Milestones and targets. This document reflects the institution’s own analysis of its performance against the targets and milestones that it set itself in its access agreement for 2010-11. OFFA considered it as part of our holistic consideration of the institution's progress against its access agreement; we also took into account the other information provided in the monitoring return, the institution's general performance on widening participation, and our knowledge of its access agreement and previous monitoring rounds. For further information about monitoring performance against milestones and targets, please see part four of the report, Access agreement and widening participation strategic assessment moniotoring: Outcomes for 2010-11. Table 1a): This shows statistical milestones/targets relating to the institution’s applicants, entrants or student body – e.g. those based on HESA, Ucas or similar data that the institution uses to measure the outcomes of its widening participation work. Table 1b): This shows other milestones and targets that the institution chose to include. These typically relate to outreach, lifelong learning, or institutional mission and targets. Table 2 sets out the HESA performance indicators for young entrants covering state school, social class (National Statistics Socio-economic Classification – NS-SEC) and low participation neighbourhoods (LPN). These are reproduced to provide a context for the institution’s overall performance. Please note that 2010-11 performance indicators are now also available; however, these had not been published at the time institutions were submitting their monitoring returns and are not presented here. For more information on HESA performance indicators, see xxx.xxxx.xx.xx/xx. - comment on the level of progress made against their access agreement targets - set the figures in some context, for example, if there were any external factors which may have influenced them - provide explanations where they did not meet targets or where progress was less than anticipated.
Milestones and targets. Table 5a - Statistical milestones and targets relating to your applicants, entrants or student body (e.g. HESA, UCAS or internal targets) Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium)
Milestones and targets. Participation ⮚ Over the period of this Agreement annually to remain above national average for entrants: o from state schools or colleges o from social classes IIM, IV, V o from low participation neighbourhoods o in receipt of disabled students’ allowance Summer schools ⮚ by 2008, at least 100% expansion of participants from a base of 110 ⮚ by 2008, at least 70% of participants to progress into HE ⮚ by 2008, at least 25% per annum to progress to the University of Hull. Generating applications ⮚ from 2006, 2% per annum growth of applications to HE from the Hull and North East Lincolnshire LEAs from 2005 baseline. [These areas have furthest to go in terms of applications to HE]
Milestones and targets. The objectives of the Access Plan are:
1. To further enhance our recruitment and retention of students with excellent potential from under-represented backgrounds.
2. To ensure the maintenance and development of a high quality environment and academic experience for students which recognises the challenges of disadvantage and enhances retention and achievement. Success can be measured in many ways, not all of them easily translated into simple performance indicators. Specifically however, we will be looking to: Maintain the proportion of recruited students from low participation neighbourhoods. (HEFCE Performance Indicators) Raise the proportion of recruited young, white working class men and black and minority ethnic students by at least two percentage points over the five year period (one percent after two years). (HEFCE Performance Indicators and internal data) Raise the number of recruited Care Leavers from 20 to 30 over the life of the Plan. (Internal monitoring) Bring Year 1 retention rates within benchmark over 5 years. (One percent after two years) (HEFCE Performance Indicators) Improve the retention of young men by at least two percentage points over 5 years (One percent after two years) (Internal data) Ensure employability rates remain at least one percentage point above benchmark over the life of the agreement. (HEFCE Performance Indicators)
Milestones and targets. Table 5a - Statistical milestones and targets relating to your applicants, entrants or student body (e.g. HESA, UCAS or internal targets) Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Table 5b - Other milestones and targets Annex A: Access agreements for 2012-13: OFFA template for mainstream ITT providers (HEIs and FECs) Name of institution Please complete this template, and the Excel return at Annex B, and return to us using the HEFCE extranet by 30 March 2012.
Milestones and targets. The following table shows the full set of our WP milestones and targets, reflecting intended outcomes of work outlined in this document. Targets are unchanged from those approved under our 2017-2018 Access Agreement but are extended to 2021-2022.
Milestones and targets. Table 5a - Statistical milestones and targets relating to your applicants, entrants or student body (e.g. HESA, UCAS or internal targets) Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) NS-SEC (HESA Table T1b) Percentage from NS-SEC classes 4,5,6 & 7 2009/10 41.1 41.1 41.1 41.1 41.1 41.1 The aim is to retain current performance despite the negative effects upon these students of the new financial arrangements. This is well above the current benchmark. Care-leavers Numbers of new care-leavers commencing full time undergraduate study 2009/10 48 55 55 55 55 55 The aim is to increase access for looked after young people Non continuation: Young (HESA Table T3a) Non-continuation following year of entry: full time first degree entrants 2009/10 10.1 9.7 9.3 8.9 8.5 8.1 The aim is to improve retention to meet the benchmark level over the five year period, allowing for one standard deviation variance Non continuation: Mature (HESA Table T3a) Non-continuation following year of entry: full time first degree entrants 2009/10 17.4 16.7 16 15.3 14.5 13.7 The aim is to improve retention to meet the benchmark level over the five year period, allowing for one standard deviation variance Completion/Non continuation (other - please give details in the next column) Table 3d Non-continuation following year of entry: other undergraduate entrants 2009/10 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3 Current performance is significantly better than benchmark, and the intention is to maintain this performance Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however...
