Measurement Methodology Sample Clauses
Measurement Methodology. Internal Monitoring
Measurement Methodology. Outcome Measure #1 50% of BHC participants will exit to permanent housing destinations within 120 days of entry. Measurement Methodology HMIS Methodology: Add participant universe for EIH services during the current reporting period. Of the universe, add up those in EIH who exited to permanent housing destinations within 120 days of enrollment. Divide the total from step 2 by the total from step 1. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Outcome Goal N/A 50% N/A 50% Outcome Measure #2 90% of Participants residing at the EIH and BHC for 30 days or more will report being satisfied with EIH and BHC services Measurement Methodology Add the total number of clients who are residing at the EIH ad BHC least 30 days and divide the total by the number of clients who have reported being satisfied with their services. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 EIH Phase N/A 90% NA 90% XXX Xxxxx X/X X/X X/X 90% PATH – Emergency Interim Housing Program at Xxxxx Xxxx XX-19-013 T-39543/1733027 City CARES Act funding shall cover expenses incurred between June 15, 2020 and December 30, 2020. City CARES Act funding shall be expended by December 30, 2020. ESG CARES funding shall cover expenses incurred between December 31, 2020 and June 30, 2021. AGENCY People Assisting the Homeless (PATH) NAME OF PROGRAM Emergency Interim Housing Program at Xxxxx Xxxx YEAR OF FUNDING 2020-2021 FTE FUNDING SOURCE FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL Personnel CITY CARES Act ESG CARES Act Director of Community Affairs 0.25 $20,825.00 $6,675.00 $27,500.00 Director of Programs 0.15 $13,631.00 $4,369.00 $18,000.00 Program Manager 1.00 $56,796.00 $18,204.00 $75,000.00 Lead Case Manager 1.00 $49,224.00 $15,776.00 $65,000.00 Harm Reduction Specialist 1.00 $41,651.00 $13,349.00 $55,000.00 Case Manager #1 1.00 $47,330.00 $15,170.00 $62,500.00 Case Manager #2 1.00 $47,330.00 $15,170.00 $62,500.00 Case Manager #3 1.00 $47,330.00 $15,170.00 $62,500.00 Resident Associate #1 1.00 $31,806.00 $10,194.00 $42,000.00 Resident Associate #2 1.00 $31,806.00 $10,194.00 $42,000.00 Resident Associate #3 1.00 $31,806.00 $10,194.00 $42,000.00 Sr. Property Manager 1.00 $64,369.00 $20,631.00 $85,000.00 Sr. Maintenance Technician 1.00 $44,104.00 $14,136.00 $58,240.00 SUB TOTAL 11.4 $528,008.00 $169,232.00 $697,240.00 FICA (Employer) 8% $40,393.00 $12,946.00 $53,339.00 SUI 0% $1,056.00 $338.00 $1,394.00 Medical, Dental & Life 13% $69,997.00 $22,436.00 $92,433.00 Retirement 1% $5,280.00 $1,692.00 $6,972.00 Worker Compensation 4% $21,120.00 $6...
Measurement Methodology. See methodology provided for performance measure below.
Measurement Methodology. LookSmart will monitor its systems, software and network infrastructure and keep a log of any disruptions that prevent Advertisements from being delivered. Using these logs, LookSmart will calculate Actual Availability as described above.
