Table 5b - Other milestones and targets Sample Clauses

Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where
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Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities.
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) To ensure the University is working with the most disadvantaged schools and colleges by developing, implementing and monitoring a prioritisation model based on national indicators of school achievement and attainment and pupil disadvantage. 2012/13 n/a Publish new model and baseline Monitor against baseline Monitor against baseline Monitor against baseline Monitor against baseline Outreach / WP activity (collaborative - please give details in the next column) To work with partner HEIs in Greater Manchester to ensure that there is a coordinated package of pre-16 IAG and HE progression activities across each of Greater Manchester’s 10 local authorities and beyond into ‘hard to reach’ areas. 2011/12 n/a Develop and communicate a common programme of work. n/a n/a n/a n/a Outreach / WP activity (collaborative - please give details in the next column) To ensure the effectiveness of the University’s Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) and awareness raising activities promoting access to HE (generally and to selective universities) including collaborative work with MMU and The University of Liverpool. 2012/13 n/a Monitor and publish % Monitor and publish % Monitor and publish % Monitor and publish % Monitor and publish % At least 70% of students taking part in pre-16 outreach activities understand ‘more’ or ‘a lot more’ about progressing to university. Also, in an annual survey of teachers at least 70% report that the University’s activities add ‘more’ or ‘a lot more’ value to their School IAG strategy. Strategic partnerships (eg formal relationships with schools/colleges/employers) contribution to governance arrangements in local schools, particularly those in challenging circums...
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Campus Visit 2011 1350 1350 1400 1400 1400 1400 The milestones for 2012-13 are based on the expected activity to take place during the transition year 2011-12. The milestones have been marginally increased for 2013-14, after which the milestones will be reviewed. For the outreach programme proposed here, a saturation point will be reached at some point where there will not be the capacity in schools and FECs for an increase (e.g. target learners cannot leave school for more off- school events or have their school timetable disrupted for more in school intervention). Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Taster Days 2011 600 600 630 630 630 630 The increase in the outreach programme will look to expand the number of target schools/FECs/beneficiaries and introduce additional outreach work in collaboration with partners. The outcomes will be measurable and record the number of pupils worked with. Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Master Classes 2011 250 250 260 260 260 260 Each of the outreach activities has a range of intended outcomes e.g. Campus visit to have a first hand experience of an HEI or FEC; Taster Days to experience study at FE/HE level at an HEI or FEC; Master classes to help raise attainment; IAG to raise awareness and have information to make appropriate choices. Outcomes of each of the activities will be gathered by evaluation forms, questionnaires, focus groups and feedback from school & FE staff Access Co-ordinators Outreach / WP activity (othe...
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Number Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Is this a collaborative target? Baseline year Baseline data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximum)
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Management targets Convene new University-wide strategic steering group to monitor progress towards the delivery of the measures, targets and milestones set out in this and future Access Agreements. 2011/12 1 inaugral meeting 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings The Steering Group will be convened in 2011/12 to set terms of reference and establish reporting pathway in Universioty governance structure. From 2012/13 the Group will meet at least once per term to monitor progress towards delivery against milestones, receive annual monitoring and evaluation reports and review the Access Agreements required by OFFA in the subsequent years. Sub-groups may be formed from membership to collaborate on various tasks or projects. Management targets Convene new University Student Experience Advisory Group. 2012/13 A new Student Experience Advisory Group will be convened to strategically manage all aspects of improving the student experience, including the additional retention and success measures described in this Access Agreement. Strategic partnerships (eg formal relationships with schools/colleges/employers) Bath Compact with the University of Bath and City of Bath College. 2010/11 1 imaugral meeting 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings This is a new collaborative arrangement that will be put into place during 2011/12. The strategic aims of the Compact are to work with the University of Bath and City of Bath College to further develop and formalise our collaborative approach to outreach that will support widening participation and access to higher education in the Bath region...