Milestones and targets. The introductory section to this document shows that Manchester Metropolitan University is an institution that already performs comfortably above a number of benchmarks that provide indicators of the extent to which its admissions and recruitment activities achieve good social inclusion. Nonetheless, the University will continue to develop targets for its activities that will demonstrate not only its continuing commitment to the recruitment of an appropriately inclusive population of students, but also the progress made by students from target groups relative to those from more traditional backgrounds. It will monitor its performance and check progress against these targets, with some of the data on which these evaluations take place forming part of the information that the University returns regularly to government or funding bodies. For the University to be confident in tracking achievements against its targets and milestones, it is aware that it must continue to build on data sets so that they accurately represent key performance parameters as they develop. It also needs to establish the baselines for new sets of data against which progress will be measured. The first (updated) set of targets below was established in the first Agreement and monitoring against them shall be continued. These are:
(i) Data on ethnic origin of students is critically dependent on willingness to self- ascribe. Typically, hitherto, the rate of return on such data has not been significantly better than 90%. Having achieved its target to achieve not less than 95% return data on ethnic origin disclosure by 2007/08, the University will continue to monitor the statistics to ensure it continues its progress towards 100%.
(ii) Especially for those students in receipt of access bursaries the University will commit to improving progression rates from the first year (i.e. the proportion of enrolled students successfully progressing from stage one of study to the next). Specifically:- 2006/07 Baseline progression rate of 73% 2009/10 Baseline plus 8% 2010/11 Maintain or improve.
(iii) Especially for those students in receipt of access bursaries, the University will commit to improving retention rates. Specifically, using 2005/06 data as the baseline:- 2006/07 Baseline plus 3% 2007/08 Baseline plus 5% 2008/09 Baseline plus 7% 2009/10 Baseline plus 9% 2010/11 Maintain or improve
(iv) The University will commit to maintaining or improving recruitment from its outreach partners using 2006/07 ...
Milestones and targets. Table 5a - Statistical milestones and targets relating to your applicants, entrants or student body (e.g. HESA, UCAS or internal targets) Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline year Baseline data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) 7.5% - 3 perform perform perform perform perform year benchmark benchmark benchmark benchmark benchmark To continue, year-on-year, to out- average and obtain a and obtain a and obtain a and obtain a and obtain a perform our benchmark in relation to average of (6.8 7.5% 7.6% 7.7% 7.8% 7.9% the percentage of new entrants from 2007-08 benchmark progression of progression of progression of progression of progression of The baseline figure of 7.5% derives from a three year weighted Low Participation Neighbourhoods 2008-09 in 2009-10) students from students from students from students from students from average. The University already performs significantly better than LPN (HESA Table T1a) and see further progress over time. 2009-10 LPNs. LPNs. LPNs. LPNs. LPNs. xxxxxxxxx and further progress wil be made over time. . To ensure The University of top end of the top end of the top end of the top end of the Manchester is positioned at the top To establish English English English English We will establish a baseline for the proportion of low-income end of the English Xxxxxxx Group in new baseline Xxxxxxx Group Xxxxxxx Group Xxxxxxx Group Xxxxxxx Group students entering Manchester in 2012/13, assess performance the recruitment of low income students in Y1 against and improve and improve and improve and improve against Xxxxxxx Group peer HEIs thereafter and improve Low-income backgrounds and improve performance over time. 2012/13 tbc peer HEIs over time over time over time over time performance over time. average of 2006-07 2007-08 Narrow gap Narrow gap Narrow gap Narrow gap Narrow gap 2009-10 against against against against against To improve performance and narrow (2008-09 21.0% benchmark benchmark benchmark benchmark benchmark In 2009/10 the three year weighted average of recruitment from the gap against benchmark for the % used (three year and obtain and obtain and obtain and obtain and obtain lower socio-economic groups was 21.0% of young full-time of students...
Milestones and targets. Table 5a - Statistical milestones and targets relating to your applicants, entrants or student body (e.g. HESA, UCAS or internal targets) Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Completion/Non continuation (other - please give details in the next column) Improve retention and progression for undergraduate and sub degree students by 5% in their year 1.and maintain for future years 2010/2011 70.10% 72% 75% 78% 81% 85% detail derived from internal records and progression prepared for the ILR return 1039 1067 1111 1156 1200 1260 Completion/Non continuation (other - please give details in the next column) Improve retention and progression for undergraduate and sub degree students by 2% in their Year 2 and maintain for future years. 2010/2011 81.30% 82% 84% 85% 87% 89% detail derived from internal records and progression prepared for the ILR return 401 404 414 419 429 439 Completion/Non continuation (other - please give details in the next column) Improve internal progression from FE to HE (within the college) 2010/2011 23.60% 26% 27% 28% 30% 31% detail derived from internal records and progression prepared for the ILR return 358 395 410 425 456 471 Applications Maintain existing levels of recruitment from widening access students 2010/2011 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% 49% detail derived from internal records and admissions data prepared for the ILR return 1539