NO DISRUPTIONS. There will be no strikes, sympathy strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns, picketing or other disruptive activity of any kind arising out of any jurisdictional dispute. Pending the resolution of the dispute, the work shall continue uninterrupted and as assigned by the Contractor. No jurisdictional dispute shall excuse a violation of Article 7.
NO DISRUPTIONS. All jurisdictional disputes shall be resolved without the occurrence of any strike, work stoppage, or slow-down of any nature, and the Employer's assignment shall be adhered to until the dispute is resolved. Individuals violating this Section shall be subject to immediate discharge.
NO DISRUPTIONS. During the term of this Agreement, there shall be no strikes, pickets, work stoppages, slowdowns or other disruptive activity for any reason by the Unions or their members, and there shall be no lock out by the Employers. The Unions and Employers agree that they shall not incite or encourage participation in any such disruptive activity and shall undertake all reasonable means to prevent or terminate it. Participation by an employee or group of employees, in an act violating the foregoing provision will be cause for discharge, removal, or cancellation of contract by the Owner and/or Project Contractor. If there is any strike, work stoppage, slowdown, picketline, or other disruption in violation of this Agreement by any craft signatory, it is agreed that the other crafts shall be bound to ignore and shall not participate in such disruption and shall continue to staff the Project without interruption. In the event the Project is not completed by the termination date of an applicable Local Master Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Union(s) agree that they will not strike the affected Employer(s), will not cause any job disruption of any kind on the Project, and that the expired collective bargaining agreement shall remain in full force and effect for purposes of the Project until a new or modified collective bargaining agreement is executed between such Union(s) and Employer(s).
NO DISRUPTIONS. During the Term of this Agreement, there shall not be any disruptions caused by labor unrest, including any strike, sympathy strike, work stoppage, picketing, bannering, hand-billing or otherwise advising the public that a labor dispute exists, walk-out, slowdown of any kind, lock out, interruption, or any other labor disruption of or interference of any kind with the work on a Covered Project for any reason by any Union or their members, and there shall be no lock out by a Prime Contractor or Subcontractor. Unions, Prime Contractors and Subcontractors agree that they shall not sanction, recognize, aid or abet, incite, encourage or continue any such disruptive activity and shall undertake all reasonable means to prevent or terminate it. Unions shall not conduct activities that violate this Section 5.1. For purposes of this Agreement, “bannering” shall mean the posting of signs, banners or balloons on or adjacent to a Covered Project site or any of the Public Owners’ other buildings or sites, with the intent to threaten, coerce, or restrain a Public Owner, when a Public Owner is a secondary employer not directly involved in a primary labor dispute, if the object of the bannering is to cause the Public Owner to cease doing business with the subject Prime Contractor or Subcontractor. “Bannering” shall not include the posting of signs on a Covered Project site or perimeter fences identifying any active participant in a Covered Project, which identification signs are specifically permitted.
NO DISRUPTIONS. During the term of this Agreement, there shall be no strikes, sympathy strikes, picketing, work stoppages, slowdowns, or other disruptive activity for any reason by any Signatory Union or their members, and there shall be no lock out by an Employer. The Signatory Union(s), the Contractor, and Subcontractors agree that they shall not sanction, recognize, aid or abet, incite, encourage or continue any such disruptive activity and shall undertake all reasonable means to prevent or terminate it.
NO DISRUPTIONS. Systemseven believes in the right of the individual to publish information they feel is important to the world via the Internet. Unlike many ISPs, Systemseven allows customers to run servers (web, mail, etc.) over their Internet connections, use hubs. Any service that causes a disruption in the network integrity of Systemseven or its vendors, whether directly or indirectly is strictly prohibited and could result in termination of service. This may include but is not limited to: Internet Relay Chat servers, adult- content servers, bots, web pages hosted on any Systemseven servers, servers connected to a Systemseven provided Internet connection, or shared networks. Systemseven reserves the rights to modify or terminate services at Systemseven's sole discretion.
NO DISRUPTIONS. Speakeasy believes in the right of the individual to publish information they feel is important to the world via the Internet. Unlike many ISPs, Speakeasy allows customers to run servers (web, mail, etc.) over their Internet connections, use hubs, and share networks in multiple locations. Any service that causes a disruption in the network integrity of Speakeasy or its vendors, whether directly or indirectly, is strictly prohibited and could result in termination of service. This may include but is not limited to: Internet Relay Chat servers, adult-content servers, bots, web pages hosted on any Speakeasy For customers who purchased Speakeasy services before October 1, 2010. servers, servers connected to a Speakeasy provided Internet connection, or shared networks. Speakeasy reserves the rights to modify or terminate services at Speakeasy's sole discretion.
NO DISRUPTIONS. During the term of this Agreement, there shall be no strikes, pickets, work stoppages, slowdowns or other disruptive activity for any reason by the Unions or their members, and there shall be no lock out by the Contractor or its subcontractors. The Unions, Contractors, and Subcontractors agree that they shall not incite or encourage participation in any such disruptive activity and shall undertake all reasonable means to prevent or terminate it. Participation by an employee or group of employees, contractor or subcontractor, in an act violating the foregoing provision will be cause for discharge, removal, or cancellation of contract by the Owner and/or Contractor(s). If there is any strike, work stoppage, slowdown, picketline, or other disruption in violation of this Agreement by any craft signatory, it is agreed that the other crafts shall be bound to ignore and shall not participate in such disruption and shall continue to staff the Project without interruption. In the event the Project is not completed by the termination date of an applicable Local Master Collective Bargaining Agreement, the Union(s) agree that they will not strike the affected Contractor(s), will not cause any job disruption of any kind on the Project, and that the expired Collective Bargaining Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for purposes of the Project until a new or modified Collective Bargaining Agreement is executed between such Union(s) and Contractor(s).
NO DISRUPTIONS. During the term of this Agreement, the Trades Council, the SWMSRCC and the Unions signatory herein agree that there shall not be any disruptions caused by labor unrest, including any strike, sympathy strike, work stoppage, walk-out, slowdown of any kind, lock out, interruption, or any other labor disruption of or interference of any kind with the work on a Covered Project for any reason by any Union or their members, or by any employee on Covered Projects, and there shall be no lock out by a Contractor. Unions and Contractors agree that they shall not sanction, recognize, aid or abet, incite, encourage or continue any such disruptive activity and shall undertake all reasonable means to prevent or terminate it. Unions shall not conduct activities that violate this Section. Failure of any Union employee to cross any picket line established at the Covered Project site is a violation of this Article.
NO DISRUPTIONS a. There will be no strikes, sympathy strikes, work stoppages, slowdowns, picketing or other disruptive activity of any kind arising out of any jurisdictional dispute. Pending the resolution of the dispute, the work shall continue uninterrupted. No jurisdictional dispute shall excuse a violation of Article 8 . b. No jurisdiction dispute shall affect coordination of the various contractors at the Project or the progress of the Project. c. The Signatories to this agreement adhere to the principle that jurisdictional disputes cannot and shall not interfere with the project. d. Every effort will be made by the Employer to resolve all anticipated disputes over work assignments. These efforts will include pre-job conferences, jurisdictional xxxx-up meetings and similar such conferences. Pre-job conferences must be held by each Employer prior to the field work actually starting. Resolution of jurisdictional disputes will not include any “over xxxxxxx” or the requirement to assign employees to any work functions other than the number that may be required to safely execute the work. e. The Construction Manager shall be notified of all meetings pertaining to all jurisdictional disputes and may attend and participate.