NEW BARGAINING UNIT MEMBER BASIC ORIENTATION INFORMATION. The Association shall be provided the opportunity to meet with each new employee who is hired into a bargaining unit position. The District shall schedule any new bargaining unit member orientations for all newly hired bargaining unit members to take place during the new bargaining unit member’s contract day. The District shall provide written notice of the date, time and location of all bargaining unit member orientations/onboarding meetings, by certified or electronic mail, to the Association president and vice president no later than twenty-one (21) calendar days in advance of the annual orientation meeting(s). In the event the District is unable to comply with the stated advance notice, the District shall, at the request of the Association, reschedule the orientation/onboarding meeting and provide the advance notice. If, however, the District provides proof that there was an urgent need critical to the employer’s operations that was not reasonably foreseeable, the Association shall be provided as much notice as possible. The association president shall be notified by Human Resources of new bargaining unit members within 24 hours of when they are hired. Such notification may be by email. The Association shall be provided up to 60 minutes of uninterrupted time which may be comprised of the 30 minute scheduled lunch break to communicate with bargaining unit members at all new bargaining unit member orientations/onboarding meetings that occur during new teacher orientation prior to the start of the academic year. The Association and the District shall mutually agree on the scheduled day for orientation and the number of minutes required. Such time will not be provided at the end of a meeting day unless the Association requests to be placed at the end of the agenda. District administration may excuse themselves during Association time. The Association is entitled to invite California Teachers Association (CTA) endorsed vendors and CTA staff to the Association portion of new bargaining unit member orientations/onboarding meetings and will have access to District audio visual equipment for Association presentations. The following new bargaining unit member information shall be delivered to the Association president in digital Excel format and hard copy, sorted by seniority date, no later than 30 days after the date of hire, unless an employee exercises the right to prevent the dissemination of his/her information pursuant to Government Code section 6254.3, su...


  • Bargaining Unit Information The Employer agrees to provide the Union such information relating to Employees in the bargaining unit as may be required by the Union for the purpose of collective bargaining.

  • Employee Orientation Each and every person working for a contractor, including sub- contractors, will be given an orientation to familiarize them with the site safety program. Unless otherwise specified, each sub-contractor is responsible for the orientation of their workers.

  • New Employee Orientation The Union will provide each agency personnel director with the names and addresses of up to two (2) authorized Union representatives per agency to receive notice of each formal orientation meeting held by the Department. The notice will be sent as soon as such meetings are scheduled (but not less than ten (10) days in advance) and will include date, time and location. Due to operational exigencies, agencies may schedule an orientation which will provide the Union with less than the requisite ten (10) days' notice; however the Union shall be notified as soon as possible after the scheduling of the orientation and the Union representative shall be released from duty. Agencies shall routinely schedule orientations in a manner that will allow for the ten (10) day advance notice to the Union. During the formal orientation, the Union will be permitted to give a twenty (20) minute presentation which may include an enrollment in supplemental Union benefits. The parties shall encourage employee attendance, although attendance shall not be mandatory if an employee objects to attending the presentation. In the event a formal orientation meeting is not held, or the Union is unable to attend the formal orientation because the designated Union representatives cannot be released under Article 4, the Employer shall allow the Union representative and the employee(s) to meet during duty hours at a mutually agreed upon time and location for twenty (20) minutes Employee participation in these meetings shall be encouraged although an employee shall not be required to attend such a meeting.

  • Bargaining Unit Roster The County will transmit to the Union a current listing

  • Transfers and Seniority Outside Bargaining Unit No employee shall be transferred to a position outside the bargaining unit without the employee's consent. If an employee is transferred to a position outside of the bargaining unit, the employee shall retain seniority acquired at the date of leaving the unit, but will not accumulate any further seniority. If such an employee later returns to the bargaining unit, the employee shall be placed in a job consistent with the employee's seniority. Such return shall not result in the layoff or bumping of an employee holding greater seniority.

  • Transfer and Seniority Outside the Bargaining Unit (a) It is understood that an employee shall not be transferred by the Hospital to a position outside the bargaining unit without his consent except in the case of temporary assignments not exceeding six (6) months. Such employees on temporary assignments shall remain members of the bargaining unit. (b) An employee who is transferred to a position outside the bargaining unit shall not, subject to (c) below, accumulate seniority. In the event the employee is returned by the Hospital to a position in the bargaining unit within twenty-four (24) months of the transfer he or she shall be credited with the seniority held at the time of transfer and resume accumulation from the date of his or her return to the bargaining unit. An employee not returned to the bargaining unit within 24 months shall forfeit bargaining unit seniority. (c) In the event an employee transferred out of the bargaining unit under (b) above is returned to the bargaining unit within a period of six (6) calendar months, he shall accumulate seniority during the period of time outside the bargaining unit."

  • Positions outside the Bargaining Unit (a) An employee may substitute temporarily in a position outside the bargaining unit for up to fifteen (15) months from the date of the assignment. Bargaining unit employees shall be given the first opportunity to fill the resulting vacancy. The employee shall have the right to return to her or his bargaining unit position prior to the expiry of the fifteen (15) month period by giving the Employer six (6) weeks’ notice. Where an employee is backfilling outside of the bargaining unit for purposes of pregnancy and/or parental leave, the period of time will be extended up to nineteen (19) months from the date of the assignment. An employee who remains outside of the bargaining unit beyond the period covered by this article shall lose all seniority. When the employee returns to the bargaining unit, all other employee(s) shall revert to their previous positions. An employee must remain in the bargaining unit for a period of at least three (3) months before transferring out of the bargaining unit again or she or he will lose all seniority held at the time of the subsequent transfer unless the parties agree otherwise. (b) An employee who accepts a transfer under (a) above will not be required to pay Union dues for any complete calendar month during which no bargaining unit work is performed. (c) An employee who accepts a permanent position outside of the bargaining unit will lose all seniority held at the time of the transfer. (d) The Employer will advise the Union of the names of any employees pursuant to Article 9.17(a) or (b).

  • Membership Information The District shall take all reasonable steps to safeguard the privacy of CSEA member’s personal information, including but not limited to member Social Security numbers, personal addresses, personal phone number, and status of union membership. The District shall notify CSEA of all Public Records Act requests from outsiders for work email addresses for bargaining unit members that the District provides information for.

  • Performance of Bargaining Unit Work No person whose regular job is not in the bargaining unit will work on any job for which rates are established by this Agreement, except for the purpose of instruction, experimentation, management training, in which case trainees shall not displace or replace any employee in the aforesaid classifications except in cases of emergency when regular employees are not available.

  • PRE-JOB CONFERENCE a) The Employer shall notify the union that a project has been awarded to the Employer following the award. Prior to the start of each project, a pre-job conference shall be held to determine all site-specific issues as outlined in the Agreement. This conference may be conducted via telephone, through a scheduled meeting or by some other practical means as agreed to by the parties. b) A copy of the pre-job conference report shall be provided to the Employer, the Union and the Job Xxxxxxx (s). A copy shall also be posted on the bulletin board(s) at the jobsite.