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Schools Based (off campus) Activity beneficiaries 2008/09 21608 22688 23822 24536 25272 26030 All baseline beneficiary targets as per WPSA 2008/09-2011/12 and progress/impact measures are reported in our annual Access WPSA monitoring return Outreach / WP activity (summer schools) University Based (on campus) Activity summer school participants 2009/10 230 230 230 230 230 230 Summer school data was not individually listed in the original University WPSA target for on campus provision. The overall target of 9764 beneficiaries (on campus) included all outreach activity. The baseline beneficiary target has now been fixed as 230 and progress/impact measures are reported in our annual Access WPSA monitoring return Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) University Based (on campus) Activity beneficiaries (other than summer school participants as reported above) 2008/09 9534 10010 10510 10825 11150 11484 All baseline beneficiary targets as per WPSA 2008/09-2011/12 and progress/impact measures are reported in our annual Access WPSA monitoring return less Summer School beneficiaries reported above Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Activities with Teachers & Parents beneficiaries 2008/09 107 350 400 420 432 445 All baseline beneficiary targets as per WPSA 2008/09-2011/12 and progress/impact measures are reported in our annual Access WPSA monitoring return Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Activity with Adult Learner (incl Post Graduat...
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Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Outreach / WP activity (summer schools) Summer University- Art History week- long course with progression and application advice sessions for 15 Year 12 & 13 students from targeted state schools n/a n/a 15 15 20 20 20 New initiative so no baseline data available. Dependent on staff resources (not fully costed yet). Outreach / WP activity (summer schools) 4 free bursary places for targeted WP students on the 4 day Introduction to Art History Spring School n/a n/a 4 free places 4 free places 4 free places 8 free places 8 free places This programme is in its second year as part of the Courtauld's short courses programme, but targeted bursaries are a new initiative. Student support services Courtauld Student Ambassador Scheme involving fulltime students from BA and research degree courses supporting WP & outreach programmes. 2009/10 15-20 students pa 15-20 students pa 15-20 students pa 15-20 students pa 15-20 students pa 15-20 students pa This is also a valuable personal development tool for existing students. We will continue to seek out additional opportunities to involve more students in the scheme and should it prove possible to expand in a meaningful way will revise the target in future access agreements. Outreach / WP activity (collaborative - please give details in the next column) We are adding a collaborative pan- London dimension to our own access and outreach plans. This will further help students (and their teachers) to have contact with a wider range of higher education opportunities. Through our established regional membership association London Higher, we are in discussion with the develope...
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Strategic partnerships (eg formal relationships with schools/colleges/employers) UN pilot Compact Scheme with 5 schools 2011/12 50 students 60 new students 120 students 150 students The expanded Compact Scheme will involve 50 post-16 students and in year 1 mentoring launched with two schools and 60 extra youinger students, in year 2 mentoring launched with a further 2 schools making 120 younger students in total and 50 post-16 and in year 3 mentoring launched with the final school, making 150 younger students in total and 50 post-16 students. Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Outreach with BME students and adults through the Supplementary Schools 50 75 130 170 220 This outreach would be delivered by the Social Enterprise but is dependent on its financial viability. Outreach / WP activity (summer schools) Targeted summer schools for Gifted and Talented students from low socio- ecomomic backgrounds 30 40 80 80 120 This outreach would be delivered by the Social Enterprise but is dependent on its financial viability. Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Outreach with students from low socio- economic backgrounds 100 150 250 350 500 This outreach would be delivered by the Social Enterprise but is dependent on its financial viability. Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Social Enterprise outreach with mature learners 100 120 170 220 300 This outreach would be delivered by the Social Enterprise but is dependent on its financial viability. Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next...
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes‐based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Strategic partnerships (eg formal relationships with schools/colleges/employers) Increase admissions of students from care background (Maintain the numbers in the "Get Set 4 Uni" programme) 200910 20 20 20 20 20 20 indicators which relate to each theme, it is our intention that by 2015 at the latest our performance against the key performance indicators will improve so that we meet and, where possible, exceed our benchmarks. Over the life of our strategic plan we will continue to develop our existing strategies whilst implementing new and challenging ones in order to support this planned improvement. Our milestones will be evaluated each year. Where we are not making sufficient progress to meet our milestones, we will review our performance and where necessary change and adapt to ensure we meet and exceed our expectations. Strategic partnerships (eg formal relationships with schools/colleges/employers) Increase admissions of students from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups. (Maintain working with groups of Years 9-12 BME students with our partners.) 200910 30 30 30 30 30 30 indicators which relate to each theme, it is our intention that by 2015 at the latest our performance against the key performance indicators will improve so that we meet and, where possible, exceed our benchmarks. Over the life of our strategic plan we will continue to develop our existing strategies whilst implementing new and challenging ones in order to support this planned improvement. Our milestones will be evaluated each year. Where we are not making sufficient progress to meet our milestones, we will review our performance and where necessary change and adapt to ensure we meet and exceed our expectations. Strategic partnerships (eg formal relationships with schools/...
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