Measurement Methodology. For each CE router, Router Availability is measured through the collection every 5 minutes of the Serial Interface Status parameters in the Cisco MIB and is reported in the IP VPN Monthly QOS Performance Report. The administration server via the SITA PE Router through which the WLP CE Router is connected carries out measurement. For sites without backup or sites with ISDN Dial Backup to the same SITA Access Node (does not include Warm Standby using PPP Dial to separate Network Access Server), Site Availability is equal to Router interface Availability For sites with MCS Topology the Site is considered as not available if the two routers interfaces are not available during the same five minutes time interval. Example: 10/01/99 00h05 Up Up Up 10/01/99 00h10 Down Up Up 10/01/99 00h15 Up Down Up 10/01/99 00h20 Down Down Down
Measurement Methodology. GRANTEE shall track eligible participants’ who attended activities listed in FOURTH REVISED EXHIBIT A to the AGREEMENT, titled “Scope of Services” and will ensure that participants complete a survey. The survey shall track if a participant has gained more knowledge of their rights and obligations as a tenant/landlords. GRANTEE shall track outcomes by utilizing case notes and approved assessment forms and shall maintain records on the UNDUPLICATED PARTICIPANTS who participated throughout the Project. GRANTEE shall submit results of outcome measures to the Housing Department, via the CITY’s WebGrants system, no later than ten (10) calendars days after the end of each quarter. 80% of participants who attend an Outreach and Education Service, or who otherwise received information, and who completed a survey, will gain more knowledge of their rights and obligations as tenants and/or landlords by the end of the fiscal year Measurement Methodology Tracking of pre- and post- evaluation forms based on multiple scaled ratings as to whether their education about the rights and obligations of tenants and/or landlords in San Xxxx has increased over time. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Outcome Goal 80% 80% 80% 80% Outcome Measure #2 80% of participants who received service from the Legal Counseling Hotline will feel they received useful information Measurement Methodology Tracking of each call and a brief evaluation question at the end of the conversation asking if they have received useful information Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Outcome Goal N/A N/A 80% 80% Outcome Measure #3 80% of clients will be satisfied with the service they received after being legally represented at ARO petition mediation and/or petition hearing. Measurement Methodology Tracking of an evaluation form to be completed by the client at the conclusion of the case. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Outcome Goal N/A N/A 80% 80% Outcome Measure #4 60% of eligible clients represented by attorneys were able to stay in their housing or had additional time to bridge them into housing. Measurement Methodology Tracking of an evaluation form to be completed by the client at the conclusion of the case. Supervisor will review closed case files to confirm data. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Outcome Goal N/A N/A 60% 60%
Measurement Methodology. GRANTEE shall use pre- and post-surveys to measure improved safety conditions of PARTICIPANTS in their homes. At the conclusion of the work completed, the homeowner responds to completed scope of work survey and indicates yes (has improved), or no (has not improved) to the improvement safety condition of their home. GRANTEE shall calculate the percentage of unduplicated households who indicate yes, that they have improved safety conditions by dividing the total number of UNDUPLICATED HOUSEHOLDS that had safety repairs performed on their home. GRANTEE shall submit results of outcome measures to CDBG no later than ten
Measurement Methodology. XXXXXXX shall track participant success in finding and maintaining permanent housing, employment, health care and increased income. GRANTEE shall track outcomes by utilizing case notes and approved assessment forms and shall maintain records on the Unduplicated Participants who participated throughout the Project. GRANTEE shall submit results of outcome measures to the Housing Department, via the CITY’s WebGrants system, no later than ten (10) calendar days after the end of each quarter.
Measurement Methodology. A survey questionnaire is administered twice yearly in December and June, and results are compiled to indicate the percentage of participants who report satisfaction and positive impact. GRANTEE shall submit results of outcome measures to the Housing Department via the CITY’s WebGrants system, no later than ten (10) calendar days after the end of the second quarter and after the end of the fourth quarter. Outcome Measure #1 80% of participants utilizing the transportation services report improved quality of life because of greater socialization and resource utilization. Measurement Methodology Twice-annual client survey Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Outcome Goal N/A 80% N/A 80% Outcome Measure #2 80% of senior participants receiving home-delivered meals report improved health because of improved nutrition and nutrition knowledge. Measurement Methodology Twice-annual participant survey Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Outcome Goal N/A 80% N/A 80%
Measurement Methodology. Each Week SUPPLIER will update a spreadsheet with the latest COORS 12 week forecast data. This spreadsheet is reviewed in the weekly meeting per Section 3.4 of this Agreement.