Table 5b - Other milestones and targets Sample Clauses

Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities.
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Contextual data Birkbeck encourages applicants without previous education or non traditional entry qualifications to apply. We recognise the importance of life experience and passion for a subject. Our certificate programmes support this transition to full UG study 2010/11 2683 headcount, 38% of total UG population Increase by 1% Increase by 1% Increase by 1% Increase by 1% Increase by 1% Most HEIs consider A Levels the primary route into HE. At Birkbeck we encourage those with non-traditional level 3 and below to take up study with us. This reflects our mission and is compatible with our outreach work and activities. Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Outreach Events - Continue to develop the team's calendar of awareness raising events and identify new areas for activities 2010/11 185 events, 3127 individuals met 185 events, 2900 people 185 events 185 events 185 events 185 events The Outreach and WP team organises an annual calendar of events. They target areas of high deprivation and low adult participation local libraries, shopping centres, community organisations, fairs and exhibitions. Our work going forward includes new targeted interventions alongside to complement the outreach work. Outreach / WP activity (collaborative - please give details in the next column) Learning Cafes - identify community partners and subject areas for delivery of these free awareness raising classes 0 0 5 Learning cafes devised, implemented and reviewed. 65 participants. This new project is about bringing Birkbeck to the community. Delivering with our local partners in areas of dep...
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Operational targets working with young people and their influencers to raise aspirations and achievement towards higher education and the University of Leeds 2009/10 40985 41000 41000 41000 41000 41000 Following cessation of Aimhigher we will maintain our broad outreach programme to raise aspirations to higher education and the University of Leeds. However our additional investment and areas of growth will be directed towards targeted, long term interventions with identified individuals. Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) place 400 students as ambassadors in schools and other educational settings 2009/10 433 400 400 400 400 400 With the cessation of Aimhigher Associates Scheme we will set our target at 400 students annually. Strategic partnerships (eg formal relationships with schools/colleges/employers) working in an intensive long term partnership with schools identified by less than 45% GCSE A*-C pass rate and by 66% of population from the lowest super output areas 2009/10 5 5 7 10 10 10 We will also continue to maintain relationships with over 300 schools and colleges. Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) 90% of young people we work with in years 5-8 are aware of higher education. 2009/10 75 78 81 84 87 90 From our Estimating Impact Model to assess the effect of our outreach activity (set out in our Strategic Assessment) we are able to determine the impact in terms of outcomes on a broad institutional scale. We intend to continue and develop this work. Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) 75%...
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Number Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Is this a collaborative target? Baseline year Baseline data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximum)
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Management targets Convene new University-wide strategic steering group to monitor progress towards the delivery of the measures, targets and milestones set out in this and future Access Agreements. 2011/12 1 inaugral meeting 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings The Steering Group will be convened in 2011/12 to set terms of reference and establish reporting pathway in Universioty governance structure. From 2012/13 the Group will meet at least once per term to monitor progress towards delivery against milestones, receive annual monitoring and evaluation reports and review the Access Agreements required by OFFA in the subsequent years. Sub-groups may be formed from membership to collaborate on various tasks or projects. Management targets Convene new University Student Experience Advisory Group. 2012/13 A new Student Experience Advisory Group will be convened to strategically manage all aspects of improving the student experience, including the additional retention and success measures described in this Access Agreement. Strategic partnerships (eg formal relationships with schools/colleges/employers) Bath Compact with the University of Bath and City of Bath College. 2010/11 1 imaugral meeting 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings 3 meetings This is a new collaborative arrangement that will be put into place during 2011/12. The strategic aims of the Compact are to work with the University of Bath and City of Bath College to further develop and formalise our collaborative approach to outreach that will support widening participation and access to higher education in the Bath region...
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Operational targets Deliver workshops for those advising learners to ensure they are providing accurate and appropriate information, advice and guidance; at least 3 events across the year 2009/10 60 100 100 100 100 100 These milestones relate to the number of attendees at the events, and of these attendees at least 70% will be expected to be from schools or colleges with a Keelelink score of 17 or more. Keelelink scoring explained in section 9.0, Targeting. Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Deliver (pre-entry outreach) mentoring relationships 2009/10 79 200 250 300 400 400 These milestone numbers relate to the target for numbers of mentees involved in active mentoring relationships. These relationships may be across a range of projects and are either e- mentoring or face-to-face mentoring relationships. 70% of these mentees will be expected to be from WP target groups. These ambitious targets represent an attempt to expand upon and replace previous Aimhigher schemes such as Aimhigher associates Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Delivery of campus-based experiences 2009/10 2018 2000 2000 2500 2500 2500 These target numbers relate to the targeted total number of learners engaged in campus-based events, and are based on our baseline which includes all campus experiences previously delivered, some of which were funded by Aimhigher. The total number of learners will be expected to have at least a 70% representation from WP groups Outreach / WP activity (collaborative - please give details in the next column) Deliver in-school activ...
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes‐based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Strategic partnerships (eg formal relationships with schools/colleges/employers) Increase admissions of students from care background (Maintain the numbers in the "Get Set 4 Uni" programme) 200910 20 20 20 20 20 20 indicators which relate to each theme, it is our intention that by 2015 at the latest our performance against the key performance indicators will improve so that we meet and, where possible, exceed our benchmarks. Over the life of our strategic plan we will continue to develop our existing strategies whilst implementing new and challenging ones in order to support this planned improvement. Our milestones will be evaluated each year. Where we are not making sufficient progress to meet our milestones, we will review our performance and where necessary change and adapt to ensure we meet and exceed our expectations. Strategic partnerships (eg formal relationships with schools/colleges/employers) Increase admissions of students from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) groups. (Maintain working with groups of Years 9-12 BME students with our partners.) 200910 30 30 30 30 30 30 indicators which relate to each theme, it is our intention that by 2015 at the latest our performance against the key performance indicators will improve so that we meet and, where possible, exceed our benchmarks. Over the life of our strategic plan we will continue to develop our existing strategies whilst implementing new and challenging ones in order to support this planned improvement. Our milestones will be evaluated each year. Where we are not making sufficient progress to meet our milestones, we will review our performance and where necessary change and adapt to ensure we meet and exceed our expectations. Strategic partnerships (eg formal relationships with schools/...
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. Alongside applicant and entrant targets, we encourage you to provide targets around your outreach work (including collaborative outreach work where appropriate) or other initiatives to illustrate your progress towards increasing access. These should be measurable outcomes based targets and should focus on the number of pupils reached by a particular activity/programme, or number of schools worked with, and what the outcomes were, rather than simply recording the nature/number of activities. Please select milestone/target type from the drop down menu Description (500 characters maximum) Baseline Baseline year data Yearly milestones/targets (numeric where possible, however you may use text) 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Commentary on your milestones/targets or textual description where numerical description is not appropriate (500 characters maximium) Outreach / WP activity (collaborative - please give details in the next column) School, college and specialist mentoring schemes with targeted individuals 2010-11 85 mentees 110 mentees 120 mentees 120 mentees 120 mentees 120 mentees Achievement of targets may be influenced by willingness of schools and colleges to engage in schemes and support mentees Outreach / WP activity (other - please give details in the next column) Events and activities with targeted schools and colleges 2009-10 39 events 30 events,1340 participants 35 events,1540 participants 38 events,1670 participants 40 events,1760 participants 40 events,1760 participants
Table 5b - Other milestones and targets. We will at least meet the published HESA benchmark each year 2.1% 2008-09 No T3a) 3.5% 3.3%