. All students have to publish their theses locally in the Library database at the Japanese Coordinating Institution.
Master’s Thesis a) The Master’s thesis will be in the form of bilateral or multilateral supervision between at least two Professors of two different Consortium Institutions. The selection of the supervisors is made by the student among one Professor of the Fourth Semester University (1st supervisors) and one or more Professors involved in the Degree Programme (2nd or 3rd supervisor). Students may consult the thesis with other specialists (example: the supervisor of the internship, if the student decides to have a more professional oriented dissertation). The author of the Master thesis can decide to publish the thesis online after consultation and with the permission of the supervisors.
b) Students will choose between a research Master thesis and a more professional-oriented dissertation, resulting from students’ internships in research and professional environments, to be selected from a pocket of protocols with private and public, local and national agencies/organisations in the fields of: administration, research centres, health and social care, health and well-being, city’s organisations and other recognised organisations related to the studied area, agreed with the supervisors, across the consortium’s institutions.
c) The thesis has to be written in English and has to comply with the requirements of the Programme and with the rules of the Fourth Semester University.
Master’s Thesis. A brief description of the purpose of the thesis, scope, problematic issues, provisional title, methods that it is intended to apply and a progress plan showing important stages shall be enclosed with the application on a separate sheet.